fresh_42's Mentor Retirement

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  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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  • #1
Today we celebrate the legend that is @fresh_42 and his 8 years of incredible impact on Physics Forums and the mentor group. @fresh_42 has decided on his own accord that this was the right time to step away from the role. I am so thankful for the dedication and effort shown to the community over those years. The countless hours spent moderating, training, and assisting students is nothing short of heroic. It's no hyperbole to say @fresh_42 changed many many lives for the better. Let's all show @fresh_42 some love in this thread and look forward to continued adventures on Physics Forums!
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Likes atyy, Stavros Kiri, Danlenia and 55 others
Physics news on
  • #2
It's been a great effort. The regular mathematics challenges were especially impressive and were much appreciated.
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Likes atyy, paulb203, Math100 and 8 others
  • #3
I am beyond sad! We've had many good discussions over the years, sharing our stories here and there, and @fresh_42 has helped me through many complex threads beyond my skills in the math forums.


Reductio ad absurdum, which Euclid loved so much, is one of a mathematician's finest weapons. It is a far finer gambit than any chess play: a chess player may offer the sacrifice of a pawn or even a piece, but a mathematician offers the game.
GH Hardy -- A Mathematician's Apology (London 1941).

“Ich betrachte den unendlichen Raum,
Seine Weite, seine grenzenlose Anmut,
Wie das Leben erstreckt er sich weit und breit,
Mit Geheimnissen, die die Zeit nicht verbergen kann.”

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s poem “An den unendlichen Raum”

(PS: I hope the German translation is okay)
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Likes atyy, difalcojr, Math100 and 4 others
  • #4
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Likes Greg Bernhardt, Math100, jedishrfu and 4 others
  • #5
I very much appreciate all the informative posts you've made over the years, @fresh_42. I've learned a lot from you. Thank you very much for all the work. I hope it was enjoyable for you and good luck with your endeavors as you move back to regular membership (staff emeritus, well deserved).

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Likes atyy, Greg Bernhardt, Math100 and 9 others
  • #6
To misquote Newton a little: "If we have seen further , it is only because we have stood upon the shoulders of giants". I am not at all in the "giants" league but have seen enough to appreciate that PF mentor fresh_92 is one of those giants! All the best going forward.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt, Math100, jedishrfu and 4 others
  • #7
@fresh_42 always had interesting posts, whether the rest of the thread was interesting or not.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt, Math100, jedishrfu and 5 others
  • #8
Hey, @fresh_42, my only hope is that you can think it over again. :heart:
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Likes Greg Bernhardt, Math100, jedishrfu and 6 others
  • #9
neilparker62 said:
To misquote Newton a little: "If we have seen further , it is only because we have stood upon the shoulders of giants". I am not at all in the "giants" league but have seen enough to appreciate that PF mentor @fresh_42 is one of those giants! All the best going forward.
@fresh_42 was even better ;).
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Likes Greg Bernhardt, Math100, jedishrfu and 3 others
  • #10
Kudos, @fresh_42
Have a nice retirement.
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Likes WWGD, Greg Bernhardt, Math100 and 4 others
  • #11
Hey fresh thanks for

1) Being active in threads
2) Writing insight articles


3) Volunteering your time to moderate this place

You are a staple in the eyes of every poster on this site. I hope you remain active.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt, Math100, jedishrfu and 7 others
  • #12
I wish @fresh_42 all the very best in his future life aspirations. He has been insightful and reliable in his feedback to my math and physics related questions. I am at rural Africa as I type this doing some farming... will be back soon. Cheers.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt, berkeman, Math100 and 6 others
  • #13
Oh, just quitting moderation, not the forums, I hope. Nice work done over the years, and I hope more peace comes your way, when you visit this place.
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Likes atyy, bhobba, Greg Bernhardt and 7 others
  • #14
A legend @fresh_42 . Hopefully you will still come on as mentor emeritus!
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Likes WWGD, Greg Bernhardt, Math100 and 4 others
  • #15
chwala said:
I wish @fresh_42 all the very best in his future life aspirations. He has been insightful and reliable in his feedback to my math and physics related questions. I am at rural Africa as I type this doing some farming... will be back soon. Cheers.
Hopefully his writing on sheaves and stalks will be beneficial to you in more than one way ;).
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Likes chwala, Greg Bernhardt, Math100 and 3 others
  • #16
dextercioby said:
I hope more peace comes your way.
This was beautifully said.
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Likes chwala, Greg Bernhardt, Math100 and 2 others
  • #17
Thanks for your service @fresh_42. You were an awesome Mentor.
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Likes chwala, Greg Bernhardt, Math100 and 4 others
  • #18
In other news, GPAs plummet nationwide.

Happy retirement!
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  • Haha
Likes issacnewton, sbrothy, chwala and 7 others
  • #19
I don’t think I have a personal connection apart from possibly being taken to school once or twice. On the other hand I guess that’s the very definition of a moderator on this forum. I appreciate it and offer my best wishes.

EDIT: s/moderator/mentor

EDIT: And apropos "personal connection"... I'm a little shocked to see I've been a member here since 2009. With time you get a kinda "personal" relationship to (with?) people you don't really know (unless you really do some digging which I've just never had any reason to).

It's always sad to see people go. For whatever reason.
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Likes pinball1970, chwala, Greg Bernhardt and 3 others
  • #20
Thanks for all your hard work over the years @fresh_42. Enjoy your mentorship retirement!

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Likes pinball1970, chwala, Greg Bernhardt and 5 others
  • #21
I think this is the moment to express my deepest appreciation for the profound impact that @fresh_42 has had on my life, especially in my academics. During those years, I was so fortunate to learn from his excellent guidance. He has always encouraged me to approach challenges with confidence and I will always remember the time he spent helping me through difficult mathematics problems by providing insightful hints in revising my mathematical proofs. His mentorship has been a huge foundation of my scholastic achievements. Whether he chooses to retire or not, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to him here and wish him good health.

Finally, I want to say out loud that I never regret knowing him.
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Likes neilparker62, chwala, WWGD and 6 others
  • #22
Thank you for your service. Except when we were disagreeing (and even some of them), I have found you a voice worth listening to.
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Likes pinball1970, chwala, Greg Bernhardt and 3 others
  • #23
fresh_42, I have always had the greatest respect for, and enjoyment in reading, your comments and answers. Thanks for all the detailed and expert contributions!
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Likes pinball1970, chwala, WWGD and 5 others
  • #24
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Likes pinball1970, chwala, WWGD and 3 others
  • #25
Respect and awe.
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Likes pinball1970, chwala, WWGD and 3 others
  • #26
"Retirement" is just a word.:cool:
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Likes pinball1970, jedishrfu, chwala and 4 others
  • #27
Hope we'll still see you around the lame jokes thread.
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Likes WWGD, dextercioby, Math100 and 3 others
  • #28
Ibix said:
Hope we'll still see you around the lame jokes thread.
Indeed. Retirement from lame jokes is as futile as quantizing gravity.
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Likes dextercioby, Math100, Greg Bernhardt and 3 others
  • #29
haushofer said:
Indeed. Retirement from lame jokes is as futile as quantizing gravity.
Is that a lame joke?
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Likes pinball1970, dextercioby and Greg Bernhardt
  • #30
I hope it'll be rather a sabbatical than an actual retirement :wink:
Thanks for the good work!
Never forget those who could make it with your help and quickly forget those who did not even listen:doh:
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Likes Math100, pinball1970, PhDeezNutz and 2 others
  • #31
Wait, you can't retire! I need so much help!

In all seriousness, I just want to say thanks for all your time helping others.
You and the many others helping are truly awesome people!
Enjoy your retirement!
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Likes phinds, chwala, Greg Bernhardt and 2 others
  • #32
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  • Haha
Likes Astronuc, Agent Smith, chwala and 3 others
  • #33
Wrong thread, but who cares?
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Likes Astronuc, BillTre, PhDeezNutz and 1 other person
  • #35
Thank you very much for all your work on this forum, @fresh_42 !
And I very much appreciate all the interactions we have had in the "General Discussion" forum on a very wide span of different topics (e.g. music, history, language, current events and, not least, humor 🙂).
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Likes Math100, pinball1970 and Greg Bernhardt

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