Hi! I don't belong here. Want to talk about it?

  • Thread starter jackker
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    Art Human
  • #1
How did you find PF?
I google the phrase “Metaphysical thought art experiment”
Hello there! Who belongs anywhere; am i right? It’s a whole bag of worms. Or strings. Planks? Anyway, im not a student currently and on the rare occasions that i can afford to sign to sign up for a class or two I'm more of a liberal arts kinda guy.

As stated above i googled “Metaphysical thought art experiment” worded so clumsily due to the algorithm’s predisposition to rout me to ‘metaphysical art’ style pages which are pretty but not very helpful.

Long story short (too late) I wrote a very short paper on how I would visualize human interaction if people were represented by light and operated under certain circumstances. I’m trying real hard not to break the rules by asking a question so I will affirm that I am searching for a person with extra time to point me in a direction to tell me a) what I wrote and if unintentionally stole it from somewhere b) better terminologies or c) the direction of somebody who will if you are not in to this kind of thing.

I just don’t want to put all the thought into developing my thought into something more if it’s been done or is ‘basic’. I’m attaching the garbage I wrote and chat4.0s (lets2) reorganized interpretation for clarity. If this whole thing wad improper then I will thank you for your time, and any other dimensions I may have disturbed.

-Jack R

(MENTOR NOTE: Removed MS Word docs)
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  • #2
Well, I'm not a native English speaker but I know a thing or two about not belonging (and writing garbage :smile: ). Although I'd like to read your "garbage" (:biggrin:), I'm currently on a public computer without Word installed so that's a showstopper.

I'm running Linux at home and although I can probably read your Word files (if I install the OpenOffice package?) sharing your stuff in a closed proprietary format isn't really considered good behaviour, at least in my book.

RTF or plain text would be better. Heck, I'd even like PDF better. If you'd convert it to either of those and attach them to a personal message (if that's possible) I'd give it a try.

If you cannot attach files to PMs I'd gladly give you my email in a PM.

Anyway, good luck.

EDIT: And btw: Welcome to PF! Here's to the moderators not cutting your post for being overly speculating. Though I guess some rope is being given in the introductions. :P
  • #3
jackker said:
Long story short (too late) I wrote a very short paper on how I would visualize human interaction if people were represented by light and operated under certain circumstances.
If you want to discuss this "theory" as speculative fiction, you could probably do so in our Sci-fic and fantasy media subforums but if you want to discuss it as actual science, it will not fly.
  • #4
Thread closed for Moderation...
  • #5
Welcome to PF, @jackker

phinds said:
If you want to discuss this "theory" as speculative fiction, you could probably do so in our Sci-fic and fantasy media subforums but if you want to discuss it as actual science, it will not fly.

This is probably your best bet. Repost in the SciFi Writing & Worldbuilding forum, and please only attach PDF files. Word documents can contain malware. Thank you.

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