H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man

  • Thread starter Mentat
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In summary, the topic has interested me ever since I read H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man: How can you make someone truly invisible? Any ideas are welcome, as I have never thought of a scientifically (or even logically) feasible way. Here's an idea...you have a suit with microscobic cells, some of these cells absorb light some are light sources, those which absorb the light give the information (colours, intesity, etc.) to other cells on the other side of this suit. So if you look at a person with this suit on you'll see what you would see if this person wasn't there. Naturally this is only theory and hardly practicle.
  • #71
christian_dude_27 said:
my friend, have you ever heard of astral projection? astral projection is when you move your spirit out of your body and are actually able to walk around and do things. you can touch things and all kind of stuff like that, but no one will be able to see you. so yea, i guess that is a way of being invisable. also, if you haven't already read my theory on space and time travel with the mind, i suggest you do. because, if you were able to ever do it, you could move in and out of time and dimensions so fast to make it where you are invisable.

Bet I won't.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
TeV said:
Maybe the proof that Mercury isn't good for human health :smile: ?

Mercury is a mental abstraction(yellow, more warring elements, with Mars influence? :smile:

The idea in distilliation, is to perfect and from a science point of view what is being distilled? What is the "vessel" used?

IN a "psychological sense" such perfection is the recognition of steps to freedom and the crowning glory. Fermentation for example, is the idea that you could be sitting with ideas on the back burner for many years and all of a sudden "eureka." Or Like those mathematicians, who spend 7-8 years on solving those mathematical problems of ponicare, fermat. Or applying sucha example to a days events and see incubation has present a chaotic idea of, in renditions in dream analyse.

Lets throw in a little Ramanujan and the idea of the octaves. Or let's throw in a little of the pryamidology,as models for paradigmal changes. This is taken from a post that I wrote for consideration.

If one were a geometer, how simple such a square could mean to the lower states of mankind, that its evolution, if sought to be represented in such a triangle, they might have found unification between the lower and higher centers?

If we had perceived the Octave to be based on eight and not seven, such a complete system would have been derived from wholeness, as of those seven, to have found the harmonics very well revealled. How do you add energy to any system?

You look for a spot? You look for a way to join the lower centers with the higher, and if the heart was such a spot, how would you introduce such energies?

If the osciallitory system and resonance of that system is to be raised, how would you do this? You would have to join the intellect with the emotive states to rise to spiritual understandings?

Only again in the gemetors eye would such a joining of the square and the triangle describe for us, what is embedded in any thought, that we have understood the emotive connections(baser qualities and solidifications)with the understanding of raising those same vibrations( look over top of the pyramid and what do you see?)

And then there is supposed to be this accomplishment.

In Reply to: For a Alchemist... posted by sol on May 28, 2003 at 13:37:00:

If we can recognize the King(Ego), then we have gone a long way to climbing the steps of progression and the road too, what has been perfection in another man( he offers his life), that we see his Kingdom of Heaven, rests in, the consciousness of any soul? He lives again?

Have we been so devoid of understanding, that the hermeutics of religious text, has been the exercise to read between the lines? What are images and symbols?

If we can change perception, by eliciting model apprehension and change, what makes us not think the interpretations are still not open to understanding?

Would we have denied that our own heaven, in the self(turn your own eyes upward) to have not recognized what was given up for us?

A ever wondering mind that seeks clarity, is another artists move, to consider that heaven in Dali's vision of the Tresserack, was a mind's perception of higher dimensional understandings, in what heaven might mean

You can see the ideas, and way in which one could look at things, could definitely go through some transformations once you indulge oneself in paradigmal model assumptions. Allows one to see in way they have not seen before. That is really Grokking models for change as foreign as these concepts might appear.:)

We are after the gold not the mercury in fish. Indulge that statement for a minute and you can see how it can be used to alter perception using language.
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  • #73
sol2 said:
Mercury is a mental abstraction(yellow, more warring elements, with Mars influence? :smile:
You may rest assured I was reffering to mercury (ie. quicksilver) not :smile: the planet.
But,ya know there is link between invisibility and quicksilver.Couple of years ago,I watched SF episodes of "The invisible man" (I think that was the title) where main character had liquid in his body on basis of quicksilver and from time to time could go inivisible .. :smile:
  • #74
Yep TeV, random alchemical allusions happen form time to time. Their theory of matter was a dualistic one, every body due to a mix of a "Mercuric" substance and a "Sulphurous" one (no planet for it!). Any manipulation of matter was to be understand in these bipolar terms. Guess it eventually evolved to Reduction/Oxidation etc in modern Chemistry.

Interestingly, the "psychological sense" invoked by sol2 is seen as crackpottery by current practising alchemists!
  • #75
arivero said:
Interestingly, the "psychological sense" invoked by sol2 is seen as crackpottery by current practising alchemists!
And these wouldn't be sort of witches and wizzards of new age?
"Suck and see approach" in experimental physics is something else.I wouldn't call it alchemy.By no means.Word alchemy sounds too oculistic to me.Dark middleage environment and stuff..
  • #76
TeV said:
"Suck and see approach" in experimental physics is something else.I wouldn't call it alchemy.
Neither me, at least in the modern implementation. On other hand, alchemy had a deep belief in its theory, actually blocking further advances, so it was replaced by modern chemistry. By "practising alchemists" I was not referring to physicist, but to practicioners of the old approach. Retro thing, but interesting hobby.

Back in Newton times, the dualistic theory of alchemical reactions was still considered a valid approach, so it was sensible for a scientist to do research about it.
  • #77
Back in Newton times, the dualistic theory of alchemical reactions was still considered a valid approach, so it was sensible for a scientist to do research about it.

Well Newton was about the last major scientist to think so. Ever since Boyle wrote the Skeptical Chymist, real chemistry had been differentiating itself from alchemy. Newton had his own theory about everything from alchemy to the Bible, and can't be taken as representative.
  • #78
arivero said:
Yep TeV, random alchemical allusions happen form time to time. Their theory of matter was a dualistic one, every body due to a mix of a "Mercuric" substance and a "Sulphurous" one (no planet for it!). Any manipulation of matter was to be understand in these bipolar terms. Guess it eventually evolved to Reduction/Oxidation etc in modern Chemistry.

Interestingly, the "psychological sense" invoked by sol2 is seen as crackpottery by current practising alchemists!

I beg to differ on terms of crackpottery :smile:

Myths are a interesting thing.

I spoke on this subject in relation to http://wc0.worldcrossing.com/WebX?50@80.qwgVbNnebgf.0@.1dde81eb , by Jean Shinoda Bolen. Here you see real artistry at work. One of many forms of creativity

At various times there were references that we engaged at a previous time on this subject. Some memories might be sparked, even with clear acclamations of certainty :smile:

If one was to identify such a thought of what could have been found in men who live the cycles of lives, passing things onto there children, what would have been the choice but to teach all the courage to venture out into life and be brave about it(sense of confidence would have been spoken as bravery). Dickt is right about this. Yet such boldness could have found itself exploited by a mind unaware of the extent of the way he might have lived his life, and realized to late, his children have been listening all along.

So, how is the cycle broken? Wotan in leadership, would have been devastating in the roles of a Hitler, and where would we have seen such thoughts moved into the world of a messiah complex?

Is it then, we are without the roles models for giving our children a path and image, then to have demonstrated such bull headness? Image a pure race and what hogwash, and if it was set as a ideal, what could have be transmitted to a people that were doing better then they that dream?

So what has been done but to have Hitler share his dream and what now becomes the dream of the people? I think we know what I am talking about here? And a Jewish people became the brunt of his values?

So Wotan has harbored feelings of never having enough, and to see such mindness in terms of the way life is lived in religious principles, Wotan created his own religion. His soldiers, the SS. He realize the vision his people needed, and imagine, that out of such a devalued dollar, a war machine must be developed with a purpose, to put its people back to work and expand its borders? Recover parts of the country that was lost, to have soveriety demonstrated, and acknowldeged? How many leaders(countries) have done the same?

Doc:[I]If such archetypes exist as in the case of the "wotan" complex--which could be considered, the psyche "shadow" of God or the devil, one would have to consider the possibility that if this "center for evil" is ignored or repressed for an extensive period, it will "break forth" in its usual mischievous, tricksier mode that could result in devastation but on the other side, it could be constructive or in a merrymaking state.[/I]

Repression, and what of Hitlers life, could have found him without a role model, to discover he would institute his values? So do we say that such repression could have arisen from a self without direction? Envy of another, who might of lived a better life and what does he do. What could any culture do, that is without the resources to develope and watches as a desert is made into a garden?

Would it have been selfishness then that those who hold such values on life could have gone without their wotan complexes themselves? Wotan might have risen out of a evolutionary creature, who conscience has not been given, and who does he ignore? His own children in face of his goals and that any desire of control, being past to his sons, would have found a illusion created because he could have never relinquished control? So unaware of the people that live in close proximity, its borders, why has not the olive branch been extended instead of the guns and death in retaliation? The cycle of violence and the ring of power?

Who is the king then, that we could compared any ego, to one that has a narrow view on life, to have recognized the wider perspective of vision and awareness would have relegate such a ego to venture into the world with such bravery and self confidence. It would have required a Wotan, who had developed his compassion for others. By then he is no longer the king without a conscience but a king who might have realized that such a kingdom of heaven could have been attained in life.

Because we use such models for thinking, it might have been missed that is does not matter the way in whcih to choose to value these steps to perfection or harmonious natures ( music of the spheres). Imagine usng quantum geometry tied to the very nature of our thinking and modelling on a scale in consideration of dimension, from "least to most". What kind of thought value system would emerge?

Thoughts by there very nature discrete, while those of a fluid nature, very flexible in the world of concretize belief systems. Imagine the monte carlo method and the idealization of triangulation tied to the brains thought function as amodel for quantum gravity. :smile:

Even you arivero chose a story of Mowgli for consideration and having a deeper meaning then you realized at first? :smile:

So sure, we use models all the time. Mathematicians do it, and summarize very nicely for us based on those formulations. These are the most interesting summations I am drawn too, because of its artistic flare that some can draw better then others?

If you want to make a deep impression you have to be colorful about it:)
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  • #79
Mentat said:
This topic has interested me ever since I read H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man: How can you make someone truly invisible?

Any ideas are welcome, as I have never thought of a scientifically (or even logically) feasible way.

The Philadelphia Experiment, using Einstein's unified field theory, created generators producing an electromagnetic field which refracts light, allegedly making the USS Eldridge invisible. However, the crew was harmed and therefore the use of the generators are likely harmful to humans.
  • #80
The Philadephia experiment is an urban legend, and I know enough about Einstein's Unified Field Theory to say it does not produce invisibility. The core of the story was probably the practice of passing coils of wire around a ship to "de-Gauss" it and make it "invisible" to torpedoes with magnetic fuses.
  • #81
Optics are difficult

My two thoughts on recieve/transmit for optical clothing are -

1. To have an image received on one side and projected on the other would work if the wearer was two dimensional, however wearer is not a flatplane, and clothing is not a flat plane, so to assume an image received on the back will be directly reflective of what would be seen at a corresponding point on the front of the wearer if the wearer were invisible, is not possible. Mutliply this distortion by thousands and visible anomalies would occur enough for early detection by an observer, enemy or scout.

2. As an earlier respondant mentioned, to view a two dimensional image at the exact same focal point as all cameras (whos images are supposedly pointing to a parallel vector) is not possible. Viewability at all angles is a very difficult perspective to achieve in image transmission.

I think for any non-planular surface, like a jacket being worn by a person, we will have to wait for perhaps image projection at a molecular or extra molecular dimension. This would achieve a greater 3D projection symmetry.
  • #82
Welcome to the forums, Michael. Your point about 3-D image projection is right along the lines of what I was thinking. It is also the solution to your second problem posed in the above post, as holograms can be projected to appear the same from many different angles.
  • #83
We'll never know 100% if the Philadelphia Experiment actually happened or not, becuase Einstein is dead and the US Army deny all knowledge of it's existence/occurance

Anyone got a link for the unified field theory?
  • #84
If I may present an idea? It is my understanding that all matter is energy at it's most fundamental level. If one takes some of the most common forms of energy, for example, electrical energy, radio waves, microwaves, heat energy and light, and looks for a common element one immediately identifies a wave-like property. Electrical energy oscillates along copper conductors - and through the air too under certain circumstances - and at varying frequencies. So to do the others with light also having wave/particle duality. The point here is that if matter is indeed energy then wouldn't it also be fair to say that matter too oscillates at certain frequencies? Harmonics is where two distinctly different tones oscillate together in a complimentary fashion and is achieved by adjusting the frequency of the oscillating tones. I propose that the only true way to achieve body-singular invisibility is by adjusting the wave frequency of the matter that comprises our bodies. The human brain produces it's own waves, and a great many too if I am not mistaken. Perhaps there is a certain wave that can be produced that will resonate through the rest of the body matter changing it's vibrational frequency also - maybe raising it to a frequency more closely matched to an higher dimension. It would be akin to moving ones physical body in it's entirety into the same space which hosts the out of body experience. A large amount of people worldwide have validated (maybe not with an official paper) the occurences of so called out of body experiences. Many people have woken on an operating room table with detailed knowledge of events which had transpired while they were 'dead'. I believe it to be true - that we each possesses a kind of energetic body overlaid on our physical one that is provided for travel in the 'out of body' plane, or the next higher dimension if you will. I believe also that it is possible to move an entire physical object there as opposed to a purely energetic form. It is all a matter of matching frequencies. We are still in the early days when it comes to understanding theta wave production in the brain and theta waves themselves are proving extremely exotic and difficult to understand. Maybe conciously generated theta waves are the key to true invisibility? There are a lot of intangibilities here I know but I say to you, the better our technology becomes the more intangible it becomes also. It's like going from atoms to quanta - the places where we find the most energy are the least tangible in a physical sense. I say the future is the human being. No technology can make us invisible. There will be no invisibility suits. There may be invisible humans but they will not need technology to achieve it. It will be a matter of understanding and will. It shall not be able to be sold. :rolleyes:
  • #85
Invisibility is in the mind of the beholder

while I don't have a direct link to the article, some of you may recall that Fark.com posted an article on auditory halucination in schizophrenics. In a nutshell it stated that while the eardrum doesn't vibrate, the auditory portion of the brain misfires or is overly active. Thus the subject "hearing things" is actually hearing them just as if the eardrums were vibrating which would mean these noises are absolutely real...even if they are imagined. Now if we could target someones brain with a EM frequency that would negate synaptic firings in the brain's "vision" center we could blur or even blind them...
  • #86
Human cell structure change: Change the dna of a cell in our appearance to that of clear transparency: such as one of pure glass. This would work and has no effects on the function of our body. As long as you keep the original dna, you can convert the person straight back. Currently, this is outlawed, thanks to stupid politicians, but I am hoping by 2015 the ban will be lifted.
  • #87
I think you pretty much covered everything zero lmao.
  • #88
creat a huge gravitational field and bend the light around you.
  • #89
I don't think that you would actually have to be invisible to people, just invisible to a photon, so you would have to eliminate the interactions that photons have with the matter in your body; not an easy feat but you would be invisible if you did that.
So there's you answer, but then how do we get the things in your body to stop interacting with photons, and to that, there is no real answer that wouldn't involve some assumption of things, but, I would guess that it's a small scale force which is entirely dependant on the fact that your photons are slamming (or more often not because it's like two galaxies colliding) into the bits that make up matter and being deflected. The light also loses energy but because it's got bits that make it up too.
You can't bring yourself out of phase, sorry but that startrek concept doesn't exist or work, but you can possibly meddle with what supports that reaction. You could make the spaces in between bigger and that would make the forces responsible for your visibility less effective, or you could even change the flavour of the soup that you ("the chunks") are floating in, but not enough (and this is where it gets tricky) that you cease to function properly. Which could both possibly be the same thing. If you decreased quantum foam pressure (not sure what to call it pressure fits well sorta), by increasing density, then density of solid chunks should naturally increase by force of pressure, or opposite by a repelling force so you would have to increase the density if that were the case.
Good luck doing that...
  • #90
lol sorry for bumping this topic back but i really like invisiblity and i know a lot about it.


The one made in japan, you need like a camera on the back of the person, and he needs to where a suit so he could be like a tv screen, so when the camera is turned on, you see right through him, making active camouflage.
  • #91
Let's not have parallel discussions on the same topic...especially one that's been dead a while.

Dopey, what you are doing is spam. Stick to one thread.

I'm closing this and leaving the thread (of this same title) in Gen Engg open.