How Can Group Homomorphisms Prove Injectivity and Surjectivity?

In summary: I think that the problem I posted is simply a "trick" to get one to think more deeply about exact sequences, etc. ... I think that the answer to the problem is that, in the proof, we actually only need g and h to be homomorphisms, not necessarily isomorphisms. (but I am not as yet, completely sure of that). So, I am going to think further on this with that in mind and then post a response to Deveno's post, but I would appreciate it if you would keep this conversation "open" until I post that post ... as I am almost certain that I will have further questions!
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
Can someone please help me with the following problem - it should be simple but I have so far made no significant progress:

Given the following:

(i) \(\displaystyle g \ : \ B \to C \) and \(\displaystyle h \ : \ C \to B \) are group homomorphisms

(ii) \(\displaystyle g \circ h = id_C \) where \(\displaystyle id_C \) is the identity mapping on C

Show the following:

(i) g is injective

(ii) h is surjective

I would appreciate some help.

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  • #2
It might help to draw a diagram. Suppose $B$ has three elements, and $C$ has five. Draw some $g$ and $h$ to try and make $g \circ h$ the identity mapping on $C$, do you see the problem? What if $B$ had more elements than $C$, does it work then? What can you deduce?

Formal hint: If $g \circ h$ is the identity mapping then it is a bijection, what does that say about $g$ and $h$?
  • #3
Peter said:
Can someone please help me with the following problem - it should be simple but I have so far made no significant progress:

Given the following:

(i) \(\displaystyle g \ : \ B \to C \) and \(\displaystyle h \ : \ C \to B \) are group homomorphisms

(ii) \(\displaystyle g \circ h = id_C \) where \(\displaystyle id_C \) is the identity mapping on C

Show the following:

(i) g is injective

(ii) h is surjective

I would appreciate some help.


I think I have a counterexample.

Let $B$ be a finite group with a subgroup $H$ such that $|G:H|=2$ and $|H|>1$. (Such groups exist).

Let $b\in B$ be an element of order $2$ in $B$. (Such a $b$ exists by Cauchy's theorem).

Define $C=\{1,-1\}$ under multiplication.

Define $g:B\to C$ as $g(h)=1$ for all $h\in H$ and $g( bh )=-1$ for all $h\in H$.

It can be seen that $g$ is a homomorphism.

Define $h:C\to B$ as $h(1)=e_B$ and $h(-1)=b$.

It's is easily seen that $h$ too is a homomorphism.

Note that $g(h(1))=g(e)=1$ and $g(h(-1))=g(b)=-1$.

Thus $g\circ h=id_C$. But neither $g$ is injective and nor $h$ is surjective.
  • #4
Bacterius said:
It might help to draw a diagram. Suppose $B$ has three elements, and $C$ has five. Draw some $g$ and $h$ to try and make $g \circ h$ the identity mapping on $C$, do you see the problem? What if $B$ had more elements than $C$, does it work then? What can you deduce?

Formal hint: If $g \circ h$ is the identity mapping then it is a bijection, what does that say about $g$ and $h$?

Thanks Bacterius.

I took your advice and learned something straight away ... but can someone check that my analysis is correct so far ...

I took as an example case:

\(\displaystyle B = \{ b_1, b_2, b_3 \} \)


\(\displaystyle c = \{ c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, c_5 \} \)

I created an example mapping h as follows: (see attachment)

\(\displaystyle h(c_1) = b_2 \)
\(\displaystyle h(c_2) = b_1 \)
\(\displaystyle h(c_3) = b_3 \)
\(\displaystyle h(c_4) = b_1 \)
\(\displaystyle h(c_5) = b_3 \)

Now, of course, since we have more elements in C, some of the elements of C must map at least twice twice onto the same element of B, making it impossible to define a function \(\displaystyle g \ : \ B \to C \) as a function that results in \(\displaystyle g \circ h = id_C \) since this would require:

\(\displaystyle g(b_1) = g(h(c_2) = c_2 \)

and also

\(\displaystyle g(b_1) = g(h(c_4) = c_4 \)

which violates the definition of a function let alone not resulting in an identity mapping!

BUT ... then it seems that, for a start, anyway h has to be injective ?? which is not what I was seeking to show ...

It is starting to look as if both g and h have to be bijections and also that they would have to be inverses of each other ...

Can someone please help further ...

  • #5
There's something wrong with the problem. Are you sure it's not $h$ that's meant to be injective and $g$ that should be surjective? Otherwise I don't see how $g \circ h$ could be the identity mapping, as $h$ not being injective would imply there exist distinct $c_1$, $c_2$ such that $h(c_1) = h(c_2)$, i.e. $(g \circ h)(c_1) = (g \circ h)(c_2)$, and so $g \circ h$ cannot be the identity mapping.

Though admittedly I'm thinking that the fact that they are group homomorphisms should probably come into play at some point, because so far the reasoning applies to functions defined on sets in general and not specifically groups. But I'm not seeing it, because as far as I can tell your analysis is correct and for the problem's conditions to be met $h$ and $g$ must be bijections inverses of one another.
  • #6
Bacterius said:
There's something wrong with the problem. Are you sure it's not $h$ that's meant to be injective and $g$ that should be surjective? Otherwise I don't see how $g \circ h$ could be the identity mapping, as $h$ not being injective would imply there exist distinct $c_1$, $c_2$ such that $h(c_1) = h(c_2)$, i.e. $(g \circ h)(c_1) = (g \circ h)(c_2)$, and so $g \circ h$ cannot be the identity mapping.

Though admittedly I'm thinking that the fact that they are group homomorphisms should probably come into play at some point, because so far the reasoning applies to functions defined on sets in general and not specifically groups. But I'm not seeing it, because as far as I can tell your analysis is correct and for the problem's conditions to be met $h$ and $g$ must be bijections inverses of one another.
Thank you Bacterius.

You write:

"Are you sure it's not $h$ that's meant to be injective and $g$ that should be surjective?"

Yes, I was beginning to think that myself ... ...

The problem comes from a post Deveno sent me regarding a problem on split short exact sequences - see post at

In that post, Deveno wrote:

" ... ... There is a "hidden" observation underlying this:

If $g \circ h$ is bijective, then $g$ is injective, and $h$ is surjective. Before you go any further, convince yourself this is true."

Given Deveno's knowledge of algebra I am inclined to take what he writes extremely seriously ... but perhaps this is a typo ...

So, yes ... I am beginning to think that he meant to say that $h$ is injective and $g$ is surjective.



(1) To clarify things a bit, in the exact sequences post \(\displaystyle g \circ h \) was given as the identity map on C and hence could be referred to as a bijection
  • #7
Peter said:
Thank you Bacterius.

You write:

"Are you sure it's not $h$ that's meant to be injective and $g$ that should be surjective?"

Yes, I was beginning to think that myself ... ...

The problem comes from a post Deveno sent me regarding a problem on split short exact sequences - see post at

In that post, Deveno wrote:

" ... ... There is a "hidden" observation underlying this:

If $g \circ h$ is bijective, then $g$ is injective, and $h$ is surjective. Before you go any further, convince yourself this is true."

Given Deveno's knowledge of algebra I am inclined to take what he writes extremely seriously ... but perhaps this is a typo ...

So, yes ... I am beginning to think that he meant to say that $h$ is injective and $g$ is surjective.



(1) To clarify things a bit, in the exact sequences post \(\displaystyle g \circ h \) was given as the identity map on C and hence could be referred to as a bijection

Hi Bacterius,

Just as a further note, In drawing set theoretic maps of the situation of this problem, I am having some trouble finding a map g that works that is not injective as well as being surjective

Can you produce an example where g is not injective?

  • #8
Peter said:
Hi Bacterius,

Just as a further note, In drawing set theoretic maps of the situation of this problem, I am having some trouble finding a map g that works that is not injective as well as being surjective

Can you produce an example where g is not injective?


I am attaching a figure (see attached) that purports to show an example of the mappings g and h as discussed in the above posts where the following is the case:

(i) \(\displaystyle g \circ h = id_C \)

(ii) g is surjective, but not injective

(iii) h is injective but not surjective

Can someone confirm that my contentions regarding the attached figure are correct?

Mind you, this is not a proof that when \(\displaystyle g \circ h = id_C \) we have g is surjective and h is injective.

Can someone also help with the proof?

  • #9
caffeinemachine said:
I think I have a counterexample.

Let $B$ be a finite group with a subgroup $H$ such that $|G:H|=2$ and $|H|>1$. (Such groups exist).

Let $b\in B$ be an element of order $2$ in $B$. (Such a $b$ exists by Cauchy's theorem).

Define $C=\{1,-1\}$ under multiplication.

Define $g:B\to C$ as $g(h)=1$ for all $h\in H$ and $g( bh )=-1$ for all $h\in H$.

It can be seen that $g$ is a homomorphism.

Define $h:C\to B$ as $h(1)=e_B$ and $h(-1)=b$.

It's is easily seen that $h$ too is a homomorphism.

Note that $g(h(1))=g(e)=1$ and $g(h(-1))=g(b)=-1$.

Thus $g\circ h=id_C$. But neither $g$ is injective and nor $h$ is surjective.

Thanks caffeinemachine.

Indeed ... correct ... but I think I have now arrived at the view that g has to be surjective and h has to be injective ... which is the case in your example ...

... ... but you certainly demonstrated that the previous contention did not hold ... thanks ...

  • #10
Mea culpa, I got the order confused (as I sometimes do, I forget that $fg$ means "do $g$ first", and I think of $f$ being applied first).

Dumb, dumb, dumb!
  • #11
Deveno said:
Mea culpa, I got the order confused (as I sometimes do, I forget that $fg$ means "do $g$ first", and I think of $f$ being applied first).

Dumb, dumb, dumb!

Well it got Bacterius and me thinking anyway ... and furthermore, your post was extremely informative and helpful ...

By the way, I was watching some online lectures on category theory by Steve Awodey and he was referring to \(\displaystyle f \circ g \) as "f after g" and I found that verbalization most helpful ...

Thanks again for your help,


FAQ: How Can Group Homomorphisms Prove Injectivity and Surjectivity?

1. What is the definition of a function?

A function is a mathematical relationship between two sets of numbers, where each input has only one output. It can be represented as an equation, table, or graph.

2. How do you determine the domain and range of a function?

The domain of a function is the set of all possible input values, while the range is the set of all possible output values. To determine the domain, look at the input values in the function and identify any restrictions or limitations. The range can be found by looking at the output values and identifying the highest and lowest values.

3. What is the difference between a linear and non-linear function?

A linear function has a constant rate of change and can be represented by a straight line on a graph. Non-linear functions do not have a constant rate of change and cannot be represented by a straight line.

4. How do you add, subtract, multiply, and divide functions?

To add or subtract functions, simply combine like terms. For multiplication, distribute one function into the other and simplify. For division, you can either use long division or divide each term in the numerator by the entire denominator.

5. What is the difference between a function and an equation?

A function is a relationship between two sets of numbers, while an equation is a statement that shows the equality between two expressions. A function can be represented by an equation, but an equation is not always a function.

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