Help? using physics to predict stunt outcome

  • Thread starter DKTKD
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In summary, the conversation was about providing calculations for a stunt involving stopping a cart on wheels weighing 4000 lbs traveling at 40 mph within 5 ft after passing a designated reference point. The calculations involved using Newton's laws, conservation of energy and momentum. The use of steel cables and a metal container filled with sand bags were suggested as potential methods for stopping the cart. However, the lack of complete information made the calculations difficult. It was suggested to experimentally determine the kinetic frictional coefficient and the appropriate mass of sand for the container.
  • #1
Hello All,
I reposted this b/c i think i put it in the wrong forum.

Recently I was asked to help provide some off the cuff
calcuations for a stunt being peformed by a friend.
It was a bit of challenge for me since I haven't cracked open a
physics books in a long time.
I used the Newtons laws, standard conservations of energy,
conservation of momentum etc etc.

But I felt like my calculations were missing something.
Either b/c my approach was wrong or I wasn't given
enought info and had to make to many assumptions.

So I wanted to see how everyone here would have
approached the problem and compare notes.

Thanks. Now for the Stunt.

The goal of the stunt was to stop a cart on wheels
(weighing about 4000 lbs) traveling about 40 mph within
5 ft after passing a designated reference point.
At the 5ft mark there is a barrier that we don't want to hit.
Assume the cart/wheel interaction is frictionless.

You are provided with steel cable. Diameter and length have
not been determine as availability is unknown. It is up to you
to help decide what size diameter to use that and what length.
Remember to use your youngs modulus to make sure the
elongation of the steel cable is taken into account for you
5ft stopping distance.

It was only after I performed the calculations that I was told that
I may have two 5/8" steel cables that are about 1000ft long.

At the other end of the steel cable, you are providing with a
metal container with about 10,000lbs of sand bags. Assume
metal container is on asphalt for your friction coefficient.
Extra sand bags (about 1000lbs) are provided in front of the
metal container to be scooped into the container to help absorb
some of the momentum/energy.

And if the sandbags and metal containers were not sufficent
to stop the the cart within 5 ft, large blocks of concrete barriers
up to 30,000 lbs are aviable to stop the metal container.

Also, assume that the metal container will not deform and
that you have spread the ends of the steel cables evenly
as not to overload the fastening points.

Can you stop the cart within 5 ft?
I found this difficult b/c I had even less info to go on originally.

Good luck, let me know what your approach was to solving the problems
or if you have any questions.

Thanks again,
Physics news on
  • #2
Assuming that the system is decelerated at a constant rate by the frictional force over the distance d (that is the mass of sand on the container does not change during the deceleration). We get from the constant acceleration equation
[tex]v^2 = u^2+2ad[/tex]
which can be evaluated for the required deceleration

Therefore the tension in the cable on the cart side can be calculated from

[tex]T'- T = m_ca\ \
\therefore T'= T+m_ca[/tex]
Which gives the tension in the cable at the container side.
The choice of an appropiate cable mass comes in here. I may attempt the problem of choosing an appropiate cable at a later stage!

[tex]\mu m_sg-T'=m_sa[/tex]
[tex]m_s=\frac{T'}{\mu g-a}[/tex]
The required mass of sand on the container can be calculated from this. The kinetic frictional coefficient one need to determine experimentally for the specific surface and container since it's value changes for different surface combinations.
  • #3

Hello ME,

Thank you for reaching out for help with your stunt calculations. I would approach this problem by first identifying all the variables and factors involved. These include the mass of the cart, its initial velocity, the stopping distance, the friction coefficient of the surface, and the materials and objects being used to stop the cart.

Next, I would use the principles of Newton's laws, conservation of energy, and conservation of momentum to calculate the force and energy required to stop the cart within 5 ft. I would also take into account the elongation of the steel cable using Young's modulus.

Based on the information provided, it seems that the steel cable and sandbags may not be enough to stop the cart within 5 ft. In this case, I would suggest using the concrete barriers to provide additional stopping force.

However, it is important to note that there may be other factors at play that were not mentioned, such as air resistance or the angle of the surface the cart is traveling on. These could affect the outcome of the stunt and should be taken into consideration in the calculations.

In conclusion, with the limited information provided, it is difficult to determine if the cart can be stopped within 5 ft. I would recommend gathering more specific details and running multiple simulations to accurately predict the outcome of the stunt.

I hope this helps and good luck with your calculations.


FAQ: Help? using physics to predict stunt outcome

What is the role of physics in predicting stunt outcomes?

Physics plays a crucial role in predicting stunt outcomes as it helps in understanding the principles of motion, forces, and energy. By using mathematical equations and formulas, physicists can accurately predict the trajectory and impact of a stunt.

Can physics be used to determine the safety of a stunt?

Yes, physics can be used to determine the safety of a stunt. By analyzing the forces involved and the potential risks, physicists can assess the safety of a stunt and make recommendations for modifications to reduce the risk of injury.

What are some common physics concepts used in predicting stunt outcomes?

Some common physics concepts used in predicting stunt outcomes include Newton's laws of motion, conservation of energy, and projectile motion. These concepts help in understanding the forces and motions involved in a stunt and their effects on the outcome.

How accurate are predictions made using physics for stunts?

Predictions made using physics for stunts can be highly accurate if all the variables and factors are taken into account. However, there are always unpredictable elements in stunts, such as human error, that can affect the accuracy of the predictions.

Can physics be used to improve the success rate of stunts?

Yes, physics can be used to improve the success rate of stunts. By understanding the principles of motion and forces, scientists can make recommendations for modifications to improve the chances of a successful stunt. This can include adjusting the speed, angle, or equipment used in the stunt.

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