- #1
There is a box ##\mathcal{B} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^3## with a partition coinciding with the plane ##z=0##. The gas in the region ##z<0## is initially at ##p_1## and the gas in the region ##z > 0## is initially at ##p_2##, where ##p_1 \neq p_2##. At time ##t=0##, the partition is removed (details not important). Questions:
- at exactly ##t=0##, what is the magnitude of the force that gas ##1## exerts on gas ##2## (and vice versa, by NIII)?
- how to determine the function ##p(\mathbf{x},t)##, for all ##\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{B}## and all ##t \geq 0##?
- at exactly ##t=0##, what is the magnitude of the force that gas ##1## exerts on gas ##2## (and vice versa, by NIII)?
- how to determine the function ##p(\mathbf{x},t)##, for all ##\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{B}## and all ##t \geq 0##?