Force diagram for dynamics problem

In summary: So,
  • #1
Hello i am having toruble with this problem.

A 24 kg block is pushed along a horizontal surface with an acceleration of 2.0 m/s^2. The coeficient of friction is 0.25 and teh block starts at 1.0m/s. Find: the force being applied horizontally, the velocity after 5.0 s, and the distance moved in 5.0 s.

I drew a force diagram by the way too.

Since the velocity is not constant
I have these premises: x-axis is accelerated and the y- axis is at rest so it is at equilibrium so sigmaF=0

Thus I have

sigmaF= ma Sigmaup= sigma down
Sigma Fx = Fa(force applied) - f (friction) N(normal force)= Fw
Sigma Fx= Fa- uN N= Fw(f=uN)

What should I do next to find Fa the applied force? Thanks for any help:smile:

I don't know what to
Physics news on
  • #2
Set your equation for the sum of forces in the x-direction equal to the mass times the acceleration in the x-direction:

[tex]\Sigma_x F = ma = F_a - f [/tex]
[tex] ma = F_a - \mu N [/tex]
[tex] ma = F_a - \mu m g [/tex]

I hope that helps.
  • #3
Well you know that the total horizontal force must be the sum of the acceleration force and the resistive force. Therefore,
[tex] F_x = ma + F_{friction} [/tex]
[tex] F_x = ma + \mu R[/tex]
[tex] F_x = ma + \mu mg [/tex] giving [tex] F_x = m(a + \mu g) [/tex]
  • #4
Ok thanky you I got 530 N for the Fa, 11m/s for the velcoty and 130m for the distance. I have a question with this next problem though.

A 1500N block sits at rest on a ramp inclined at 40.0 degrees. The coeffeicients of starting and kinetic friction are 0.100 and there is a force of 250N applied up the ramp. I have to find the acceleration and net force. But how can I find the net force if I can't use sigmaFx= ma?
  • #5
You have to resolve the forces to their components parallel and perpendicular to the inclined plane. The apply [itex] F = ma [/itex] to find the acceleration where [itex]F[/itex] is the resultant force. You should still use the summation of forces, but be aware of the signs in front of the forces as some will be acting in opposite directions to the others.

FAQ: Force diagram for dynamics problem

1. What is a force diagram for a dynamics problem?

A force diagram for a dynamics problem is a visual representation of all the forces acting on an object in a given system. It helps to break down a complex problem into simpler components and determine the net force on the object.

2. How do you create a force diagram for a dynamics problem?

To create a force diagram for a dynamics problem, you first need to identify all the forces acting on the object. These can include gravity, friction, normal force, and applied forces. Then, draw a simple diagram of the object and use arrows to represent the direction and magnitude of each force.

3. Why is a force diagram important in solving dynamics problems?

A force diagram is important in solving dynamics problems because it helps to visualize and understand the forces acting on an object. It allows you to accurately calculate the net force on the object and determine its acceleration and motion.

4. How do you determine the net force on an object from a force diagram?

To determine the net force on an object from a force diagram, you need to add up all the forces acting on the object. Forces in the same direction are added, while forces in opposite directions are subtracted. The resulting net force will determine the acceleration and motion of the object.

5. Can a force diagram be used for both stationary and moving objects?

Yes, a force diagram can be used for both stationary and moving objects. For stationary objects, the net force will be equal to zero and the object will remain at rest. For moving objects, the net force will determine the acceleration and motion of the object.
