Gauss - Seidel Load Flow Analysis‏

In summary, the conversation is about a homework assignment that requires developing a load flow algorithm and investigating the transport of active and reactive power over transmission networks. The system data and equations needed for the analysis are provided. The assignment also requires a report with case studies and a code. However, the conversation also reveals that the student may have been attempting to cheat by seeking help on a forum and the IT department has been notified. The student is advised to apologize to the professor and avoid plagiarism in the future.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The objectives of this exercise is to develop a load flow algorithm based on Gauss Seidel method and then investigate the phenomena of transport of active and reactive power over transmission networks.

A remote load centre is supplied by a remote hydro generating station over a 210 km long transmission circuits that operates at 275kV and local fossil fuel generator, as shown below in Figure 1.
The analysis required will be performed using a Gauss Seidel Power Flow that you are required develop in Matlab. Convergence criteria should be 0.1% power mismatch.

System Data
Transmission Lines
Construction: 2 x 0.4 square inches Steel Cored Aluminium (SCA duplex) per phase, per circuit.
Zline = 0.067 + j 0.32 ohm/km/circuit
Length = 210 km, switched at 70 km intervals
Rating: 275 kV, 450 MVA


Step-up transformer:
275/18 kV, 450 MVA
9% reactance (on rating)
± 10% taps on the 275 kV windings

Step-down transformer:
275/66 kV, 450 MVA
11.57% reactance (on rating)
± 10% taps on the 275 kV windings

Local generator transformer:
66/11 kV, 400 MVA
5.7% reactance (on rating)
± 10% taps on the 66 kV windings

Hydro generator: 450 MVA at 0.8 p.f. lagging, 18kV. XS = 1.2 p.u., RS = 0.003 p.u.
Local generator: 400 MVA at 0.8. p.f. lagging, 11kV, XS = 2.0 p.u., RS = 0.004 p.u.
Note that all parameters given in p.u. are calculated on the basis of the equipment rating.


Homework Equations

Power System Analysis
4.1 Performance at the unity power factor
Run power flow calculations for loads of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 350 MW with both line circuits connected (with the local generator disconnected). Record and present load and generator active and reactive powers, losses in transformers and overhead lines, voltage magnitudes and phases at all buses, as well as the number of interactions required for the load flow to converge. All your results that are presented in tables need to be explained. Observe trends and discuss your results.

4.2 Performance at 0.9 p.f. lagging
Change the load power factor to 0.9 lagging by introducing an appropriate MVAr component. Repeat the calculations of section 4.1. You will notice that for larger load values, the voltage at the load bus becomes unacceptably low and that for some values of load the power flow may not converge. Observe trends and discuss your results.

4.3 Performance with reactive power compensation
A way to correct the voltage problem is to connect a source of reactive power near the load bus. We will use the local generator to represent a synchronous condenser (a synchronous machine which is operated as a motor with no load and whose excitation is adjusted so that it produces reactive power). This synchronous condenser can be operated as a reactive power source or as a voltage control source. When it is operated as a reactive power source, the amount of VARs it produces is kept constant. On the other hand, when it is operated as a voltage source, its reactive output is adjusted to keep its terminal voltage constant.

Repeat the computations of section 4.2 for the following conditions:
 The reactive output of the condenser set at 50 MVAr.
 The voltage at the terminals of the condenser set a 1.0 p.u.
Observe trends and discuss your results.

4.4 Performance with local generation
Due to an economic boom unanticipated by the planners, the demand has grown up to 500 MW at 0.9 p.f. lagging. What is the minimum of active power that the local generator should produce (assuming it operates in voltage control mode) to avoid overloading the transmission system, in case when one of the lines is on outage?

5. Reporting
Present your results in a short report that should include the following sections: Introduction, Gauss Seidel Load Flow formulation, Algorithm and Implementation, Case studies (covering the analysis in 4.1 – 4.4, with discussion), Conclusions and an Appending with your code.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have tried but I am still stuck. Would really appreciate some help!
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Physics news on
  • #3
I know talk about wrong timing! Thanks though
  • #4
Dear "stritchick"

The IT department does regular screening of commonly used forums for any signs of plagiarism according to the following definition:

"Plagiarism, that is, the presentation of another person's thoughts or words as though they were your own, must be avoided, with particular care in coursework, essays and reports written in your own time."

This is clearly stated on the College website and the Student Handbook.

Now, because of how early this was caught we cannot disqualify your submission for this work. However this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated.

I have notified Professor Strbac of this. Send him an apology via e-mail and this will be overlooked.

Kind regards,
T Clarke

Related to Gauss - Seidel Load Flow Analysis‏

1. What is Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis?

Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis is an iterative numerical method used to solve power flow equations in a power system. It is used to determine the voltage and power flow at each bus in the system.

2. How does Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis work?

The method works by assuming initial values for voltage at each bus and then iteratively solving the power flow equations. The voltage values are updated at each iteration until the convergence criteria is met.

3. What are the advantages of using Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis?

Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis is relatively simple and easy to implement, making it a popular choice for power system analysis. It also has a faster convergence rate compared to other methods, making it more efficient.

4. What are the limitations of Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis?

One limitation of this method is that it may not converge or converge slowly in certain cases, such as when the system has high impedance or when there are voltage violations. It also assumes a steady-state condition and may not be suitable for dynamic analysis.

5. How is Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis used in practical applications?

Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis is commonly used in power system planning and design to analyze the steady-state behavior of the system. It is also used for voltage regulation and to identify potential issues in the power system.

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