Gravity: push, pull, or does not exist?

In summary: QUESTIONS?In summary, this high schooler is proposing that the force of gravity is not actually a pulling force but rather a pushing force caused by subatomic particles. He claims that this concept has not been properly explored yet and that more experiments need to be done in order to prove or disprove his theory.
  • #176
FIRST (i'll get to jessep later) the only reason we don't view the collisions more often is because the neutrinos change to a harder to detect flavor by the time they reach the earth. scientists are going to come up with better ways of detecting them. so i don't see ur point. i didn't say jessep has a phd i said that meyers guy has a phd and it says it right at the top of the page (since u can't read).

stupid don't even go there... sailor neptune was a mysterious OUTER SCOUT with extraordinary super-extreme to the max powers! sailor Jupiter was a lame inner senshi who mostly just cheered on sailor moon... and that's the end of that...
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Physics news on
  • #177
wow terrabyte.. u can really impersonate urtalkinstupid and me! it must have taken u a whole day to take the words u normally spell incorrectly, string them together, and make a HUMOROUS joke about the way we talk. and entropy calling us kiddies when ur about our age? that's really funny.
entropy, jessep is not some loser who makes up stuff (tv show, writing into the magazine.. etc.). many of the quotes u took were incomplete ideas that he fills in later. also.. u totally misread a lot of the things he wrote. he said he "THOUGHT" (past tense) that sound was nothing. so that doesn't work for ur case. another thing, he was saying that no one thought energy fields effected gravity until he thought of it. so now what?? if u have that hard of a time grasping what he's trying to say, don't feel bad. many ppl can't either but u can direct ur questions towards HIM and I'm sure he'll answer u.

and yes TERRABYTE.. the pretty colors did appeal to my young and impressionable mind.. but considering what i know about the universe because of it, i wouldn't say it's a bad thing..
but the real question is, what was appealing to u when u were my age because u don't know that much about physics now, what u think u know is wrong, and u can't answer my questions about neutrinos.. probably because the first time u found out about them was from- OMG- a 15 yr old kid...
  • #178
could it be because neutrinos don't affect us that's why we've never heard of them?

no! scandalous!

where is this guy's dated published papers? anyone can say PFAH! The internet? i thought of that 100 years ago! E=MC^2?! that idea was mine long before einstein was even BORN!

the guy is a fraud. he has no ideas worth pursuing. and he's going to die a sad lonely unknown individual.

i'm done here anyways. you have convinced me that you're just teenage kids trying to get your jollies off of annoying people.

you win, rejoice in your ignorance. i don't care anymore
  • #179
Weird...I didn't know that people who rode with Einstein or Newton believed that energy and matter could be destroyed or created!

Yes that is what happens! Because it gives its momentum away! Momentum is energy (energy is mass) and that energy is just transferred to the particle it hits and therefore disapears! In other words it gets absorbed.

You know nothing about physics good lord! You can even comprehend the absorbsion of a particle!

Considering the amount of neutrinos that go through the earth. Multiply that number by the momentum to get an approximate amount as to how much momentum neutrinos have. Many pass through Earth and are absorbed every second. Many pass through and interact with our body, as well.

Let see if you're right:

Average neutrino flux at the Earth's surface:

[tex]\nu_f = 5 \times 10^{10}[/tex]

Average Energy per Neutrino:

[tex]E_\nu = 0.81{}MeV = 1.30 \time 10^{-13}{}J[/tex]

[tex]{\nu_f} \cdot {E_\nu} = 0.007{}{J} / {m^2 \cdot {s}}[/tex]

0.007 J/m^2 s do you know how little pressure that is? Thats assuming all neutrinos give all there momentum! In real life you only get hit by about 1 neutrino every month! How do you explain that? You can't! Can you?

Bam! Your theory is crushed! What you going to do make up some another magic reason with no explanation to prove you're not wrong? What are there really more neutrinos and its just coincidence that no experiments support you, no math supports you, and no real physicist supports you!

entropy, jessep is not some loser who makes up stuff (tv show, writing into the magazine.. etc.). many of the quotes u took were incomplete ideas that he fills in later.

Nope. If I did take them out of context, explain them then. Why didn't you just explain in the first place? Whats that? You can't?

he said he "THOUGHT" (past tense) that sound was nothing. so that doesn't work for ur case.

Really? So its okay for him to form theories without any knowledge on the subject but somehow its wrong for Newton (even though Newton did have info on the subject).

Thats the last straw. You guys are hopeless. I've tried to be patient and tactful to you guys but you just won't listen. I would normally try to help and understand people no matter how much I disagree with them, but you guys are far to childish.

Go ahead and believe you're theory and we'll see where it gets you.

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  • #180
terrabyte: neutrinos DO affect us... u've never heard of them because sadly, u haven't studied physics as much as me.. (the rebellious teen) and the only thing i get my jollies off of is listening to u try to put up a reasonable argument with ur inferior concepts of physics. i thought u were going to be leaving when u said "good luck with life". why the heck did u even come back?? HAHAHA... and u say u don't care anymore?? i guess it WOULD be devastating to find out that everything u thought u knew about the universe is wrong...

entropy: why do u keep saying that neutrinos only come in contact with us once a month? u don't believe that site i gave u? real life is that trillions and trillions of neutrinos pass through us every second. since u helped mathematically prove they exert a pressure u just helped support my theory! wow, that was really tight! thanx. I'm not going to speak for jessep because that would be like me taking his ideas. he's the one with all the cash rewards so why no step up to his challenge and stop being weanie and just ask him urself?? and years from now, when ppl start refusing to just accept being spoon-fed einstein's fictional ideas, they will mock ur beliefs and turn to the superiority that is the push theory. i think that will get me very far in life. enjoy being wrong about the universe, entropy. when u're ready to know the truth... u know where to find me.. hehehe
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  • #181
beatrix kiddo said:
terrabyte: neutrinos DO affect us... u've never heard of them because sadly, u haven't studied physics as much as me.. (the rebellious teen) and the only thing i get my jollies off of is listening to u try to put up a reasonable argument with ur inferior concepts of physics. i thought u were going to be leaving when u said "good luck with life". why the heck did u even come back?? HAHAHA... and u say u don't care anymore?? i guess it WOULD be devastating to find out that everything u thought u knew about the universe is wrong...

entropy: why do u keep saying that neutrinos only come in contact with us once a month? u don't believe that site i gave u? real life is that trillions and trillions of neutrinos pass through us every second. since u helped mathematically prove they exert a pressure u just helped support my theory! wow, that was really tight! thanx. I'm not going to speak for jessep because that would be like me taking his ideas. he's the one with all the cash rewards so why no step up to his challenge and stop being weanie and just ask him urself?? and years from now, when ppl start refusing to just accept being spoon-fed einstein's fictional ideas, they will mock ur beliefs and turn to the superiority that is the push theory. i think that will get me very far in life. enjoy being wrong about the universe, entropy. when u're ready to know the truth... u know where to find me.. hehehe

-He proved that IF all the neutrinos were absorbed by the Earth that they would give off .007 joules/m^2*s. That is an INCREDIBLY small amount. Along the lines of you "crushing" someone with a hair.

-If we're being pushed by the sun into the earth, why isn't the Earth being pushed as well? Wouldn't this nullify the effect of us being pushed into the earth?

-I've read about people who "challenge" people to prove them wrong. They argue somewhere along your lines, they take every logical argument and throw hundreds of random, unsupported facts at it. And that's if they even play by the rules, I've read of people saying they get to censor the evidence before it is judged!

But really, Entropy, Terrabyte, why did the average force go down when I compressed the points (see program on page 9 or 10)? It seems that density would be a significant factor when the object is very large in comparison to the distance between the center and the observer. (Note to 15 year olds: The force appears to go DOWN and not UP)
  • #182
i should have been more clear: 500 trillion neutrinos is just an estimate. there are far more neutrinos than that.. they are just unaccounted for. trillions and trillions (more) travel through us with "a velocity nearly equal to the speed of light" -foundations of astronomy pg. 167. entropy u forgot to put that in ur equation.. hmmm
  • #183
beatrix kiddo said:
i should have been more clear: 500 trillion neutrinos is just an estimate. there are far more neutrinos than that.. they are just unaccounted for. trillions and trillions (more) travel through us with "a velocity nearly equal to the speed of light" -foundations of astronomy pg. 167. entropy u forgot to put that in ur equation.. hmmm

What are you talking about? He put the neutrino's energy, which would include it's kinetic energy, in his equation.

E = mv^2/2, basic physics.

If 500 trillion is an estimate, why would there definitely be far more? Does it really matter if there are 500 trillion or 600 trillion if the VAST majority only pass through us without affecting us in any way?
  • #184
perhaps your observation is worth looking into, Alkatran. it could very well be true that compression reduces gravity, making the theory on how black holes are formed WRONG.

or perhaps the formula for gravity is indeed wrong.

or perhaps doing particle-location calculations for an object is wrong (though logically it's supposed to work)

i still say we need an expert's opinion on this one
  • #185
Entropy, thanks for proving me wrong...or so you think! Let me explain what you did and how it does not work. First, you used the wrong number of neutrinos. You should have used [itex]5x10^{12}[/itex] for the amount of neutrino flux on the earth.. Second, you only calculated the amount of energy a neutrino when it is at rest. You forgot to multiply that rest energy by the velocity at which the neutrino travels to get the momentum. Neutrinos travel at nearly the speed of light. So, [itex]3x10^8m/s[/itex] would be sufficient.

Here is your math revised:
[tex]E_\nu=.81MeV \cdot 1.602^{-13}=1.29762^{-13} MeV[/tex]
[tex]E_\nu=\nu_f*E_\nu=0.0064881 J \cdot m^2 \cdot s[/tex]
Now for their momentum.
[tex]\vec{p}=E_\nu \cdot \vec{v}_\nu=1946430 J \cdot m^3 \cdot s[/tex]

That's just what i got. Hey, I know that there is a possibility that I'm wrong. If that be the case, I'll...I dunno. Yes, I know about emission and absorption. The neutrino emitts its energy only to be absorbed by another particle. It does not "disappear," rather it passes on its energy.

Entropy: I see where you got [itex]5x10^{10}m^2/s[/itex]; you converted it form [itex]cm^2/s[/itex] hehe
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  • #186
urtalkinstupid said:
Entropy, thanks for proving me wrong...or so you think! Let me explain what you did and how it does not work. First, you used the wrong number of neutrinos. You should have used [itex]5x10^{12}[/itex] for the amount of neutrino flux on the earth.. Second, you only calculated the amount of energy a neutrino when it is at rest. You forgot to multiply that rest energy by the velocity at which the neutrino travels to get the momentum. Neutrinos travel at nearly the speed of light. So, [itex]3x10^8m/s[/itex] would be sufficient.

Here is your math revised:
[tex]E_\nu=.81MeV \cdot 1.602^{-13}=1.29762^{-13} MeV[/tex]
You arrived at [itex]\Sigma_E_\nu=0.007J[/itex], because you had the wrong amount of neutrinos. This was as far as you got, because this is only the rest energy that the neutrinos emitt. Now, for their momentum.
[tex]\vec{p}=\Sigma_E_\nu \cdot \vec{v}_\nu=194643000J \cdot m \cdot s[/tex]

That's just what i got. Hey, I know that there is a possibility that I'm wrong. If that be the case, I'll...I dunno. Yes, I know about emission and absorption. The neutrino emitts its energy only to be absorbed by another particle. It does not "disappear," rather it passes on its energy.

That'd be like being shot in the face with a cannon 5000 times a second. Of course, that's a massive underestimation.
  • #187
terrabyte said:
perhaps your observation is worth looking into, Alkatran. it could very well be true that compression reduces gravity, making the theory on how black holes are formed WRONG.

or perhaps the formula for gravity is indeed wrong.

or perhaps doing particle-location calculations for an object is wrong (though logically it's supposed to work)

i still say we need an expert's opinion on this one

I have a hard time believing no one has looked at this before... let's see if I can word this right:

Compressing an object reduces the gravity at a fixed point relative to its center because the increase in the square of the distance of the mass on the near side is greater than the decrease in the square of the distance of the mass on the far side.

I think that sentence has enough "of"s in there, haha.

Now that I think about it, it does make sense (oh no! assumption!) because, since the total curvature in one area is greater, for the total to stay the same the curvature in another area should be reduced, correct?
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  • #188
according to your calculations, Mass is not the sum of an objects component masses

or gravity formula is somehow wrong :O
  • #189
Are we talking about when he made the program condensing the distance between the particles?
  • #190
[tex]\textcolor{blue}{\nu_f=5x10^{10} m^2s}[/tex]
[tex]\textcolor{red}{E_\nu_e=.81 MeV\approx1.29762x10^{-13} J}[/tex]
[tex]\textcolor{green}{\vec{v}_\nu_e=3x10^8 \frac{m}{s}}[/tex]
[tex]\textcolor{purple}{\vec{p}=}\textcolor{red}{E_\nu_e} \cdot \textcolor{green}{\vec{v_\nu_e}}=\textcolor{red}{1.29762x10^{-13} J} \cdot \textcolor{green}{3.0x10^8 \frac{m}{s}}=3.89286x10^{-5} \frac{J \cdot m}{s}}[/tex]
[tex]\vec{p} \cdot \textcolor{blue}{\nu_e}=3.89286x10^{-5} \frac{J \cdot m}{s} \cdot \textcolor{blue}{5x10^{10}m^2s}=1946430 J \cdot m^3[/tex]

Neutrinos are able to emitt upto 1946430 J per ever cubic centimeter of earth. This is different from my first attempt. At first, I tried to calculate the momentum by multiplying the flux rate by the energy...That wasn't the proper way. So, this time I calculated the momentum and then determined how much energy a neutrino could emitt over a given area. Maybe this is right, maybe it is not. One things for sure, it's different from Entropy's calculation, which is not momentum at all. Alkatran, this is not as much energy as you think, but a constant flow of this calculation should be enough. Remember, this is only for solar neutrinos. They are not the only source. Our body is a source of neutrinos as well, but of a lesser magnitude.

  • #191
urtalkinstupid said:
[tex]\textcolor{blue}{\nu_f=5x10^{10} m^2s}[/tex]
[tex]\textcolor{red}{E_\nu_e=.81 MeV\approx1.29762x10^{-13} J}[/tex]
[tex]\textcolor{green}{\vec{v}_\nu_e=3x10^8 \frac{m}{s}}[/tex]
[tex]\textcolor{purple}{\vec{p}=}\textcolor{red}{E_\nu_e} \cdot \textcolor{green}{\vec{v_\nu_e}}=\textcolor{red}{1.29762x10^{-13} J} \cdot \textcolor{green}{3.0x10^8 \frac{m}{s}}=3.89286x10^{-5} \frac{J \cdot m}{s}}[/tex]
[tex]\vec{p} \cdot \textcolor{blue}{\nu_e}=3.89286x10^{-5} \frac{J \cdot m}{s} \cdot \textcolor{blue}{5x10^{10}m^2s}=1946430 J \cdot m^3[/tex]

Neutrinos are able to emitt upto 1946430 J per ever cubic centimeter of earth. This is different from my first attempt. At first, I tried to calculate the momentum by multiplying the flux rate by the energy...That wasn't the proper way. So, this time I calculated the momentum and then determined how much energy a neutrino could emitt over a given area. Maybe this is right, maybe it is not. One things for sure, it's different from Entropy's calculation, which is not momentum at all. Alkatran, this is not as much energy as you think, but a constant flow of this calculation should be enough. Remember, this is only for solar neutrinos. They are not the only source. Our body is a source of neutrinos as well, but of a lesser magnitude.


First of all, that much energy (the amount per cubic METER, not centimeter) is what it would need to launch you to a height of 40 kilometers (assuming you weighed a bit less than 50 kilos). 40 kilometers. per cubic meter. per second.

This number is so obviously impossible that it can't be right.

The program does the following:
1 - Pick 2 random angles
2 - Calculate the inverse of the distance of a point at distance 1 along a line project along those angles.
3 - Calculate the inverse of the distance of a point at distance 0.5 along a line project along those angles. (compressed object)
*The inverse of the distance is the force if G*m1*m2 = 1
4 - Repeat about 10000 times
5 - Sum all of these results (all the 2s and all the 3s)
6 - Compare
Does this look correct?

Of course a computer program is NOT reality and any findings would need to be confirmed experimentally.
  • #192
urtalkinstupid said:
P = E*v

(the red and green equation)
P -> m/s*kg
E -> J -> m^2/s^2*kg
v -> m/s

E*v -> (m^2/s^2*kg)*(m/s) -> m^3/s^3*kg

Your units on both sides of the equation don't match and therefore the equation is wrong. Momentum is mass * speed, not energy * speed. If you want to use energy in momentum you need to divide it by c^2.

1 946 430/c^2 = 1 946 430/(9*10^14) = 2.16270 * 10^-9 or about 0.000000002 Joules.

Your last equation doesn't make any sense at all either. Your multiplying momentum by speed and getting energy*m^3 and THEN saying it's PER cubic meter?? P*v = m/s*kg*m/s = m^2/s^2*kg = J NOT J*m^3.

Wait, what's Vf?
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  • #193
Vf is really [tex]\nu_f[/tex], the greek letter nu which means neutrino and "f" for flux.

Entropy, thanks for proving me wrong...or so you think! Let me explain what you did and how it does not work. First, you used the wrong number of neutrinos. You should have used for the amount of neutrino flux on the earth.. Second, you only calculated the amount of energy a neutrino when it is at rest. You forgot to multiply that rest energy by the velocity at which the neutrino travels to get the momentum. Neutrinos travel at nearly the speed of light. So, would be sufficient.

First I did use the neutrion flux on Earth per meter squared.

Do you even know what neutrinos are?

Neutrions have zero rest mass (therefore they don't exist at rest), therefore zero rest energy! All there energy/mass is kinetic energy just like photons! Where do you get this "multiple by the speed of light" BS?
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  • #194
1 - Pick 2 random angles
2 - Calculate the inverse of the distance of a point at distance 1 along a line project along those angles.
3 - Calculate the inverse of the distance of a point at distance 0.5 along a line project along those angles. (compressed object)
*The inverse of the distance is the force if G*m1*m2 = 1
4 - Repeat about 10000 times
5 - Sum all of these results (all the 2s and all the 3s)
6 - Compare

looks sound to me. try plotting more than 2 points. say like 50 at once all summed together. then do comparisons on their full distance versus 1/2 their distance. and maybe twice their distance for good measure.

i loathe to even think of the possibility that they've overlooked something. this is crazy :D
  • #195
terrabyte said:
looks sound to me. try plotting more than 2 points. say like 50 at once all summed together. then do comparisons on their full distance versus 1/2 their distance. and maybe twice their distance for good measure.

i loathe to even think of the possibility that they've overlooked something. this is crazy :D

See step 4. "Repeat 10000 times"

I'll put in a random distance when I get home. (with the compressed taking half of the randomly chosen distance)
  • #196
Entropy said:
Vf is really [tex]\nu_f[/tex], the greek letter nu which means neutrino and "f" for flux.

First I did use the neutrion flux on Earth per meter squared.

Do you even know what neutrinos are?

Neutrions have zero rest mass (therefore they don't exist at rest), therefore zero rest energy! All there energy/mass is kinetic energy just like photons! Where do you get this "multiple by the speed of light" BS?

Alright, thank you for the flux explanation, I assumed v was speed. But that still doesn't explain why you're result is *m^3 and not /m^3 or why there's no time involved (you need energy/time/area or energy/time/volume).

I got the "BS" from E = mc^2. But it doesn't look like you're looking for iniertia anyways, since inertia isn't in J*m/s.
  • #197
well 10000 is certainly more than 50 :D

my reading comprehension has taken a severe nose-dive as of late :O
  • #198
This whole theory couldn't have ever been right because a neutrino is practically massless, and doesn't have a charge. Which means that it can't interact with the strong forces or the electromagnetic forces. The neutrino was created for a certain purpose, that pupose being the conservation of momentum. In certain decay reaction, it was noted that momentum was not conserved since the secondary particles that are emitted didnt go in opposite directions. This meant that there was another secondary particle involved in the decay that we could not detect. In other words neutrinos can't interact at all using any of the fundamental forces, meaning that they can't apply momentum to us and thus cannot cause gravity.
  • #199
WAIT I think I know what I might have done wrong! I've been looking for it long enough too!
  • #200
Here we go, I wasn't adding up the vectors. I was adding down forces to up forces instead of subtracting. The new program looks like so:

Option Explicit
Const NumPoints As Long = 100000
Const ObserverDistance As Double = 30
Const ObjectSize As Double = 20
Const CompressionFactor As Double = 0.5
Const NumTests As Long = 50
Const BaseForce as Double = 1000
Const Pi As Double = 3.14159
Private Type Point
    X As Double
    Y As Double
    Z As Double
End Type
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim A As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim Total As Point
Dim TotalComp As Point
Dim Angle1 As Double
Dim Angle2 As Double
Dim Distance As Double
    Randomize Timer
    For B = 1 To NumTests
        Total.X = 0
        Total.Y = 0
        Total.Z = 0
        TotalComp.X = 0
        TotalComp.Y = 0
        TotalComp.Z = 0
        For A = 1 To NumPoints
            Angle1 = Rnd * 2 * Pi
            Angle2 = Rnd * 2 * Pi
            Distance = Rnd * ObjectSize + 1
            CalculateForce GeneratePoint(Angle1, Angle2, Distance), Angle1, Angle2, Total
            CalculateForce GeneratePoint(Angle1, Angle2, Distance * CompressionFactor), Angle1, Angle2, TotalComp
        Next A
        Debug.Print Format(Sqr(Total.X ^ 2 + Total.Y ^ 2 + Total.Z ^ 2), "0000.000") & ", " & Format(Sqr(TotalComp.X ^ 2 + TotalComp.Y ^ 2 + TotalComp.Z ^ 2), "0000.000")
    Next B
    Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CalculateForce(ByRef It As Point, ByVal Angle1 As Double, ByVal Angle2 As Double, ByRef Total As Point)
Dim Force As Double
    Force = BaseForce / Sqr(It.X ^ 2 + It.Y ^ 2 + (It.Z + ObserverDistance) ^ 2)
    Total.X = Total.X + Force * Cos(Angle1) * Sin(Angle2)
    Total.Y = Total.Y + Force * Sin(Angle1) * Sin(Angle2)
    Total.Z = Total.Z + Force * Cos(Rad(FindAngle(ObserverDistance + It.Z, Sqr(It.X ^ 2 + It.Y ^ 2))))
End Sub
Private Function GeneratePoint(ByVal Angle1 As Double, ByVal Angle2 As Double, ByVal Distance As Double) As Point
    GeneratePoint.X = Distance * Cos(Angle1) * Cos(Angle2)
    GeneratePoint.Y = Distance * Sin(Angle1) * Cos(Angle2)
    GeneratePoint.Z = Distance * Sin(Angle2)
End Function
Private Function Rad(ByVal X As Double)
    Rad = X * Pi / 180
End Function
Private Function Deg(ByVal X As Double)
    Deg = X * 180 / Pi
End Function
Private Function FindAngle(ByVal Adjacent As Double, ByVal Opposite As Double) As Double
    If Adjacent Then
        FindAngle = Deg(Atn(Opposite / Adjacent))
        If Adjacent < 0 Then
            FindAngle = FindAngle + 180
        ElseIf Opposite < 0 Then
            FindAngle = FindAngle + 360
        End If
        If Opposite > 0 Then
            FindAngle = 90
            FindAngle = 270
        End If
    End If
End Function

It now returns results that make much more sense, the first 3 digits almost always match and after that it's generally chaos, due to the accumulation of rounding errors involved in using floating point variables (double).
  • #201
I don't know why, but it feels really good to see proof that I was wrong and to actually ACCEPT IT: HINT HINT HINT. bah.
  • #202
Well, my equation is debunked, but Entropy's is also. His equation doesn't take into account the impact force due to their velocity. I know what neutrinos are, and they have rest mass. I used the speed of light, because they are said to travel at approximately the speed of light, ergo they have rest mass. Although, this rest mass is a small number.

I haven't lost faith; I'm at my college course, and I just got done talking to a physicists. He said it is very well possible that neutrinos can provide a push force. He also said he would love to see someone prove Newton and Einstein wrong. Seeing as the sun isn't the most abundant source of neutrinos, there are others out there taht emitt many more. So, the small number that is derived from the equation is only a small fraction of the amount of the force applied by neutrinos.

Everything relies on emission and absorption. That is how the universe works. Neutrinos expresses that concept as well, making it a perfect candidate for gravity.

ArmoSkater87...emission and absorption...
  • #203
urtalkinstupid said:
Well, my equation is debunked, but Entropy's is also. His equation doesn't take into account the impact force due to their velocity. I know what neutrinos are, and they have rest mass. I used the speed of light, because they are said to travel at approximately the speed of light, ergo they have rest mass. Although, this rest mass is a small number.

I haven't lost faith; I'm at my college course, and I just got done talking to a physicists. He said it is very well possible that neutrinos can provide a push force. He also said he would love to see someone prove Newton and Einstein wrong. Seeing as the sun isn't the most abundant source of neutrinos, there are others out there taht emitt many more. So, the small number that is derived from the equation is only a small fraction of the amount of the force applied by neutrinos.

Everything relies on emission and absorption. That is how the universe works. Neutrinos expresses that concept as well, making it a perfect candidate for gravity.

ArmoSkater87...emission and absorption...

Where was hsi debunked? The "impact force" is technicly the energy (only technicly because force != energy) transferred to the planet, which is what he calculated.
  • #204
I have to agree with Armo. A miniscule percent of them have interaction with the Earth as they travel through the entire diamater of it. Using the term interact loosely. They would have a negligible effect on the motion of things in the universe. The shower of protons, electrons, pions, muons and other cosmic ray events (my current project) would have a much greater effect on anybody.
  • #205
This whole theory couldn't have ever been right because a neutrino is practically massless, and doesn't have a charge. Which means that it can't interact with the strong forces or the electromagnetic forces. The neutrino was created for a certain purpose, that pupose being the conservation of momentum. In certain decay reaction, it was noted that momentum was not conserved since the secondary particles that are emitted didnt go in opposite directions. This meant that there was another secondary particle involved in the decay that we could not detect. In other words neutrinos can't interact at all using any of the fundamental forces, meaning that they can't apply momentum to us and thus cannot cause gravity.

Exactly. Thank you.
  • #206
Consider 3 particles making up an object. Particle A is 1 meter away, B is 2, C is 3, the gravity from each (they are the same mass) is m/1 + m/4 + m/9 = 36m/36 + 9m/36 + 4m/36 = 49m/36

Now if they are condensed to the same position with the same center: gravity = m/4+m/4+m/4 = 3m/4
49/36m-3/4m = 0.61 m
(3m/4 == 49m/36) = false

so what was wrong with that again?
  • #207
terrabyte said:
so what was wrong with that again?

Like I said a few posts afterwards, the object isn't remotely spherical, which is the shape that the formula for gravity applies to.
  • #208
weird. i thought gravity formula would apply to all shapes.
  • #209
I always just assumed that gravity was really just ,mass warping time-space.

When you place a bowling ball on some stretched out rubber sheet, it warps and droops. When you place a marble on that rubber, it rolls to the largest dip (being the one the bowling ball made) in the rubber sheet.
  • #210
yeah, that's what einstein said

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