Help with 38khz ir transmitter using multivibrator

In summary: You could try adding a LED in series with the collector resistor and see if that increases the working distance.
  • #1
i was wandering can i use simple multivibrator circuit to generate 38khz signal to use as a IR transmitter for TSOP1738?

i did some readings and calculations and came up with resistor and transistor values that gives 38khz.
but since i don't have a oscilloscope i don't know whether this circuit will work.

and most importantly all 38khz IR transmitter circuits on internet are based on NE555.i wonder why nobody use a multivibrator?

calculations are based on article"

any help would be great

here is my circuit diagram


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  • #2
Possibly not too stable.

Crystal oscillator would be best. LC second choice.

Not sure about availablilty of 38 KHz crytals. 32.768 KHz are made by the million. You could use a high freq and divide down and then low pass filter if nec. Would be extremely stable. Multivib will tend to be square wave anyway,
  • #3
You could use an discrete component astable multivibrator. However the diagram you give has some problems.

One is that there is no way of adjusting the circuit to get it exactly on frequency. The calculations will get you close, but individual component tolerance errors will possibly cause frequency errors.

The maximum current available is about 3 mA (3v / 1000 ohms) and this probably wouldn't be enough to supply a IR diode. Actually it would be less than this because the diode would need about 2 volts, so maybe only 1 mA would be available. So, an additional amplifier would be needed.

There should be a capacitor across the battery as an aging battery will cause frequency variations. It will anyway.

You need some way of applying data to the output too.

The circuit already uses 10 components and needs more amplification to drive a IR diode. A 555 can do the same thing with 3 components.
  • #4
Multivib will be sensitive to supply volts.

Best stick with the 555.
  • #5
vk6kro said:
You could use an discrete component astable multivibrator. However the diagram you give has some problems.

One is that there is no way of adjusting the circuit to get it exactly on frequency. The calculations will get you close, but individual component tolerance errors will possibly cause frequency errors.

The maximum current available is about 3 mA (3v / 1000 ohms) and this probably wouldn't be enough to supply a IR diode. Actually it would be less than this because the diode would need about 2 volts, so maybe only 1 mA would be available. So, an additional amplifier would be needed.

There should be a capacitor across the battery as an aging battery will cause frequency variations. It will anyway.

You need some way of applying data to the output too.

The circuit already uses 10 components and needs more amplification to drive a IR diode. A 555 can do the same thing with 3 components.

Pumblechook said:
Multivib will be sensitive to supply volts.

Best stick with the 555.

my problem s supply voltage.ne555 requres minimum 4.5v.but i need a circuit runs on 3v.
any ideas how to run ne555 with 3v?
  • #6
LMC555 CMOS version . Works as low as 1.5 V I think.
  • #7
Try a unijunciton transistor 2N2646. You can't beat the circuit for simplicity and it should work fine on 3 V.

Try the circuit of Fig. 7 and take the output from the junction of the resistor and capacitor but don't load it down.
  • #8
In your multivibrator circuit, the circuit is symmetric, and the feedback is ac coupled, so sometimes when you apply voltage, both transistors will saturate and the circuit will not toggle. Also, I don't see the value of the two 1N914's. If you leave them out, you will save two components and have more volts for your transistors. Maybe the 555 route is easier.
  • #9
ok guys i made can generate 38khz.i tested it with HRM3800 infrared is the diagram

but now my problem is its working distance is very very low.only about 2cm:cry:

can someone help me to amplify its working distance?


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    multivibrator 38khz(working).JPG
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  • #10
aruna1 said:
ok guys i made can generate 38khz.i tested it with HRM3800 infrared is the diagram

but now my problem is its working distance is very very low.only about 2cm:cry:

can someone help me to amplify its working distance?

How do you know it is on the right frequency? It would take a frequency counter or a well calibrated oscilloscope to get it on frequency.

You can get an idea of the output of the LED by looking at it on the screen of a digital camera or camcorder. You can't tell the frequency like that though.

To amplify the signal, you would put the LED in series with a 100 ohm resistor and a NPN transistor.
Connect the transistor in common emitter mode and drive the base via a 10 K resistor from the collector of Q1.
See this page and look at Fig 1 but add a LED in series with the collector resistor and a 10 K in series with the base.
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  • #11
vk6kro said:
How do you know it is on the right frequency? It would take a frequency counter or a well calibrated oscilloscope to get it on frequency.

You can get an idea of the output of the LED by looking at it on the screen of a digital camera or camcorder. You can't tell the frequency like that though.

To amplify the signal, you would put the LED in series with a 100 ohm resistor and a NPN transistor.
Connect the transistor in common emitter mode and drive the base via a 10 K resistor from the collector of Q1.
See this page and look at Fig 1 but add a LED in series with the collector resistor and a 10 K in series with the base.
thanks i'll check
  • #12
There are two potential problems. One is that due to the low supply voltage you may not be getting enough current through the LED. The second is that the circuit may not be operating at or near 38 kHz.

One way to determine if your IR LED is getting enough current is to replace it with a red LED. The red LED has a slightly higher forward voltage drop so if your red LED is bright, the IR LED should be too. If the red LED is bright but you're not getting any range then the problem is probably the frequency.

It is difficult to tune a multvibrator with a pot to find the frequency where your detector is most sensitive. Perhaps it would be better to use a different circuit that is more easily tuned. The unijunction circuit is one such tunable circuit and below is another possible circuit. The circuit below requires a low voltage opamp such as the LMC6036.

Since I do not have of spice model of that opamp, I'm not claiming the resistor values are correct and you may have to experiment a little. By replacing R3 with a pot you can tune the frequency until you find the best sensitivity.


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FAQ: Help with 38khz ir transmitter using multivibrator

1. What is a 38khz ir transmitter?

A 38khz ir transmitter is a type of electronic device that emits infrared light at a frequency of 38 kilohertz. This type of transmitter is commonly used in remote controls for electronic devices such as televisions, DVD players, and audio systems.

2. How does a multivibrator work in a 38khz ir transmitter?

A multivibrator is an electronic circuit that generates a square wave signal at a specific frequency. In a 38khz ir transmitter, the multivibrator is used to generate the 38 kilohertz signal that is transmitted via infrared light to control electronic devices.

3. What are the benefits of using a 38khz ir transmitter?

Using a 38khz ir transmitter allows for wireless control of electronic devices without the need for direct line of sight. It also allows for a more reliable and accurate transmission of signals compared to other wireless technologies.

4. How can I troubleshoot issues with a 38khz ir transmitter using multivibrator?

If you are experiencing issues with your 38khz ir transmitter, you can try checking the connections and components of the multivibrator circuit for any loose or damaged parts. You can also test the output signal of the multivibrator using a frequency meter to ensure it is generating the correct frequency.

5. Are there any safety precautions to keep in mind when using a 38khz ir transmitter using multivibrator?

When working with any electronic device, it is important to follow proper safety precautions such as wearing protective gear and working in a well-ventilated area. It is also important to handle the transmitter and its components with care to avoid damage or injury. Additionally, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for proper usage of the transmitter.
