Free fall and blue shift question.

In summary, when an observer is free falling towards a massive body, the light will be shifted towards the blue end of the spectrum. If they add a neon atom to the equation, the light will be shifted even further towards the blue end of the spectrum.
  • #1
Lets say I am in free-fall towards some massive body and I have 2 mirrors and photons bouncing in between them. Now as I fall closer to the massive body the light should get blue-shifted right? And let's say that the frequency of light that I started with is x. As I fall closer I put a jar of neon atoms in between the mirrors. And let's say that is takes x+d frequency to excite these neon atoms. By now the light has been shifted to x+d. But in my frame wouldn't I still see frequency x. Or does the energy levels of the atom change as we fall down?
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  • #2
In your freely falling frame, you would not see any blue or red shift of the light. This is easily derivable from the strong equivalence principle.

The blue/red shifting of light occurs for observers stationary with respect to the gravitating body.
  • #3
ok so what if someone is watching me fall. But I guess when the light reaches them it will get shifted back.
  • #4
If someone is watching you fall, he will observe different frequencies for the upwards and the downwards photons, as the mirrors are moving and therefore inducing a doppler effect. At the same time, the neon atoms would move, too. If you calculate these numbers, you get the same physics (e.g. the frequency, observed by the neon atoms) in both frames.
  • #5
cragar said:
Lets say I am in free-fall towards some massive body and I have 2 mirrors and photons bouncing in between them. Now as I fall closer to the massive body the light should get blue-shifted right?
Not necessarily. In Schwarzschild coordinates, an observer that is free falling from infinity sees light from a source at infinity as red shifted by a factor of 1/(1+√(GM/r)) while an observer that is stationary will see the light as blue shifted by a factor of √(1-GM/r) using units of c=1. (That is without the mirrors.)

Now if we have two observers free falling radially together and one is continuously measuring the light from the source at infinity and the other is bouncing light from the same source between mirrors, then I assume they would see the same redshift when the light reaches the lower mirror. If my assumption is correct then the free falling observer would see an increasing red shift of his photon over time, each time it reaches the lower mirror.
  • #6
yuiop said:
Now if we have two observers free falling radially together and one is continuously measuring the light from the source at infinity and the other is bouncing light from the same source between mirrors, then I assume they would see the same redshift when the light reaches the lower mirror. If my assumption is correct then the free falling observer would see an increasing red shift of his photon over time, each time it reaches the lower mirror.
It kind of hinges on whether we consider the distance between the two mirrors as significant. If we don't there is no shifting whatsoever, if we do it is more complicated.

Related to Free fall and blue shift question.

1. What is free fall and how does it differ from regular falling?

Free fall is the motion of an object under the sole influence of gravity, without any other external forces acting on it. This differs from regular falling because in free fall, there is no air resistance or other forces to slow down the object's motion.

2. How does the blue shift phenomenon occur?

Blue shift occurs when an object is moving towards an observer, causing the wavelength of light emitted by the object to appear shorter than it actually is. This shift towards the shorter, bluer end of the light spectrum is a result of the Doppler effect, where the motion of the object affects the perceived frequency of the light waves.

3. Is there a relationship between free fall and blue shift?

Yes, there is a relationship between free fall and blue shift. In free fall, an object is accelerating towards the surface of the Earth due to gravity. This acceleration causes a shift towards the shorter, bluer end of the light spectrum, creating a blue shift.

4. Can blue shift occur in objects other than light?

Yes, blue shift can occur in other types of waves, such as sound waves. The Doppler effect applies to any type of wave, so if an object emitting sound is moving towards an observer, the perceived frequency of the sound waves will be higher, resulting in a blue shift.

5. How is blue shift used in scientific research?

Blue shift is used in various scientific fields, such as astronomy and cosmology, to study the motion and velocity of objects in the universe. By measuring the amount of blue shift in the light emitted by distant objects, scientists can determine their speed and direction of motion. This can provide valuable information about the structure and evolution of our universe.
