Heat transfer and combustion correlations

In summary, the two correlations can be similar if the heat transfer coefficient is multiplied by the nusselt number.
  • #1
Hi am a bit stuck on understanding how these two correlations can be similar I am wondering if anyone can ahead any light
Can anyone solve

Correlation for heat transfer by natural convection from a horizontal pipe to atmosphere is;

Nu = 0.53Gr^0.25Pr^0.25
Nu = hd / k

Where, Gr = αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g / μ²
And Pr = Cpμ / k

Show that the above correlation can be simplified to;
h ≈ 1.34 (Ts-Tf / d)^0.25

α=3.077 x 10^-3
k=2.816 x 10^-5
μ=1.962 x 10^-5
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Mitch1 said:
Nu = 0.53Gr^0.25Pr^0.25
Nu = hd / k

Where, Gr = αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g / μ²
And Pr = Cpμ / k
Plug in the information:
## Nu = 0.53(\frac{αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g}{ μ²})^{0.25}(\frac{Cpμ }{ k})^{0.25} = hd / k ##
##h = \frac{k}{d} 0.53(\frac{αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g}{ μ²})^{0.25}(\frac{Cpμ }{ k})^{0.25} ##
Distribute through the exponents across multiplication, and compute the constants, and you should get an answer similar to
##a \left( \frac{(Ts-Tf)}{d}\right)^{.25}##
  • #3
Note: When I carried out the calculation, I did not get 1.34 as a coefficient. You may want to verify all you units to make sure they are balanced.
  • #4
RUber said:
Plug in the information:
## Nu = 0.53(\frac{αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g}{ μ²})^{0.25}(\frac{Cpμ }{ k})^{0.25} = hd / k ##
##h = \frac{k}{d} 0.53(\frac{αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g}{ μ²})^{0.25}(\frac{Cpμ }{ k})^{0.25} ##
Distribute through the exponents across multiplication, and compute the constants, and you should get an answer similar to
##a \left( \frac{(Ts-Tf)}{d}\right)^{.25}##

Hi ruber
Thanks for your reply!
All units are correct as stated I am also unsure how to get 1.34 I have tried various ways.
When I follow your advise how would d^3 disappear in a sense as this is a unknown
Thanks again
  • #5
The ##d^3 ## doesn't disappear, you have ##\frac{(d^3)^{.25}}{d}=\frac{1}{d^{.25}}##.
What is g? That constant was not given in your original post.
  • #6
RUber said:
The ##d^3 ## doesn't disappear, you have ##\frac{(d^3)^{.25}}{d}=\frac{1}{d^{.25}}##.
What is g? That constant was not given in your original post.
I unstandard that now thanks a lot!
And g is 9.81 it is just gravity
  • #7
did you try:


I`m working on same question.
  • #8
blitzman said:
did you try:


I`m working on same question.
Hi, would that not result in d^3
  • #9
Anyone get any further with this question? Its really becoming a bug bear of mine I can't seem to get it any further along...
  • #10
Big Jock said:
Anyone get any further with this question? Its really becoming a bug bear of mine I can't seem to get it any further along...
RUber gave the solution essentially completely in post #2. I don't see what the problem is.

  • #11
your 100% correct Chet I have got the correct answer my post was in haste
  • #12
Big Jock said:
your 100% correct Chet I have got the correct answer my post was in haste
Hi again I have completed this question however I am unsure how we get from
(D^3)^.25 /d. = (1/d^.25)
  • #13
Mitch1 said:
Hi again I have completed this question however I am unsure how we get from
(D^3)^.25 /d. = (1/d^.25)
It's just basic algebra.

  • #14
Chestermiller said:
It's just basic algebra.

Hi Chet
Yes I realized once I posted it
Thanks anyway
  • #15
Am I allowed to ask what "Distribute through the exponents across multiplication, and compute the constants" means for mere mortals struggling along. Or is that too much of an embarrassing admission?
  • #16
rjc45y said:
Am I allowed to ask what "Distribute through the exponents across multiplication, and compute the constants" means for mere mortals struggling along. Or is that too much of an embarrassing admission?
What I meant by "distribute through across multiplication" was:
##(ab^2c^a)^x = a^x b^{2x} c^{ax}##
Then, combine all your like terms.
  • #17
Many thanks, got the correct answer but at the mo' it's x10^-3 out, will preserver
  • #18
RUber said:
Plug in the information:
## Nu = 0.53(\frac{αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g}{ μ²})^{0.25}(\frac{Cpμ }{ k})^{0.25} = hd / k ##
##h = \frac{k}{d} 0.53(\frac{αρ²d³(Ts-Tf)g}{ μ²})^{0.25}(\frac{Cpμ }{ k})^{0.25} ##

I am having trouble getting my head round this problem. I think I am trying to do to much to quickly and confusing the numbers when I multiply out the equation.
Am I on the right line to multiply by μ² 1st? before I distribute through across multiplication?
For (\frac{Cpμ }{ k})^{0.25} I have got to = 0.915.
  • #19
Yes you are correct on both counts
  • #20
Do I need to multiply 0.915 that I found by μ2? and also 0.53 by μ2
  • #21
I am not sure what you are trying to do? Your 0.915 is essentially Pr but you can just plug the values into the equation you quoted in post #18
  • #22
Try working out the nusselt number with the values given and 0.915 you worked out.
Once you have nu you can then put this into the heat transfer coefficient equation
  • #23
NU = 47.55(d3(Ts-Tf))

Does that look close?
  • #24
Yes that looks correct but there needs to be a power of 0.25 at the end of your equation
  • #25
I missed that by mistake sorry.

Your help has been great and really got me past my mental block. I am 10-3 out but should I have used k in W not kW?
  • #26
Your thermal conductivity is given in kW m-1 k-1 this will give your answer x10-3 kW m-2 k-2 which when you covert to W you get your answer
  • #27
Apologies for the old thread resurrection but I can't get to grips with this.

I've tried it my long complicated way and the way suggested above and am struggling solving the equation.

Once I've punched in the numbers I end up with:

h=((1.49248x10^-5)/d)x((0.43433xd^0.75x(Ts-Tf))/0.0044) x0.915Please can someone come to my rescue?
  • #28
It's like the 0.0044 is in my way which was formerly (u^2)^0.25
  • #29
Rogue said:
Apologies for the old thread resurrection but I can't get to grips with this.

I've tried it my long complicated way and the way suggested above and am struggling solving the equation.

Once I've punched in the numbers I end up with:

h=((1.49248x10^-5)/d)x((0.43433xd^0.75x(Ts-Tf))/0.0044) x0.915Please can someone come to my rescue?
Any chance you can write this out using LaTex. https://www.physicsforums.com/help/latexhelp/

And please express your results first in terms of algebraic parameters, and then show how you substituted. I would like to see your whole derivation.
  • #30
My algebraic expression:

##h= \frac {k}{d} 0.53 ( \frac { \alpha p^2 d^3 (T_s - T_f) g} {u^2})^{0.25} (\frac {Cpu}{k})^{0.25}##
  • #31
Chestermiller said:
Any chance you can write this out using LaTex. https://www.physicsforums.com/help/latexhelp/

And please express your results first in terms of algebraic parameters, and then show how you substituted. I would like to see your whole derivation.

Is the above ok?
  • #32
##h= \frac {2.816 \times 10^-5}{d} 0.53 ( \frac { (3.077 \times 10^-3) 1.086^2 d^3 (T_s - T_f) 9.81} {(1.962 \times 10^-5)^2})^{0.25} (0.915)##

The 0.915 at the end is my calculated Pr number to the power of 0.25.
  • #33
Rogue said:
##h= \frac {2.816 \times 10^-5}{d} 0.53 ( \frac { (3.077 \times 10^-3) 1.086^2 d^3 (T_s - T_f) 9.81} {(1.962 \times 10^-5)^2})^{0.25} (0.915)##

The 0.915 at the end is my calculated Pr number to the power of 0.25.
So, what is the problem?
  • #34
Chestermiller said:
So, what is the problem?

I realize it's probably going to be something daft, and I've done the hard part (hopefully), but I just can't seem to progress it from here?
  • #35
##0.0044h= \frac {(2.816\times 10^-5)}{d} 0.53 (0.2355 \times 1.0421 d^{0.75}(T_s - T_f)^{0.25} 1.7698 ) (0.915)##

Would this be a step in the right direction?

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