Harness energy from temperature difference between Earth and space

In summary: Sterling Engine, you could calculate how much energy you can generate this way. It would be very small, but it would be an interesting project to see if it could be made to work at all.In summary, the conversation discusses the potential for harnessing thermal energy by creating a temperature difference between two bodies. It is suggested that this could be achieved by cooling down a liter of water and allowing it to radiate heat into outer space. However, it is noted that this would require proper insulation and the use of a Sterling engine to harness the energy. The feasibility and potential efficiency of this process is debated.
  • #1
The second law of thermodynamics say that we could harness thermal energy only if there is temperature difference between a two bodies. Will it work if we have a forcible heat rejection from one body to another? Difference of temperatures between the oceans and the outer space is around 300 K. Let say we take a liter of water (300 K) and cool it down quite a much by forcing all the heat to be emitted as infrared radiation through athmosphere transparency window to the outer space. We could spend one kilowatt of energy to reject a few kilowatts of heat. And then we will have temp. difference between cooled and non-cooled water. Could we gain some energy in total using a process of that kind?
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  • #2
Stanley514 said:
Difference of temperatures between the oceans and the outer space is around 300 K.
How do you define the "temperature of outer space"?
  • #3
Svein said:
How do you define the "temperature of outer space"?
I do not know exact definitions, but thermodynamically it should be closer to absolute zero (zero Kelvins). Though ideal vacuum contains no matter, blackbody radiation tends to expand in empty space (in vacuum) and it effects in possibility to harness energy. One of the proves is solar cells. Vacuum contains small amount of photons (of any kind) per squire meter, much less than room temperature matter and it may result in some kind of effective temperature.
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  • #4
Stanley514 said:
Though ideal vacuum contains no matter, blackbody radiation tends to expand in empty space (in vacuum) and it effects in possibility to harness energy.
Agree, but on the other hand vacuum is a perfect thermionic isolator (that is why we use it in thermos bottles). I have not calculated the radiation balance for a black body in earth-near space lately, but I know that it is nowhere near absolute zero.
  • #5
Hi Stanley,
What you suggest could be done - and other than the equipment would be completely free - but it wouldn't produce much energy. You can calculate using the stefan-boltzmann law the theoretical maximum capacity of such a device, but keeping it isolated from other enviromental thermal energy sources would be difficult.
  • #6
Svein said:
Agree, but on the other hand vacuum is a perfect thermionic isolator (that is why we use it in thermos bottles). I have not calculated the radiation balance for a black body in earth-near space lately, but I know that it is nowhere near absolute zero.
Thermos bottles use reflective coatings to limit thermal radiation.

The black body temperature of empty space is about 3K. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background
  • #7
russ_watters said:
Hi Stanley,
What you suggest could be done - and other than the equipment would be completely free - but it wouldn't produce much energy. You can calculate using the stefan-boltzmann law the theoretical maximum capacity of such a device, but keeping it isolated from other enviromental thermal energy sources would be difficult.
Do you mean low power or low efficiency? And which isolation do you mean?
  • #8
Stanley514 said:
Do you mean low power or low efficiency?
Efficiency doesn't matter when the energy is free and different sources aren't comparable with each other anyway: it would be low power.
And which isolation do you mean?
In order to make a chamber or object colder than the surrounding environment, it needs to be insulated.
  • #9
Stanley514 said:
Let say we take a liter of water (300 K) and cool it down quite a much by forcing all the heat to be emitted as infrared radiation through athmosphere transparency window to the outer space.

How do you propose to do this?
  • #10
Drakkith said:
How do you propose to do this?
A solar oven (at night) would work. This issue is why cars (not to mention telescopes) get dew/frost on them so easily.
  • #11
russ_watters said:
A solar oven (at night) would work. This issue is why cars (not to mention telescopes) get dew/frost on them so easily.

Ah. I should have known from all the time I spent unfogging my telescope mirrors with a hairdryer.
  • #12
russ_watters said:
A solar oven (at night) would work. This issue is why cars (not to mention telescopes) get dew/frost on them so easily.
Could you explain how?
  • #13
Take the solar oven, but make it large and flat. The four sides would be insulated, the glass would be double-paned, also for insulation (but of a type that transmits IR well). The back of the chamber would be made of aluminum, painted flat black for maximum emissivity (would need to confirm the paint's IR emissivity). Evacuate most of the air out of the chamber to limit the convection loss.

Heat will flow from the ambient air, through the aluminum panel, where it would be radiated into space. Like a water-wheel interrupting a stream, a heat engine interrupts a flow of heat energy and harnesses it. So you connect the back panel of the thermal radiator to a Sterling engine, since Sterling engines are capable of functioning with a low delta-T.

As I said, you can use the Stefan Boltzmann equation to calculate how much radiation you should emit from such a setup. Then with that energy input, heat loss calculations based on the insulation of the chamber and the efficiency equation for a Sterling Engine, you could calculate how much energy you can generate this way. It would be very small, but it would be an interesting project to see if it could be made to work at all.
  • #14
russ_watters said:
Take the solar oven, but make it large and flat. The four sides would be insulated, the glass would be double-paned, also for insulation (but of a type that transmits IR well). The back of the chamber would be made of aluminum, painted flat black for maximum emissivity (would need to confirm the paint's IR emissivity). Evacuate most of the air out of the chamber to limit the convection loss.

Heat will flow from the ambient air, through the aluminum panel, where it would be radiated into space. Like a water-wheel interrupting a stream, a heat engine interrupts a flow of heat energy and harnesses it. So you connect the back panel of the thermal radiator to a Sterling engine, since Sterling engines are capable of functioning with a low delta-T.

As I said, you can use the Stefan Boltzmann equation to calculate how much radiation you should emit from such a setup. Then with that energy input, heat loss calculations based on the insulation of the chamber and the efficiency equation for a Sterling Engine, you could calculate how much energy you can generate this way. It would be very small, but it would be an interesting project to see if it could be made to work at all.
What if we try to intensify this process with help of a heat pump?
  • #15
Stanley514 said:
What if we try to intensify this process with help of a heat pump?
Heat pumps improve energy quality (delta-T) at the expense of quantity (or vice versa). So adding a heat pump would only further reduce the efficiency.
  • #16
russ_watters said:
Heat pumps improve energy quality (delta-T) at the expense of quantity (or vice versa). So adding a heat pump would only further reduce the efficiency.
From what I know heat pumps are pretty efficient in theory and even in practice, for example for each 1 KW of energy spend in frig or conditioner you could obtain 5 KW of "cold". It seems like you could move lot of quantity sacrificing little quality. Stefan Boltzmann equation it seems shows quantity, but I would be glad to know efficiency (quality) for a start. If temperature of oceans are close to 300K and outer space to 4K, it should be pretty large difference?
  • #17
The radiator transfers heat to space: the heat pump would only be transferring it from the radiator to some intermediate storage between the radiator and the environment (or did you have something else in mind? Please be specific ). I'd be surprised if you could get any better than 5-10C difference between the radiator and the environment and the heat flux is set by the radiator. There really isn't anything for a heat pump to do, that I can see.
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  • #18
I wondered if the OP meant to send the water into space on a rocket, have it cool down and then some time later wrap it in insulation and return it to earth. Unfortunately I calculate it would take 33MJ to raise 1Kg of water up to say the International space station. Even if it could return at say 3K it would take less than 1MJ to return it to room temperature.
  • #19
Stanley514 said:
From what I know heat pumps are pretty efficient in theory and even in practice, for example for each 1 KW of energy spend in frig or conditioner you could obtain 5 KW of "cold". It seems like you could move lot of quantity sacrificing little quality. Stefan Boltzmann equation it seems shows quantity, but I would be glad to know efficiency (quality) for a start. If temperature of oceans are close to 300K and outer space to 4K, it should be pretty large difference?

The problem is how to radiate the energy to space. I calculated above that it takes too much energy to carry the water into space so the radiator would have to be on earth. Radaitors can either conduct or radiate heat away. Clearly they can't conduct it to space because the surrounding air is a lot warmer than 4K. The problem with radiation is that the power emitted is proportional to T4. Consider how little heat a human radiates at 309K. It's not very much but infra red cameras can detect it. Divide that by 3054 and you can see that the radiator would have to be truly enormous making it very hard to insulate.

Edit: Oh and there is the major problem of the radiator absorbing radiated heat from the sky (the atmosphere) which is hotter than space.
  • #20
If we take a litre of water with temp. 300K and will insulate it from the environment. Surround it with deep vacuum and polorized glass which allow IR to go out but not to go in. How much this water will cool down with time?
  • #21
Probably something like 5-10C. More important than that though is the heat flow rate.
  • #22
Stanley514 said:
Surround it with deep vacuum and polorized glass which allow IR to go out but not to go in.

No such material exists. It would be a violation of the laws of thermodynamics.
  • #23
That material isn't needed anyway: if the device is pointed at space on a clear night, it is receiving very little reflected IR anyway.

[edit] Stanley, how old are you and how badly do you want answers? It seems to me, this has the makings of a good school science fair project. Even if you are an adult, it may be worth a little time and money to test the idea to get some answers. Either way though, you appear not to have attempted any calculations yet.
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  • #24
  • #26
Drakkith said:
No such material exists. It would be a violation of the laws of thermodynamics.
Why? The Earth is not closed thermodynamic system. Violation of 2-d law of TD would happen if you have spontaneous heat transfer between two bodies with the same temperature in a closed system. What is not the case with Earth. If you remove Sun forever (and geothermal heat) or rap Earth in foil which reflects 100% of Sun radiation, Earth will cool down to 4K with time. What prevents to do the same thing with some particular piece of matter on Earth? You could isolate it from environment with help of vacuum and foil. It will no more constitute thermodynamically coupled system with Earth. Doesn't it suppose to cool down to 4K?
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  • #27
Will that glass have no thermal radiation itself? What is this "polarized glass"? Does it really exist?
  • #28
Stanley514 said:
Why? The Earth is not closed thermodynamic system. Violation of 2-d law of TD would happen if you have spontaneous heat transfer between two bodies with the same temperature in a closed system.
The way you wrote it previously was general enough to apply to bodies of the same temperature, separated by that one-way piece of glass. There are some limited ways around it though:
-If absorption and emission are at different temperatures, it may allow one and block the other (this is a basic function of windows).
-That meta-materal appears to selectively allow or block based on direction. See also: window blinds.
  • #29
"Physicists at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) envision a device that would harvest energy from Earth's infrared emissions into outer space.

Heated by the sun, our planet is warm compared to the frigid vacuum beyond. Thanks to recent technological advances, the researchers say, that heat imbalance could soon be transformed into direct-current (DC) power, taking advantage of a vast and untapped energy source."


Related to Harness energy from temperature difference between Earth and space

What is the concept of harnessing energy from temperature difference between Earth and space?

The concept of harnessing energy from temperature difference between Earth and space is based on the fact that there is a significant difference in temperature between the Earth's surface and the upper atmosphere. This temperature difference can be used to generate electricity through various techniques such as thermoelectric generators or solar chimney power plants.

How does this process work?

The process of harnessing energy from temperature difference between Earth and space involves the use of thermoelectric materials that can convert temperature differences into electricity. These materials have a property called the Seebeck effect, which allows them to generate an electric current when there is a temperature difference between two sides of the material. This current can then be harnessed and used as a source of energy.

What are the potential benefits of harnessing energy from temperature difference between Earth and space?

Harnessing energy from temperature difference between Earth and space can have several potential benefits. Firstly, it can provide a renewable and sustainable source of energy that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and decrease our carbon footprint. It can also provide energy in remote areas where traditional power sources may not be available.

Are there any challenges or limitations to this process?

There are some challenges and limitations to harnessing energy from temperature difference between Earth and space. One major limitation is the efficiency of the conversion process, as currently available technologies have a low efficiency rate. Additionally, there may be geographical limitations as certain areas may not have the necessary temperature difference to generate significant amounts of energy. The initial cost of implementing this technology may also be a challenge.

Is this technology currently being used or is it still in the development stage?

While the concept of harnessing energy from temperature difference between Earth and space has been around for decades, the technology is still in the development stage. Some smaller scale projects have been implemented, but it is not yet widely used on a commercial scale. Further research and development are needed to improve efficiency and make it a viable source of renewable energy.

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