How can electron in hydrogen ever get in the 2s state?

In summary, the conversation discusses selection rules in atomic transitions and how they affect the probability of certain transitions occurring. It is mentioned that the selection rules only apply to dipole transitions and that higher order transitions have their own set of rules. The conversation also touches on the concept of metastable states and the conservation of angular momentum in transitions between energy levels.
  • #1
I am trying to understand selection rules in atomic transitions.
So, one of the selection rules says that only transitions where orbital quantum number is changed by 1 are possible. If that is the case how can hydrogen in ground state get to 2s state? Can we detect spectroscopic line that corresponds to 2s->1s transitions in H atom?PS. I used "possible/impossible" where instead I should have used "probable/improbable" as selection rules don't forbid states just make them improbable (though in my book this is not stated, I found this online). So in that case, answer to my question is "yes but it's improbable". But in my course we exercise problems and assume that selection rules really do forbid certain transitions. Anyway, that is not main point of my questions but it would be nice to know in what case selection rules are "broken" and improbable transition happens?
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  • #2
Not sure if the 2s --> 1s line is observable, but one "allowed" way to get to 2s is of course indirectly, e.g. 1s --> 3p --> 2s.

Selection rules for dipole transitions are just that - they apply for dipole transitions only. Higher order transitions, e.g. quadrupole transitions also exist, albeit with much smaller transition probabilities and correspondingly smaller observable intensities. Quadrupole transitions have their own set of selection rules.

Furthermore the selection rules always assume certain perfect symmetries, e.g. spherical symmetry and inversion symmetry for a lonely, isolated atom. In a real gas such symmetries are always approximate, and in case of collisions, for example, completely different things can happen.
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Likes dextercioby and misko
  • #3
Ok 1s --> 3p --> 2s makes sense...
What about when we have hydrogen in 2s state which is the lowest energy state of the atom if we don't count the ground state.
Will the hydrogen then be able to spontaneously deexcitate into ground state? Selection rules forbid that (or to be more precise it makes it improbable).
  • #4
misko said:
Will the hydrogen then be able to spontaneously deexcitate into ground state? Selection rules forbid that (or to be more precise it makes it improbable).
It will eventually deexcite, but the process is slow. The lifetime of the 2s level is 0.12 s, which is quite long for an atom.
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  • #5
Oh I see... Is that what is called a "metastable" state?

Also, what happens with the conservation law for angular momentum in the 2s->1s transition? I mean, photon has the angular momentum of 1 but electron in both 1s and 2s states has orbital angular momentum of 0 (quantum number l=0). So when photon is emitted it takes away one ħ so how is angular momentum then conserved?
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  • #6
misko said:
Oh I see... Is that what is called a "metastable" state?

misko said:
Also, what happens with the conservation law for angular momentum in the 2s->1s transition? I mean, photon has the angular momentum of 1 but electron in both 1s and 2s states has orbital angular momentum of 0 (quantum number l=0). So when photon is emitted it takes away one ħ so how is angular momentum then conserved?
The main decay is through the emission of two photons.
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Likes dextercioby

Related to How can electron in hydrogen ever get in the 2s state?

1. How does the electron in hydrogen get into the 2s state?

The electron in hydrogen can get into the 2s state through a process called excitation. This occurs when the electron absorbs energy, such as through the absorption of a photon, and jumps to a higher energy level. In the case of the 2s state, the electron jumps from the ground state (1s) to the second excited state (2s).

2. Why does the electron in hydrogen need to be in the 2s state?

The electron in hydrogen does not necessarily need to be in the 2s state. It can exist in any of the possible energy levels, also known as orbitals. However, the 2s state is the second lowest energy level and is a stable state for the electron to occupy.

3. What is the energy of the electron in the 2s state?

The energy of the electron in the 2s state is -3.40 electron volts (eV). This energy level is higher than the ground state energy level of -13.60 eV, but lower than the third excited state of -1.51 eV.

4. How long can the electron in the 2s state stay there?

The electron in the 2s state can stay there for a very short amount of time, approximately 10^-9 seconds. This is because the electron is constantly in motion and can transition to other energy levels through various processes, such as emission or absorption of photons.

5. Can the electron in the 2s state spontaneously jump to a different energy level?

Yes, the electron in the 2s state can spontaneously jump to a different energy level through a process called spontaneous emission. This occurs when the electron releases energy, such as through the emission of a photon, and transitions to a lower energy level. The probability of this happening is dependent on the specific energy levels involved.

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