How Can I Find Free Sheet Music Online?

  • Thread starter Saladsamurai
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In summary: I never learned how to read music.In summary, the person took piano lessons for a while, but eventually quit because they were never allowed to stop. They said they were reasonably good at it, but they stopped because they were never allowed to stop.
  • #1
I recently started taking piano lessons. I have been wanting to for a long time, but school always got in the way. Now I have all of the time in the world to practice. I have been taking lessons for about a month now and I am really enjoying it. I have played music (flute, french horn, cello, and more) in the past, so some things are coming back.

I think it is interesting to learn an instrument as an adult and as someone with a scientific background. I am much more mechanical and attentive in the way I study and practice and in the types of questions I ask.

Just wondering if there are others here who play the piano or any instruments for that matter? If so, I might use this thread to ask you about your experiences.

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  • #2
I have played guitar for the last ~45 years or so. I took up keyboards for a year or so about ~20 years ago. I am not fluent in keyboards in any way. Electronic keyboards can be made to conform to some transposition standards, but if you sit in front of a nice old Baldwin or Steinway, you have to do the transposition in your head or have appropriate sheet music at hand.

Have you considered learning guitar? If you master the control of barre chords and related runs, you can transpose to any key that you want, whenever you want. Guitars are quite portable, and are the most versatile instruments for any single musician to master. (IMO)
  • #3
I play piano, although I've never taken lessons. I would put myself at some intermediate skill level. I'm able to learn any piece that isn't extremely fast.

I would probably be a lot better if I had taken lessons. I built up some bad habits early on that I've had to unlearn. Although, forcing yourself to play things like Beethoven and Mozart will show you pretty quickly that your self-taught fingering techniques are wrong...all those pieces should flow naturally under the hands.

Now I play with correct fingerings at least most of the time. But I can't be bothered to practice scales. And I use the pedal way too much (another habit I've been unlearning).
  • #4
Ben Niehoff said:
And I use the pedal way too much (another habit I've been unlearning).
Why is that a "bad" habit? (Pardon my ignorance.)
  • #5
Hey I used to play the piano in high school, and when I come home from college I usually get back on to see if my skills have deteriorated at all. For the most part I can still remember some of my favorite songs. I love Chopin, his music is my favorite, and anything ragtime. AND Gerswhin, I ****in love Gershwin.

If you're looking for any tips, I would say always practice your scales, and do at least two or more octaves on them. Any of course your primary chords.
  • #6
moogull said:
anything ragtime. .

I love playing Maple Leaf Rag.

My parents had me taking piano lessons at a relatively young age, and I actually turned out to not be extremely horrible at piano, and enjoyed it.

Eventually, it became a little tedious to take piano lessons, so I stopped going after 8th grade. I do wish that I had continued playing, however, because now I have noticed that I am nowhere near where I used to be (that's what ignoring your piano for upwards of three years will do), but I am definitely interested in playing again.

As for my experience, there were always recitals every year, but the most complicated piece that I ever played was... Maple Leaf Rag. My piano teacher actually had me audition for Iowa's Got Talent, and I placed in the top twenty, but that really means nothing. I literally recorded myself playing a song on the piano, sent it in, and they basically said, "Why not? Come on down and play it here." There were nineteen other people, and only five people placed, none of whom were me. It was still fun nevertheless, and playing in front of people is very rewarding, because so long as you manage to play your song in a halfway decent fashion and don't mess up horribly, everyone seems to enjoy it.
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  • #7
strangerep said:
Why is that a "bad" habit? (Pardon my ignorance.)

Well, you really only use the pedal when you're supposed to. All that I can assume is that he uses it when he isn't supposed to be using it.

Using it when you shouldn't can sometimes make everything run together and sound pretty horrible, as well.
  • #8
I played the piano for years. I ended up quitting because I was one of those people who were forced by their parents to play. Ironically they gave me the choice to begin with but then they wouldn't let me stop even after years of disinterest and whining. Wasted money...

I just started to learn the guitar now and I find it miles easier than the piano. I'm not sure if it's because I have a music background now or because I got older and "understood" how to approach it better.

I haven't played for a while though and it's frustrating having to re-learn the songs again.
  • #9
AnTiFreeze3 said:
I love playing Maple Leaf Rag.

Excellent choice of course. Strangely enough, I never sat down and took the time to learn it. A lot of the times I didn't learn a piece because I was too lazy to go out and get the music for it. I also am pretty picky about how music is printed; I think I get intimidated by music that is printed in such a way that the notes are really close together, it just makes it look more overwhelming than it really is.
  • #10
Oh yesss ... the piano days. My aunt used to be my piano teacher many years ago and she'd make me practice in school days from 11pm to 1-2am ;).
  • #11
Piano and guitar
  • #12
I've been playing the piano as a hobby since age 6 (that makes 50 years now).

Just an amateur (day job is computers) but I've got quite a long way over the years. I've played orchestral piano with a couple of orchestras and been rehearsal soloist for about a dozen different piano concertos and similar works (e.g. Rhapsody in Blue). Most fun was performing Rach 2 first movement a couple of years ago at a public evening of concerto movements. Also did Grieg first movement a few years earlier at similar event at a school, but in that case the piano was quite out of tune so the experience was not so pleasant.

Mostly play the violin now (regularly with two amateur orchestras and occasionally with some others), also occasionally viola. Wife plays cello in same orchestras. More opportunities for stringed instruments than for piano solo.
  • #13
I've been playing the piano for about 3 years. I love it too! I find it super relaxing. The best thing about it is since I've started playing the piano I learned so much more music. I learned about classical music and jazz.

Here is for example an inspiring talk about classical music:
Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music
  • #14
Wow! Lots of musicians here! I love it.

Jonathan Scott said:
I've been playing the piano as a hobby since age 6 (that makes 50 years now).

Just an amateur (day job is computers) but I've got quite a long way over the years. I've played orchestral piano with a couple of orchestras and been rehearsal soloist for about a dozen different piano concertos and similar works (e.g. Rhapsody in Blue). Most fun was performing Rach 2 first movement a couple of years ago at a public evening of concerto movements. Also did Grieg first movement a few years earlier at similar event at a school, but in that case the piano was quite out of tune so the experience was not so pleasant.

Mostly play the violin now (regularly with two amateur orchestras and occasionally with some others), also occasionally viola. Wife plays cello in same orchestras. More opportunities for stringed instruments than for piano solo.

That's great! I tried to learn cello while in school; it was too overwhelming. Stringed instruments are a whole other beast. Don't get me wrong when I say this, but anybody can hit a key on a piano and get the correct sound. It doesn't require any particular talent to make the piano sound the way it is supposed to. 'Press the key' --> 'Out come the appropriate sound'. All of the difficulty of making the sound has been abstracted away from the user. The violin or viola on the other hand ... you could be a looking at a year or two of practice just to get a note to sound the way it is supposed too. Then, on top of that, you have to learn to play music.

The piano gives me just enough immediate gratification to keep me interested. Maybe someday I will try the cello again.

Edgardo said:
I've been playing the piano for about 3 years. I love it too! I find it super relaxing. The best thing about it is since I've started playing the piano I learned so much more music. I learned about classical music and jazz.

Here is for example an inspiring talk about classical music:
Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music

I too find it relaxing. Even when it is frustrating, it is relaxing. It's gotten me interested in the math and physics behind music. I am hoping to learn a lot more about it. I'll check out the link; thanks!
  • #15
I had a GF in college who played cello. It was a fun instrument, though after she told me what her parents paid for a "student" instrument, I was less than enthused.
  • #16
I am still working on the Goldberg variations. I'm up to #10 (20 to go, including the ponderous middle ones) and this one just sounds lousy because I can't get Glen Gould's performance out of my head. 1 through 3 were "easy."

Number 5 kicked my butt (at half the speed Mr. Gould plays it).

notice how at 0:27, the two hands play through each other... :eek:
I also did the Aria, which sounds nothing like GG.
I skipped ahead to # 30, also. Trouble is, I can't keep any more than 3 in my head at one time. I can't sightread this stuff because I need to concentrate with where my fingers go.

Speaking of fingering, that's part of the fun. Goldberg Variations usually come without fingering suggestions, which makes it like a puzzle you need to figure out just to play all the notes.
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  • #17
strangerep said:
Why is that a "bad" habit? (Pardon my ignorance.)

There are no bad habits. Every player is different. Some things like pedal are a matter of taste. However, it is good to learn things in several different ways, for example, to learn to achieve a legato without "cheating" with the pedal, and also to achieve "finger" pedal. These different ways with slightly different sounds increase the range of "tools" you have. But in the end, the only thing that matters is: is what you are saying accurate and true, and are you saying it sincerely? By accuracy, I mean is the sound the same as what you hear first in your head? Also, never hesitate to cheat if no one can hear it:)
  • #18
Chi Meson said:
notice how at 0:27, the two hands play through each other... :eek:

That's Mr Gould's fault, for trying to play a piece written for a 2-manual harpsichord on a 1-manual piano. Bach even gave instructions for each variation whether to use 1 or 2 manuals, for those too challenged to work it out for themselves!

They are much easier to play on the origianal instrument than on a modern piano.

If you want to have fun with harpsichord music on a piano, try Scarlatti. Almost everything he wrote was for a 1-manual instrument - but his idea of "fun" is one hand going wild in the middle of the keyboard, and the other playing alternate notes at each end with 3- or 4-octave skips between. No need to go to an aerobics class to keep fit, if you practice some of that every day. Sample page (in the original hand-written glorious technicolor) attached. The notes marked M in red are all for the left hand.


  • Scarlatti.jpg
    54.1 KB · Views: 415
  • #19
AlephZero said:
That's Mr Gould's fault, for trying to play a piece written for a 2-manual harpsichord on a 1-manual piano. Bach even gave instructions for each variation whether to use 1 or 2 manuals, for those too challenged to work it out for themselves!

They are much easier to play on the origianal instrument than on a modern piano.

If you want to have fun with harpsichord music on a piano, try Scarlatti. Almost everything he wrote was for a 1-manual instrument - but his idea of "fun" is one hand going wild in the middle of the keyboard, and the other playing alternate notes at each end with 3- or 4-octave skips between. No need to go to an aerobics class to keep fit, if you practice some of that every day. Sample page (in the original hand-written glorious technicolor) attached. The notes marked M in red are all for the left hand.

Wow you are evil :devil::smile: Repeated notes easier than adapting the Goldbergs to one manual?
  • #20
atyy said:
There are no bad habits. Every player is different. Some things like pedal are a matter of taste.

That's true in a sense, but the problem is that people don't necessarily realize what are the full range of options available, without some teaching to steer them.

For example with piano pedalling, many people's instinctive idea is to press the pedal at the same time as they play some notes. Actually, that's backwards, and the real technique is to RELEASE the pedal as you play some notes, then press it down again. You don't need to watch people to find out if they never discovered that (or never learned how to do it) - just listen to the sounds they make.

If course if you learn how to do it "properly" and then choose not to, that's fine. Choosing a particular option isn't the same as not knowing there WERE any options!
  • #21
AlephZero said:
That's true in a sense, but the problem is that people don't necessarily realize what are the full range of options available, without some teaching to steer them.

For example with piano pedalling, many people's instinctive idea is to press the pedal at the same time as they play some notes. Actually, that's backwards, and the real technique is to RELEASE the pedal as you play some notes, then press it down again. You don't need to watch people to find out if they never discovered that (or never learned how to do it) - just listen to the sounds they make.

If course if you learn how to do it "properly" and then choose not to, that's fine. Choosing a particular option isn't the same as not knowing there WERE any options!

  • #22
atyy said:
Wow you are evil :devil::smile: Repeated notes easier than adapting the Goldbergs to one manual?

It's a completely different playing technique. The first time a "good" pianist tries to play a harpsichord, they usually wonder what on Earth is going on, since they play about twice as many notes as they intended to, and most of them are the wrong ones.

You can play repeated notes on a harpsichord as a "one-fingered trill", as fast or faster than a piano trill. You only need to press the key a quarter of the way down to play the note with its full tone, if the instrument is properly regulated. Hitting the bottom of the key travel (which you have to do on the piano) just makes more mechanical noise, it doesn't make the note sound any louder. There's no need for the "changing fingers" technique you need for repeated notes on a piano to avoid getting RSI and tendonitis.

The fastest way to play a scale on a harpsichord is stick your elbow out and turn your hand so your arm is almost parallel to the keys (not at right angles), then "run along the keyboard" with two fingers, 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 ... as fast as you like. Pianos don't work like that!
  • #23
I've dabbled in piano, but I was awful at it, so I looked around for other instruments. I can play decent flute and saxophone, though the baritone kills me because my hands are miniscule. I really appreciate what you said about approaching music from the perspective of a scientist, though; it's true that scientists see the world differently, and while I don't claim to be anywhere near a scientist, I can relate. Everything becomes very precise and logical in a scientist's eyes while still retaining artistry most other people can't see, and I think this is most prevalent in music.
  • #24
AlephZero said:
It's a completely different playing technique. The first time a "good" pianist tries to play a harpsichord, they usually wonder what on Earth is going on, since they play about twice as many notes as they intended to, and most of them are the wrong ones.

Yes that's what happened to me (and I'm not even a very "good" pianist) the one time I had the chance to touch a harpsichord!

I had no idea repeated notes on harpsichord were so different. I do find repeated notes on piano very difficult - which is why I tend to play Bach instead of Scarlatti. Maybe the only thing worse is Chopin's Op 10 no. 2 - which I have decided to postpone learning till my next life :smile: Oh, and the octave glissandi in the Waldstein too.
  • #25
Don't try playing a piano like this, it might not survive the experience...
  • #26
AlephZero said:
That's Mr Gould's fault, for trying to play a piece written for a 2-manual harpsichord on a 1-manual piano. Bach even gave instructions for each variation whether to use 1 or 2 manuals, for those too challenged to work it out for themselves!

They are much easier to play on the origianal instrument than on a modern piano.
Steinway & Sons did make one 2-deck piano, to be played similarly as the Harpsichords.

The intent of Bach is not lost on GG; in his righteous impudence, he took many liberties with the original score. Playing it for myself highlighted how many things he added in and changed. He's been scolded for doing things too fast, and so he counters by slowing other things down to a grave (that's grah-vey).
Even if this 2-deck piano was available to him, he wouldn't have used it; he was a bit of a show-off.
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  • #27
I just started playing piano again. I only played for about 4 months in high school for a class, but I really liked it. I moved around so much afterward that I never had a chance to practice (pianos aren't very portable.)

Now that I've settled, I bought an electronic piano, and I'm practicing again. I'm honestly fairly awful. I have to try really hard to read the music and not just memorize it and play it. I'm hoping to learn a few carols before Christmas.

Has anyone found a way to get free sheet music online? You would think a lot of classical music would be public domain, yes?
  • #28
Gale said:
I just started playing piano again. I only played for about 4 months in high school for a class, but I really liked it. I moved around so much afterward that I never had a chance to practice (pianos aren't very portable.)

Now that I've settled, I bought an electronic piano, and I'm practicing again. I'm honestly fairly awful. I have to try really hard to read the music and not just memorize it and play it. I'm hoping to learn a few carols before Christmas.

Has anyone found a way to get free sheet music online? You would think a lot of classical music would be public domain, yes?

  • #29
Gale said:
Has anyone found a way to get free sheet music online? You would think a lot of classical music would be public domain, yes?

This is probably the biggest one (and it includes a copy of everything from Mutopia):
  • #30
AlephZero said:
This is probably the biggest one (and it includes a copy of everything from Mutopia):

Chi Meson said:

Wow. That was too easy. I actually bought a book of Mozart Sonnets because I was looking for one particular one... Not that it's a bad thing to have a whole book. But I'm book marking those sites. Thanks to both of you!

Related to How Can I Find Free Sheet Music Online?

1. Where can I find free sheet music online?

There are several websites that offer free sheet music, such as,, and You can also try searching for specific songs or pieces on search engines like Google, as many musicians and composers share their sheet music for free on their personal websites.

2. Is it legal to download free sheet music online?

It depends on the source of the sheet music. Some websites offer free sheet music that is in the public domain or has been released under a Creative Commons license, making it legal to download and use. However, if the sheet music is copyrighted, it is not legal to download it for free without the permission of the copyright owner.

3. Can I find sheet music for any instrument online?

Yes, there is a wide variety of sheet music available online for different instruments, including piano, guitar, violin, flute, and more. Some websites may have a larger selection for certain instruments, but you can usually find sheet music for most instruments with a bit of searching.

4. How do I know if the sheet music I find online is accurate?

It is always important to double-check the accuracy of any sheet music you find online, as there may be errors or discrepancies. Look for sheet music from reputable sources and read user reviews or comments to see if others have found the sheet music to be accurate. You can also compare the sheet music to recordings of the piece to check for accuracy.

5. Can I print the sheet music I find online?

It depends on the website and the specific sheet music. Some websites may allow you to print the sheet music for personal use, while others may have restrictions on printing. Make sure to check the terms of use for the website or sheet music before printing it.

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