Guilty About Not Allowing Others to Smoke?

  • Thread starter Gabrielle
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In summary, the conversation is about the topic of smoking and how the speaker does not allow smoking in their car, even for their own mother. They mention feeling guilty about not allowing their mother to smoke in the car during winter, but ultimately prioritize their own discomfort and the smell in their car. They also share their experiences with others who have complained about not being able to smoke in their car and how they handle it. The conversation ends with others reassuring the speaker that they are not in the wrong for not allowing smoking in their car.
  • #1
My mother and I go shopping every now and then in my car. I don't allow smoking in my car since I'm not a smoker myself. My mother doesn't seem to mind sitting on a bench or a picnic table outside the store in warm weather but winter is another story. I don't like to force her to smoke outside in the winter when the temperatures are below freezing. However, I will agree to let her smoke with the door open while she's actually sitting in the car (turned sideways with her feet on the ground and facing the outside). I can't tell you how guilty I feel making her stand outside while she's shivering from the cold and scarcely able to hold onto her cigarette. I realize how addictive smoking can be. My mother has been smoking since high school so I've kind of given up on her being able to quit although she has tried the nicotine patches in the past. For many years, she has confined her smoking to one room in the house--the kitchen. However, she has restricted her smoking one step further by confining herself to the cellarway as she recently bought some new kitchen curtains and didn't want nicotine film on her perky new curtains. My brother also smokes and when he visits, my mother doesn't smoke while he's there because she doesn't want to ask that he also smoke in the cellarway. I'm worried that smoking in the cellarway will bother my mother's lungs even more as the cellarway is a smaller space and the nicotine smell is very obvious. My sister (a former smoker) can't stand to be around cigarette smoke now and doesn't want anyone to smoke around her young son, Nicholas. When my sister and her son come to visit, my mother used to smoke out on the doorstep for awhile until my sister finally told her, "Mama, go ahead and smoke. After all, it is your house and Nick is usually in the other room watching TV when you're smoking anyway." My mother doesn't smoke nearly as often when she has company anyway because she doesn't want people to know how much she smokes.

I also remember when I gave a co-worker a ride to pick up her car at the garage. It was the first time she had ridden in my car. She had a cigarette halfway to her mouth and she was already to "fire up" her Bic lighter when she asked, "You don't mind if I smoke, do you?" I told her that I didn't even allow my own mother to smoke in my car.

Also, my parents bought a new car recently and my mother prefers to ride in their pickup truck because she's been smoking in that vehicle right along. My father thinks that the reason why she'd rather ride in the truck is because she doesn't want to "stink up" the new car although my father hasn't told her that she couldn't smoke in the new car.
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  • #2
No reason to feel guilty, especially when it's your own car! I don't allow smoking in my car either. Once someone lights up in there, you never get that stink out. When I have parties at my house, I'll put an ashtray out on my back deck and people can smoke outside, that's it. Even when I go to dinner with a group of people, I insist on the nonsmoking section. If they need to smoke, they can go sit at the bar or step outside. Most smokers I'm friends with are courteous enough to realize non-smokers don't want to be exposed to their bad habit and will step away to smoke.

A few relatives are more of a pain in the butt about it. My one step-brother really complained once about not being allowed to smoke in my car when I was already doing him a favor by driving him around when he didn't have his own car, and I told him quite bluntly that if he wanted me to give him a ride, there was no smoking in the car, and if he couldn't go without a cigarette for the duration of the drive, then he could walk. He shut up after that.
  • #3
Moonbear said:
to their bad habit and will step away to smoke.

A few relatives are more of a pain in the butt about it. My one step-brother really complained once about not being allowed to smoke in my car when I was already doing him a favor by driving him around when he didn't have his own car, and I told him quite bluntly that if he wanted me to give him a ride, there was no smoking in the car, and if he couldn't go without a cigarette for the duration of the drive, then he could walk. He shut up after that.
I don't know if it was supposed to be, but that's funny!
  • #4
Don't feel guilty, Gabs.

She's the one who should be feeling guilty! She's the one trying to force her addiction on you, just because she doesn't want to get a bit cold standing around.
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  • #5
I don't think you need to feel guilty. Is there a better place for them to smoke? Or a way to stay warm? And would your mother really feel fine about smoking in your car knowing that it bothered you?
I didn't smoke inside when I lived with non-smokers. Even now that I smoke inside, if someone who is bothered by smoke comes over, I'll go outside. I think it's just being respectful. Of course, I live in Florida, so it's usually decent outside. I didn't smoke during the hurricanes last year though (at my brother's apartment- they don't smoke).
  • #6
I'm a smoker, and assume indoors to be a non-smoking area unless told otherwise. Your mother has no need to suffer in the cold anyhow. A couple of quick drags takes a few seconds and is where the nicotine 'rush' comes in.
  • #7
eww... she smoked in the kitchen? that seems like the worst place to smoke. all your food will reak... only thing i can imagine is worse is what my mum does... smokes when ironing. blech... no thanks, i'll iron my own clothes instead of reaking all day. (course I've done my own laundry for years anyways...)

at any rate, smokers shouldn't smoke. making the habit uncomfortable is about all we can do as a society. its actually probably a good thing that you don't let her smoke in your car, and that she doesn't smoke around company. at least that means she's smoking fewer cigarettes than otherwise. you're helping her health, and maybe eventually, this could help her kick the habit.
  • #8
It's just rude to smoke up somebody else's house or car without permission. Even if the smoker owns the house or car it is polite to ask if the person would be bothered by the smoke rather than just subject them to it.

Smoking is a nasty habit. It grows on ya. I'm thinking about a cigarette right now. It takes up so much of my time smoking and thinking about smoking. It destroys my health. It's expensive. It stinks. It labels me as a smoker which some people seem to put on par with lesser species. I have to listen to people telling me to quit, "Hmm, never thought of that before." My own personal image of myself suffers for it. I wonder how it affects the people that I care about now and potentially in the future. Brain goes through a chemical change and the number of dopamine receptors increases which promotes depression (or so I've been told). It seems smoking can certainly give people real enough reason to be depressed. I recently had an aunt who died from cancer. She was a smoker.

Your mother probably thinks many of the same things. She does the things she does to separate her family from her problem. Quitting smoking is one of, if not the, most difficult addiction to break.
  • #9
Gale17 said:
at any rate, smokers shouldn't smoke. making the habit uncomfortable is about all we can do as a society.
If a person is sane and their smoking doesn't hurt anyone else, I don't think anyone else has grounds to stop them from smoking.
  • #10
Huckleberry said:
Your mother probably thinks many of the same things. She does the things she does to separate her family from her problem. Quitting smoking is one of, if not the, most difficult addiction to break.

That's really the biggest thing I got out of it. She knows she has a bad habit and is doing what she can to not make it her family's habit. Especially with a baby around, she's trying to avoid exposing the little one. Probably the best gesture that would prevent guilty feelings would be to say "thanks" when she goes off alone somewhere to smoke to spare the health of those around her. Let her know you appreciate her effort and maybe the little bit of support that gives her will encourage her to cut back more and maybe quit altogether. As Huck points out, it's a real addiction, and a tough one to quit, so supportive family can really help if someone decides to put the hard effort into quitting.
  • #11
Moonbear said:
Probably the best gesture that would prevent guilty feelings would be to say "thanks" when she goes off alone somewhere to smoke to spare the health of those around her. Let her know you appreciate her effort and maybe the little bit of support that gives her will encourage her to cut back more and maybe quit altogether. As Huck points out, it's a real addiction, and a tough one to quit, so supportive family can really help if someone decides to put the hard effort into quitting.
Oh, yes, I think that's a great suggestion. If she wants to quit, your support would surely be helpful. Even if she doesn't want to quit, letting her know that you appreciate her being considerate would be nice.
  • #12
honestrosewater said:
If a person is sane and their smoking doesn't hurt anyone else, I don't think anyone else has grounds to stop them from smoking.

well, i pretty much agree... 'cept smoking's unhealthy. so, like i said, the only thing we can do is making smoking uncomfortable. we can't make them quit, but we can make it less awesome to not quit. almost everyone i know smokes, my family, and most friends. of course, my friends are teens, and that sucks. the lamest thing ever is hearing kids talk about trying to quit.
  • #13
I'd tell you not to feel bad if you threw your mother out of the house in a blizzard because smoking isn't a habit that should be accommodated. In actuality, she is poisoning you by smoking around you. I'd try to help her quit again.
  • #14
Right, smoking has serious health risks. But whose decision is it to take or not take those risks? I think it's the person whose health is being risked. If I want to risk getting cancer, that's my decision. If someone wants to lay on the beach without wearing sun block and risk skin cancer, I think that's their decision. If someone wants to handle venomous snakes and risk being bitten, I think that's their decision. Isn't this just a basic part of respecting people's right- or giving them the right- to live their lives how they want?
  • #15
Gale17 said:
well, i pretty much agree... 'cept smoking's unhealthy. so, like i said, the only thing we can do is making smoking uncomfortable. we can't make them quit, but we can make it less awesome to not quit. almost everyone i know smokes, my family, and most friends. of course, my friends are teens, and that sucks. the lamest thing ever is hearing kids talk about trying to quit.
I don't think making people feel uncomfortable about themselves when they are already overwhelmed is doing anyone any good. Have concern for them. Treat them like normal people. If they decide to quit then support that decision. Be considerate and not derisive. It is this uncomfortable feeling that I was referring to when I wrote about feeling like others consider a smoker a lesser species.

On the same note, do not condone the habit by allowing it in your car or house when you normally wouldn't, especially if there is a child in the house. Demand respect, but give it too.
  • #16
Huckleberry said:
I don't think making people feel uncomfortable about themselves when they are already overwhelmed is doing anyone any good. Have concern for them. Treat them like normal people. If they decide to quit then support that decision. Be considerate and not derisive. It is this uncomfortable feeling that I was referring to when I wrote about feeling like others consider a smoker a lesser species.

On the same note, do not condone the habit by allowing it in your car or house when you normally wouldn't, especially if there is a child in the house. Demand respect, but give it too.

bah, i have a lot of sympathy for smokers, i know so many, i understand that its difficult to quit, and i am very supportive. I'm speaking very generally. smoking just shouldn't be a comfortable thing to do. and its good that it isn't. if we luxury accomodations for smokers, that would be bad. i mean uncomfortable quite literally... as in simply not comfortable.
  • #17
So you think I should start spitting on people that I see walking around outside without wearing sunblock? And people who drive their cars above 40mph? And fly on airplanes without a parachute? And ride on roller coasters?
If you're trying to help someone who wants to quit, I think that's great. But why do you think you have any right to try to make them quit?
  • #18
honestrosewater said:
So you think I should start spitting on people that I see walking around outside without wearing sunblock? And people who drive their cars above 40mph? And fly on airplanes without a parachute? And ride on roller coasters?
If you're trying to help someone who wants to quit, I think that's great. But why do you think you have any right to try to make them quit?

AHHH! sheesh... i quit... obviously I'm not articulate enough today to get my point across...

you're sooo far off from what i was saying though.
  • #19
Well, I have no sympathy for smokers, either. If pay for my car and therefore own the space; it's certainly within my rights to tell other people what they can or can't do there. Same goes for my apartment.

- Warren
  • #20
Making people uncomfortable makes people uncomfortable. Although if I didn't smoke I wouldn't let anyone smoke in my car just because they had a craving. But I do smoke, and I don't light up in other people's cars. No need for making people uncomfortable physically or otherwise. It's just a matter of mutual respect.
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  • #21
Gale17 said:
AHHH! sheesh... i quit... obviously I'm not articulate enough today to get my point across...

you're sooo far off from what i was saying though.
Oh, sorry. You don't have to explain yourself, but if you feel like it, maybe we'll have more luck then. :smile:
  • #22
Personally, i don't think you should feel guilty. You're the one getting second hand smoke!

I, like your sister can't stand cigarette smoke myself...
  • #23
Huckleberry said:
Making people uncomfortable makes people uncomfortable.
That's very true. AHH, where is the :smile:?! I guess I will need to learn the codes. :frown:
I'm totally with you on the mutual respect part.
  • #24
Huckleberry said:
Making people uncomfortable makes people uncomfortable. Although if I didn't smoke I wouldn't let anyone smoke in my car just because they had a craving. But I do smoke, and I don't light up in other people's cars. No need for making people uncomfortable physically or otherwise. It's just a matter of mutual respect.

Right. I guess it doesn't have to be any different than if I get a craving for potato chips and the person whose car I'm in doesn't like people to eat in their car; I can wait until we get where we're going. As long as they stay away from anyone who doesn't want to be exposed to their smoke, that's all I ask (including standing far enough from doorways of public buildings so that others coming and going don't have to walk through their smoke). I won't tell them what to do in their own house or car. I also take the view that if I'm going to the house of a smoker, it's still their house. I know they smoke, and I can make the choice of not being exposed to it by not visiting them inside their house, and then it's my choice. I generally don't visit the homes of smokers because I do find it an unpleasant environment with the cigarette odor on everything even if they aren't lighting up while I'm there. I'm perfectly happy to meet them someplace else where we can both be comfortable.
  • #25
Smoking in the car was the hardest thing for me to give up. I didn't think I could drive without smoking, my car smelled so bad.
Anyways, shortly after I quit I sold it and bought a new car..a virgin to smoke! No one smokes in my car... or in my house.
I smoked for over 30 years, and it was a simple chest x-ray,looking at two blacked sacks, where pink tissue use to live, that made me want to quit.
Its a been while now, but I still get cravings everyday.
  • #26
Smokers suck! :biggrin:

(this is a pun OK?!)
  • #27
Adrian Baker said:
Smokers suck! :biggrin:

(this is a pun OK?!)
They blow too.
  • #28
Huckleberry said:
Making people uncomfortable makes people uncomfortable.
This is going in my "favorite quotes" list. :biggrin:
  • #29
Gabrielle said:
... force her to smoke...
...making her stand outside while she's shivering from the cold...
Listen to yourself. You've bought the whole guilt package. You are forcing her to smoke?? You are making her stand outside??

  • #30
The whole anti-smokers' lack of civility thing is probably the only reason that I didn't quit 30 years ago. Every time somebody gave me grief about it, it just made me more determined to piss them off. Non-smokers are fine, and even in my own car I'll crack the window if I have one as a passenger. As for my home, the rule is: 'If you don't want to smoke, you have to go outside to not do it.'
By the same token, I can't breathe if there's vinegar anywhere near me. If someone in a restaurant pours it on his food, I'll move to another table instead of asking him not to use it.
  • #31
Gale17 said:
AHHH! sheesh... i quit... obviously I'm not articulate enough today to get my point across...

you're sooo far off from what i was saying though.
Gale I'm sure you're not trying to be a jerk to these people or anything and that you have their best interest in mind. Really though a person should be allowed to smoke and be comfortable doing so. Obvioulsy you shouldn't put yourself out to make them feel comfortable but to actively make someone feel uncomfortable regardless of whether or not they are doing so towards you isn't very nice.
I'm sure that we smokers on here do apreciate your concern for us. Thank you.
  • #32
TheStatutoryApe said:
Gale I'm sure you're not trying to be a jerk to these people or anything and that you have their best interest in mind. Really though a person should be allowed to smoke and be comfortable doing so. Obvioulsy you shouldn't put yourself out to make them feel comfortable but to actively make someone feel uncomfortable regardless of whether or not they are doing so towards you isn't very nice.
I'm sure that we smokers on here do apreciate your concern for us. Thank you.

i'm just going to say i agree... cause i basically do... and like i said before, I'm not articulate enough today to make that apparents it seems...

i don't think i actively make anyone feel uncomfortable... ever... well... unless its playful and funny... but that's different...
  • #33
Gale17 said:
unless its playful and funny... but that's different...
It's not, really, although I'm sure that you wouldn't do it on purpose. A joke isn't the least bit funny if it comes close to what other people say for real. It would be like teasing someone with a stutter because you don't mean any offense by it.
  • #34
Danger said:
It's not, really, although I'm sure that you wouldn't do it on purpose. A joke isn't the least bit funny if it comes close to what other people say for real. It would be like teasing someone with a stutter because you don't mean any offense by it.

AUGH! that's the last freaking aside I'm going to make... specifically i was thinking about my recent obsession with LeBrad... a completely separate issue... but i should've known that no matter what i meant it'd be misconstrued!

...bah, I've just tried writing out various explanations... but i know its not going to matter... i should've just said nothing before... UGH...
  • #35
Smokers are just mean people Gale, don't let them bother you. :-p

(wonders how many smokers are going to take that seriously and get mean)

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