Future of weapons will look like

  • Thread starter fedorfan
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In summary, the future of weapons will likely involve space-based weaponry, with lasers being the key technology.
  • #1
Hey yall, just wondering what the future of weapons will look like. I was thinking a lot of emp type stuff and wanted to know what a defense is to emp. What kind of bombs will they use, what kind of ground weapons? Will they use biological weapons, what will be the tactics like how will they win a war in the far future?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Einstein said:
I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Dumm dumm dumm dumm...
  • #3
Call me crazy, but I don't believe tactical nuclear bombs will ever be used in a war again unless used as a "we lost, so let's fire everything we have". Don't get me wrong though, nuclear warheads will still be used on TBMs and depleted uranium will still be the shell of choice for tanks; however, nothing even close to resembling Hiroshima and Nagasaki will occur again. My reasoning is simple, no country wants to fire a nuclear weapon on another because they know that every other nuclear power in the world will fire twice as many at them.

Therefore, I believe that the World War III will be fought like a combination of WWII and the Gulf War. A lot of ground tactical movements with air superiority being of utmost importance.
  • #4
World War III? World War IV? You guys are definitely no optimists. :bugeye: :devil:
  • #5
I just hope that people with nukes aren't sore losers.
  • #6
Cod said:
Call me crazy, but I don't believe tactical nuclear bombs will ever be used in a war again unless used as a "we lost, so let's fire everything we have". Don't get me wrong though, nuclear warheads will still be used on TBMs and depleted uranium will still be the shell of choice for tanks; however, nothing even close to resembling Hiroshima and Nagasaki will occur again. My reasoning is simple, no country wants to fire a nuclear weapon on another because they know that every other nuclear power in the world will fire twice as many at them.

Therefore, I believe that the World War III will be fought like a combination of WWII and the Gulf War. A lot of ground tactical movements with air superiority being of utmost importance.

I hope you're right, but we may be witnessing a new nuclear race... India, Pakhistan, Korea and Iran... And pay attention to the Middle East...
  • #7
kishtik said:
I hope you're right, but we may be witnessing a new nuclear race... India, Pakhistan, Korea and Iran... And pay attention to the Middle East...
I hope I'm right too...after all, its part of my job as a nuclear weapons specialist.
  • #8
Thinking more about it, space may play a valuable part in WWIII and the later WWs.

Imagine this: Giant orbital lasers firing down onto the battlefield with consentrated beams of energy, slicing effortestly through tanks with centimeters of depleted uranium

If a war between systems breaks out, Space is going to be the main front to dominate actually.

The whole idea in the above would be to blockade the enemy planets until the y surrender, which would mean than any existing Space Elevator would have to be destroyed.

If that happens, it won't a world war, but a Space War... Anyway, how many more years before a Star War, or a Galaxy War, or even a Cluster war?
  • #9
Giant orbital lasers?? whuffor?
Cheaper to use mass drivers, ala "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", et al. Or simply redirect a few asteroids/meteors. Of course that presupposes a permanent presence in space.
There is also the orbital "Thor Hammer" concept. Basically bundles of "crowbars" with minimal guidance, dropped from orbit. Pretty much off the shelf hardware.
  • #10
MadScientist 1000 said:
If a war between systems breaks out, Space is going to be the main front to dominate actually.

Actually, I think people would concentrate around their home world. You can't possible defend all the paths the enemy could take to reach the planet unless you're not far off. The war could easily be nothing more than sending attack parties along unpredictable courses and trying to do as much damage as possible before you were stopped.
  • #11
kleinjahr said:
Giant orbital lasers?? whuffor?
Cheaper to use mass drivers, ala "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", et al. Or simply redirect a few asteroids/meteors. Of course that presupposes a permanent presence in space.
There is also the orbital "Thor Hammer" concept. Basically bundles of "crowbars" with minimal guidance, dropped from orbit. Pretty much off the shelf hardware.

That is good for destroying cities, but with lasers, I mean precision work such as taking out their radar vans... etc.
  • #12
call me Sci Fi effected but...

The next war will be directed off planet:rolleyes: when some race gets pissed because they just stopped receiving Gilligans Island:smile:
  • #13
radou said:
World War III? World War IV? You guys are definitely no optimists. :bugeye: :devil:

It's pessimistic, but is it not also inevitable? :eek:
  • #14
fedorfan said:
Hey yall, just wondering what the future of weapons will look like. I was thinking a lot of emp type stuff and wanted to know what a defense is to emp. What kind of bombs will they use, what kind of ground weapons? Will they use biological weapons, what will be the tactics like how will they win a war in the far future?

stick whatever you want to protect from EMP in a metal box with insulation on the inside so the electronics aren't touching the metal.

i can't see another world war happening just lots of smaller wars.

FAQ: Future of weapons will look like

1. What types of weapons will be most prevalent in the future?

In the future, it is likely that we will see a mix of both traditional weapons, such as firearms and explosives, and advanced weapons, such as drones, lasers, and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices. The specific prevalence of each type of weapon will depend on various factors, including advancements in technology, military strategy, and ethical considerations.

2. Will there be a shift towards non-lethal weapons in the future?

There is currently a significant push towards the development and use of non-lethal weapons, such as tasers and tear gas, as alternatives to traditional lethal weapons. However, it is difficult to predict whether this trend will continue in the future. Non-lethal weapons still have the potential to cause harm, and their effectiveness in certain situations may be limited. It is also important to consider the ethical implications of using non-lethal weapons.

3. How will artificial intelligence impact the future of weapons?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being incorporated into some weapons systems, such as autonomous drones. In the future, it is likely that AI will play an even larger role in the development and use of weapons. This could potentially lead to more accurate and efficient weapons, but it also raises concerns about the potential for autonomous weapons to make decisions without human oversight.

4. Will there be a ban on certain types of weapons in the future?

There have been efforts to ban certain types of weapons in the past, such as chemical and biological weapons, and there may be similar efforts in the future. However, it is difficult to predict whether a ban on certain weapons will be successful and widely adopted. Additionally, the constantly evolving nature of technology makes it difficult to keep up with new weapons developments and enforce any potential bans.

5. How will conflicts and warfare change with the development of new weapons?

The development of new weapons has the potential to significantly impact conflicts and warfare in the future. It is possible that certain weapons may render traditional tactics and strategies obsolete, leading to the need for new approaches. Additionally, the increasing reliance on technology in warfare may also have implications for cybersecurity and potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries.

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