Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down Inclined Plane with Constant Velocity

In summary, the conversation discusses the scenario of pushing a 325-N trunk up a 20.0 degree inclined plane at a constant velocity by exerting a 211-N force parallel to the plane's surface. The question is then asked about the force needed to cause the trunk to slide down the plane with a constant velocity and in which direction it should be exerted. Through calculations and a free body diagram, the solution is found to be approximately 100 N, with the force acting in the opposite direction to the pushing force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"You push a 325-N trunk up a 20.0 degree inclined plane at a constant velocity by exerting a 211-N force parallel to the plane's surface."

What force must be exerted on said trunk so that it would slide down the plane with a constant velocity? In which direction should the force be exerted?

Homework Equations

Fnet= ma

I'm not really sure about this section.

The Attempt at a Solution

I drew a free body diagram with the known forces that are acting on the object (the Normal--perpendicular to the inclined plane, and the weight straight down). I also drew in the supposed pushing force and the opposing frictional force. I aligned the diagram on a coordinate plane so that all forces lie on an axis EXCEPT the weight.

I resolved the weight:

Wx= 325cos70
Wy= 325sin70

And found the coeff. of friction:

sum of all forces y-axis:
Fnet= N + Wy
Fnet= N-Wy
Fnet= 0

sum of all forces x-axis:
Fnet= Pushing force + Ff + Wx
Fnet= Fp + Wx - Ff
ma= Fp + Wx -Ff
(velocity is constant--> there is no acceleration):
0= Fp + Wx - Ff
0= 211 - (325cos70) - Ff
Ff= approximately 100 N, the coeff of friction is thus approximately .3278

I am totally stuck now, though on how to find the force needed to cause the trunk to slide down the plane with constant velocity. . . .

And I might have done something wrong above. :( Please help!
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  • #2

imatreyu said:
sum of all forces x-axis:
Fnet= Pushing force + Ff + Wx
Fnet= Fp + Wx - Ff
ma= Fp + Wx -Ff

1) Why is Fnet = Fp + Wx - Ff? Both Wx and Ff oppose to the Fp.

2) Also about the new force. Imagine that you want to get a box down of a hill. In order it comes down sweet how you need to act? Also the Constant velocity is the key point here. Also think that the velocity must be Opposite of the pushing up part. That means here you have Wx opposing to the Frictional force? Which of those is greater? If you consider that Fnet x=0 you understand the where this force acts and you can find its magnitude.

Hope I helped..
  • #3

Hi, thank you so much for replying!

I actually figured it out. . .hahaha. . .shouldn't have been so quick to post.
Your post helped me make sure I did it correctly. Thank you!

FAQ: Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down Inclined Plane with Constant Velocity

What is the definition of "Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down Inclined Plane with Constant Velocity"?

The Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down Inclined Plane with Constant Velocity is the amount of force required to keep a trunk (or any object) moving at a constant velocity down an inclined plane. This force must be equal to the force of gravity pulling the trunk down the plane, and must also account for any frictional forces that may oppose the motion.

How does the angle of the inclined plane affect the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity?

The angle of the inclined plane has a direct effect on the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity. As the angle increases, the force of gravity pulling the trunk down the plane also increases, requiring a greater force to counteract it and maintain constant velocity. This means that the steeper the inclined plane, the greater the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity.

What factors besides the angle of the inclined plane can affect the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity?

Besides the angle of the inclined plane, the two main factors that can affect the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity are the mass of the trunk and the coefficient of friction between the trunk and the inclined plane. A heavier trunk will require a greater force to maintain constant velocity, and a higher coefficient of friction will also increase the force needed.

How can the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity be calculated?

The Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity can be calculated using the equation F = mg(sinθ + μcosθ), where F is the force needed, m is the mass of the trunk, g is the acceleration due to gravity, θ is the angle of the inclined plane, and μ is the coefficient of friction. This equation takes into account both the force of gravity and the frictional forces acting on the trunk.

Is the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity the same as the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Up with Constant Velocity?

No, the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Down with Constant Velocity is not the same as the Force Needed to Slide Trunk Up with Constant Velocity. When sliding a trunk up an inclined plane, the force of gravity is now acting against the motion, meaning that a greater force is needed to maintain constant velocity. Additionally, the coefficient of friction may also differ between sliding up and sliding down, further affecting the required force.
