- #36
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Hi nvn,
Sorry I did not reply last night. I was with my family yesterday.
The numbers requested are xG=30.9554" and yG=11.3586.
I have attached beam 2 vector analysis and beam2 shear_momentforces.
Since we need to use six significant digits, I choose to change the numbers you provided and move on. I believe my shear diagram is good, but is off slightly because of the signifiant digits. I also tried to follow your math for the moment diagram. I am not quite sure, if we are taking moments around D; are figuring for two separate moments for D? It appears, (because of the significant digit error) that maybe you are summing only the forces to the left in one equation and then plotting it. Then you are slightly moving to the right of D by .0001 and then summing again including the force and moment in D?
If you don't mind, and you have the exact numbers, could you please complete and show me how you figured out the maximium moment like in analysis10.png? This way we can use the numbers in the future. I would like to move forward and start analysising a new position where pins E and B are in the same horizontal plan with the bucket tipped so the bottom side is horizontal with the plane of pins E and B. I think this should be the next step. I'll use six significant digits both for force and dimensions from this point on.
Let me know what you think about this.
Thank you.
Sorry I did not reply last night. I was with my family yesterday.
The numbers requested are xG=30.9554" and yG=11.3586.
I have attached beam 2 vector analysis and beam2 shear_momentforces.
Since we need to use six significant digits, I choose to change the numbers you provided and move on. I believe my shear diagram is good, but is off slightly because of the signifiant digits. I also tried to follow your math for the moment diagram. I am not quite sure, if we are taking moments around D; are figuring for two separate moments for D? It appears, (because of the significant digit error) that maybe you are summing only the forces to the left in one equation and then plotting it. Then you are slightly moving to the right of D by .0001 and then summing again including the force and moment in D?
If you don't mind, and you have the exact numbers, could you please complete and show me how you figured out the maximium moment like in analysis10.png? This way we can use the numbers in the future. I would like to move forward and start analysising a new position where pins E and B are in the same horizontal plan with the bucket tipped so the bottom side is horizontal with the plane of pins E and B. I think this should be the next step. I'll use six significant digits both for force and dimensions from this point on.
Let me know what you think about this.
Thank you.