Fourier Transform of Photon Emission Hamiltonian

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of obtaining the Fourier Transform of a Hamiltonian, specifically one involving the momentum and position operators. The individual's initial approach is questioned and they realize they may have made a mistake in their calculations. They are reminded to include all necessary factors and fully explain the steps in their mathematical approach. The importance of thoroughness and accuracy in physics is emphasized.
  • #1
Hey all,
I just wanted to double check my logic behind getting the Fourier Transform of the following Hamiltonian:
$$H(x) = \frac{ie\hbar}{mc}A(x)\cdot\nabla_{x}$$
where $$A(x) = \sqrt{\frac{2\pi\hbar c^2}{\omega L^3}}\left(a_{p}\epsilon_{p} e^{i(p\cdot x)} + a_{p}^{\dagger}\epsilon_{p} e^{-i(p\cdot x)}\right)$$
and ##\epsilon_{p}## is the polarization vector and ##a_{p},a_{p}^{\dagger}## are the photon creation/annihilation operators for a photon with momentum ##p##. Also, we can treat the ##p## and ##x## as 4-vectors. To transform ##H(x)## to the momentum basis, I insert an integral of ##d^{4}x## and multiply by ##e^{ik\cdot x}##. Doing this leaves me with $$H(k) \propto \delta(p-k)k$$ since the ##\nabla_{x}## drags down a factor of ##k## and the Fourier Transform of an exponential function is just a Dirac delta. This result seems too simple to me so I was wondering if I made a mistake somewhere.
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  • #2
What happens to ##A(x)## when you do the integral? It seems like you're just leaving it out.
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  • #3
PeterDonis said:
What happens to ##A(x)## when you do the integral? It seems like you're just leaving it out.
I thought the ##\delta(p-k)## factor came from the ##e^{(ip\cdot x)}## term in ##A(x)##, in which case I also forgot a ##\delta(p+k)*k## factor in my above response.
  • #4
Let me try to say what @PeterDonis said but slightly more direct. Where are ##a_p## and ##\epsilon_p##? Also, the expression you give for ##H(k)## is proportional to ##k##, and ##k## is generally a vector. Your sanity check alarms should be going off.
  • #5
Perhaps you should fill in the steps (using, say, mathematics

thatboi said:
and ϵp is the polarization vector and ap,ap† are the photon creation/annihilation operators for a photon with momentum p. Also, we can treat the p and x as 4-vectors. To transform H(x) to the momentum basis, I insert an integral of d4x and multiply by eik⋅x. Doing this leaves me with

Hand waving is not enough. It is good that your radar went off. It is bad that you didn't do the physics.

FAQ: Fourier Transform of Photon Emission Hamiltonian

What is the Fourier Transform of the Photon Emission Hamiltonian?

The Fourier Transform of the Photon Emission Hamiltonian is a mathematical tool used to convert the Hamiltonian, which describes the energy states of a photon emission system, from the time domain to the frequency domain. This transformation helps in analyzing the spectral properties and interactions of the system in a more tractable manner.

Why is the Fourier Transform important in studying photon emission?

The Fourier Transform is crucial because it allows scientists to decompose complex time-dependent photon emission signals into their constituent frequencies. This frequency-domain representation can reveal underlying physical processes, such as resonance frequencies, relaxation times, and energy transfer mechanisms, which are not easily observable in the time domain.

How does the Fourier Transform simplify the analysis of the Hamiltonian?

By transforming the Hamiltonian into the frequency domain, the Fourier Transform simplifies the analysis by converting differential equations into algebraic ones. This makes it easier to solve for the system's eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which correspond to the energy levels and states of the photon emission system. It also facilitates the identification of resonant interactions and spectral features.

What are the common applications of the Fourier Transform in photon emission studies?

Common applications include spectroscopy, where the Fourier Transform is used to analyze the spectral lines of emitted photons, quantum optics for studying photon interactions and coherence properties, and condensed matter physics to investigate excitations and energy transfer in materials. It is also used in signal processing for noise reduction and data analysis.

Can the Fourier Transform handle non-stationary photon emission processes?

Yes, the Fourier Transform can handle non-stationary processes, but it may require extensions or modifications such as the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) or wavelet transform. These techniques allow for time-frequency analysis, providing insights into how the spectral properties of the photon emission evolve over time.
