Has this ever happened to you? Or am I unique or just stupid?

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, a man shares a story of accidentally freezing his soda, using a torch to melt it, and accidentally welding the bottle to the floor. He seeks suggestions on what to do about the damage, and others share their own clumsy stories.
  • #36
Yes, I saw that plexiglass guy too :) I think he threw it a couple of times even, the last bounce hitting him out :P
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Mentat and I are still waiting to find out how yo bur your foot making popcorn.
I had a shipmate that ran over his own foot with a motor scooter while touring the Bahamas. Another who power screwed his hand to the sheet metal wall for as steel building he was helping put up. The worst part was getting up the courage to unscrew himself.
  • #38
Royce said:
Mentat and I are still waiting to find out how yo bur your foot making popcorn.
I had a shipmate that ran over his own foot with a motor scooter while touring the Bahamas. Another who power screwed his hand to the sheet metal wall for as steel building he was helping put up. The worst part was getting up the courage to unscrew himself.

  • #39
So, tribdog, does your girlfriend know what happend, or have you successufully covered it up...so far?
  • #40
When i was a teenager i babysat for the next door neighbours, during the evening i had a crafty fag blowing the smoke out through an open window. I heard a noise coming from the bedroom so I placed the cigarette on the edge of a saucer which I placed on the floor. When i finally came back down from the bedroom I found the cigarette had fallen from the saucer and had burnt a long hole into there immaculate beige carpet. Frantic with worry and after two hours of pure panic i finally came up with the perfect life saving remedy, I cut little tuffs of fibre from the edges of the carpet and very carefully glued them into the hole. Perfect repair, it lasted two years and when the damage finally got discovered they were mystified as to what happened.

By the way did the bottle burn to the carpet get discovered? Is tribdog still with us.

  • #41
tribdog comes and goes.
  • #42
I believe this is now trib's longest-lasting thread.
  • #43
Necroposting is PF's form of necrophilia.
  • #44
tribdog said:
I went to the refridgerator to get myself a drink of soda pop. Unfo rtunately there was no soda. I realized that when I got home from the store I had place the warm 2 liter bottle of Pepsi in the freezer. I opened the freezer and there was the Pepsi, frozen solid. I really wanted a drink so I grabbed my bottle of MAPP Gas and torch tip and proceeded to heat the bottom of the bottle. slowly the Pepsi started to melt. I set the torch down and took a drink, then I set the bottle down on the floor. A few minutes later, when I wanted another drink I reached for the bottle, but it was stuck to the floor. I pulled harder and-with a tearing sound-the bottle came free. I looked down and there on the carpet I saw a round burn mark. I guess the bottom of the bottle was still pretty dang hot when I put it down.
All this happened about ten minutes ago, my girlfriend will be home any second and I have a huge burn in the middle of the carpet. Nice knowing you all. Any suggestions on what I should do?

you have a girlfriend?
  • #45
franznietzsche said:
Necroposting is PF's form of necrophilia.
Threads should probably autolock after, say, 48 hours with no posts.
  • #46
Pengwuino said:
you have a girlfriend?

Did you seriously just quote and reply to a two and a half year old post? You disgust me you necrophiliac.

zoobyshoe said:
Threads should probably autolock after, say, 48 hours with no posts.

Eh, a large number of front page threads in most subforums are older than that. But certainly after a week or two.
  • #47
zoobyshoe said:
Threads should probably autolock after, say, 48 hours with no posts.
If that happened, all our threads would be dead except for the erudite young minds contributing to the thread killers thread.

When i was a teenager i babysat for the next door neighbours, during the evening i had a crafty fag blowing the smoke out through an open window.
I didn't quite get this one. You had a multiple personality disorder in which one of your personalities was a crafty chain smoking homosexual?

Necroposting is PFs form of necrophiila
I have nothing against "necroposting," though it does seem a bit annoying at times.
  • #48
The new TKC??
  • #49
damn, this thread lasted longer than the girlfriend did
  • #50
So what ever happened with the carpet?
  • #51
The tv looked better there with the couches on the other side of the room. My girlfriend didn't love the new arrangement, but she was happy that I cared enough to try and rearrange the furniture
  • #52
tribdog said:
The tv looked better there with the couches on the other side of the room. My girlfriend didn't love the new arrangement, but she was happy that I cared enough to try and rearrange the furniture

And what did you get for being caring... :wink: .
  • #53
15 minutes of peace and quiet
  • #54
Heh heh heh :wink:
  • #55
tribdog said:
damn, this thread lasted longer than the girlfriend did

Wasn't that the same one who drop kicked a laptop and then suggested you play with her christmas present with her instead?
  • #56

I just came across this following a link from Bob G's thread.

It's a little late now but a friend of mine had a similar problem some years back. He and his gf had just moved into a new house and she was going to visit her folks for the weekend leaving him with strict instructions not to do any damage while she was gone.

Obviously he immediately organised a party and as happens at these events he ended up with a couple of cigarette burns in their brand new carpet. As it happened they were on the floor in front of the fireplace and so to cover his tracks he lit a coal fire and then took a couple of burning coals and placed them over the cigarette burn marks.

Although it compounded the damage it saved his skin as his gf believed his story that the coals had fallen out of the fire.
  • #57

mine may be better in terms of dumbgarbagetery:

I lit a plastic (glad disposable... THIN plastic) container full of rubbing alcohol on fire in the house. I even went as far as to set it down below a hanging towel. The towel caught on fire and the girlfriend grabbed it to throw it outside, but it came apart in smoldering chunks, all which made their own little unique shaped burn on the carpet.

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