- #36
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Agreed. The photon which is emitted after one has been absorbed will be traveling 99.9% of the time in a significantly different direction - certainly is not the absorbed photon "re-emitted"rootone said:It's a note about semantics rather than the physics here, but yes 'the later emission of a photon' leaves less room for misunderstanding.
're-emission' might lead some to conclude that what is being emitted is the exact same photon that was originally 'captured'/absorbed, but that photon of course no longer exists.
Also if an energetic photon is absorbed and produces a higher than least excited state of the absorber, it is very likely that the decay of that excited state will be via emission of two or more lower energy photons. This is because, crudely speaking the transition probably for a state to a lower state is greater when the two states (upper and lower) are less separated.* I. e. when a high state is excited, the result is usually a cascade down thru several intermediate states, not a single radiative transition down to the ground state.
For example, in deep space most of the hydrogen atoms are just protons, but they do occasionally become neutral atomic hydrogen by capture of a passing electron into a very high bound state. To even do that there needs to be some "third body" to take up the electron's greater than binding energy. Thus it is very improbable that the "third body" can absorb all the energy the free electron had (More than 13.6 ev) so it "falls" directly into the ground state. It might for example be captured into the n = 23 excited state, then "drop down" with IR radiation to the n = 22, 21, or 20 state, from which it will drop down in cascade fashion thru more lower states still. Eventually (after a fraction of a second) it may emit some visible light of the Balmer serie and then a UV photon of the Lyman serie as it become part of a hydrogen atom in the ground state.
* This is because closely spaced quantized energy level wave functions overlap much more than pair with greater difference in energy levels. Again crudely speaking the radiative transition probabily between two state is proportional to the overlap of their wave functions. (Assuming, of course, that such transitions are "permitted" - obey the "selection rules.")
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