How can i design a small sized high torque slow speed motor

In summary, calculating the torque required for a motor depends on the load and speed. The size of a high torque slow speed motor is affected by factors such as the type of motor, number of poles, and magnet strength. To increase torque in a small motor, the number of poles can be increased, stronger magnets can be used, and the design of the windings can be optimized. The advantage of a high torque slow speed motor is its ability to provide high amounts of torque without the need for a gearbox, making it compact and efficient. Designing a small sized high torque slow speed motor for a specific application requires consideration of factors such as torque output, speed range, power source, and physical space limitations. Prototyping and testing may also
  • #1
nav kaushik
I have no idea about this please help me to design a small sized high torque slow speed motor
Engineering news on
  • #2
Design a small, high-speed motor with a gear box.
  • #3
OK than sir
Dr.D said:
Design a small, high-speed motor with a gear box.
  • #4
You could also consider the lensing motor of the modern digital camera. It is very high torque and fairly small (at least compact).
  • #5
Use a “pancake motor” or “axial rotor motor”.

Related to How can i design a small sized high torque slow speed motor

1. How can I calculate the torque required for my motor?

The torque required for a motor depends on the load it needs to move and the speed at which it needs to move it. To calculate the torque, you can use the formula T = (F x D)/2π, where T is the torque, F is the force, and D is the diameter of the load.

2. What factors affect the size of a high torque slow speed motor?

The size of a high torque slow speed motor is affected by several factors including the type of motor (e.g. brushed or brushless), the number of poles, the type of magnets used, and the design of the windings. In general, the more powerful the motor, the larger it will be.

3. How can I increase the torque of a small sized motor?

There are a few ways to increase the torque of a small sized motor. One way is to increase the number of poles in the motor, which will increase the amount of torque produced per rotation. Another way is to use stronger magnets in the motor. Additionally, optimizing the design and layout of the motor's windings can also help increase torque.

4. What is the advantage of a high torque slow speed motor?

A high torque slow speed motor is useful for applications that require a lot of power at low speeds. This type of motor can provide high amounts of torque without the need for a gearbox, making it more compact and efficient. It is also ideal for applications that require precise control and smooth operation.

5. How can I design a small sized high torque slow speed motor for a specific application?

Designing a small sized high torque slow speed motor for a specific application requires a thorough understanding of the requirements and constraints of the application. Factors such as the desired torque output, speed range, power source, and physical space limitations should be taken into consideration. Prototyping and testing different designs may also be necessary to find the most optimal solution.
