High Altitude Platform: Power Requirements

In summary, this platform needs to be able to support its own weight and not be affected by wind or other aircraft, it needs to have a power source, and it needs to be in a location where there are few other aircraft.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I have a platform 10x10 m footprint, 15 m height, I need it to permanently float at about 10km, doesn't need to navigate. That volume can have some tech like balloons, batteries, propellers, solar panels etc. What is the power req for this could be?
How would I approach this task:
I have a platform 10x10 meters footprint, 15 meters height, I need it to permanently float at about 10km, doesn't need to navigate/steer.
That volume can contain some tech inside like balloons, batteries, propellers, solar panels etc.
What is the power requirement for this could be?
Thank you!
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  • #2
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  • #3
Baluncore said:
How much does it weigh ?
It needs to support its own weight with w/e tech it uses.
Baluncore said:
Is it licensed as an aircraft ?
How will you avoid all the other aircraft up there ?
Doesn't matter, consider it's above an area that doesn't have any air traffic.
Baluncore said:
Are you aware that the temperature at 10 km is a steady -67°C ?
Yes, so the tech the platform uses need to function at this temperature.
Baluncore said:
Are you aware that the winds at 10 km can be 300 km/h ?
No, let assume there is no wind, also no meteor showers, solar flares, falling space debris etc.
Baluncore said:
It is less windy at 20 km, and there are fewer aircraft.
The higher the better but not in space in case you ask, let's limit it to 20km.

-- I'm asking about power estimate --
  • #4
alikim said:
It needs to support its own weight with w/e tech it uses.
alikim said:
-- I'm asking about power estimate --
Then you must specify the total weight.
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  • #5
alikim said:
-- I'm asking about power estimate --
Why are you being so obtuse in your problem statement? Is this part of some school project? Why don't you just use a big Weather Balloon to lift your light poofey payload and be done with it?

Touchdown! NASA’s Football Stadium-sized Scientific Balloon Takes Flight​


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  • #6
berkeman said:
Why are you being so obtuse in your problem statement?
alikim said:
It needs to support its own weight with w/e tech it uses.
Easy. Make it out of air!

(Now, if that doesn't "count", please specify the problem rather than make us guess)
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FAQ: High Altitude Platform: Power Requirements

What is a high altitude platform?

A high altitude platform is a type of aerial vehicle or platform that operates at an altitude of 20km or higher. It is typically unmanned and used for various purposes such as communication, surveillance, and scientific research.

What are the power requirements for a high altitude platform?

The power requirements for a high altitude platform vary depending on its size, weight, and purpose. However, on average, it requires a power source with a minimum of 500 watts to operate at high altitudes.

What are the challenges in providing power to a high altitude platform?

One of the main challenges in providing power to a high altitude platform is the extreme environmental conditions at high altitudes. The low temperatures, strong winds, and low air pressure can affect the performance of the power source and the overall operation of the platform.

What types of power sources are used for high altitude platforms?

The most commonly used power sources for high altitude platforms are solar panels and fuel cells. Solar panels are lightweight and can generate electricity from sunlight, making them ideal for long-duration flights. Fuel cells, on the other hand, use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity and are more suitable for high-power applications.

How are power requirements calculated for a high altitude platform?

The power requirements for a high altitude platform are calculated based on the weight of the platform, the altitude it will be operating at, and the duration of the flight. Other factors such as the power consumption of the equipment on board and the efficiency of the power source also play a role in determining the power requirements.
