How Can I Find the Equation of the Dotted Tangent Line of a Circle?

In summary, In summary, The lower tangent line of the circle, with center at M(4,7) and a point A at (6,3), is y=0.5x. The equation of the circle is $(x-4)^{2}+(y-7)^{2}=20$. To find the dotted tangent line, we can use the fact that it is parallel to the lower tangent line, and therefore has the same slope. By using the point A and a direction vector, we can find a vector perpendicular to the direction vector and pointed towards the other tangent point. After solving for this vector and adding its components to point A, we can find the other tangent point. However, there was a typo in
  • #1
Dear all,

Attached is a picture of a circle.

View attachment 9133

The lower tangent line is y=0.5x. The center of the circle is M(4,7) while the point A is (3,6).

I found the equation of the circle, it is:


and I wish to find the dotted tangent line. I know that it is parallel to the lower one, therefore, the slope is the same. I can't find the tangent point.

Can you give me a hint please ?


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  • #2
Yankel said:
Dear all,

Attached is a picture of a circle.
The lower tangent line is y=0.5x. The center of the circle is M(4,7) while the point A is (3,6).

I found the equation of the circle, it is:


and I wish to find the dotted tangent line. I know that it is parallel to the lower one, therefore, the slope is the same. I can't find the tangent point.

Can you give me a hint please ?

You know $A=(3,6)$, and a direction vector along the lower tangent line is $\langle 2,1\rangle$. Can you find a vector perpendicular to that vector and pointed upwards towards the other tangent? And make it $\sqrt{20}$ units long? Then just add its components to $(3,6)$ to get the other tangent point.

[Edit] I notice that your point A doesn't satisfy the equation of your circle, so check your work so far.
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  • #3
I am sorry, I did not mention this. The problem is in analytical geometry, no vectors are allowed
  • #4
Yankel said:
I am sorry, I did not mention this. The problem is in analytical geometry, no vectors are allowed

Since the tangent line is parallel, it must be of the form $y=\frac 12 x + b$ for some constant $b$, which is also the intersection with the y-axis.

Substitute in the circle equation, which becomes a quadratic equation.
Since it is a tangent it has exactly 1 point on the circle.
This happens when the square root part of the quadratic solution is zero.
From there we can find $b$.
  • #5
Something is wrong here. If a circle has centre at $(4,7)$ and goes through the point $A$ at $(3,6)$, then the tangent at $A$ will not go through the origin. It looks to me as though $A$ should be the point $(6,3)$ rather than $(3,6)$.
  • #6
Hi Yankel.

As Opalg pointed out, there is a typo with the co-ordinates of the point A; it should be $(6,3)$ rather than $(3,6)$.

Let B with co-ordinates $(u,v)$ be the point opposite A on the circle. Then the line segment BA is perpendicular to the tangent line $y=\frac12x$ and so has gradient $-2$, i.e.
$$\frac{v-3}{u-6}\ =\ -2$$
from which we get
$$v\ =\ -2u+15\quad\ldots\boxed1.$$
Also $(u,v)$ lies on the circle, so
$$(u-4)^2+(v-7)^2\ =\ 20\quad\ldots\boxed2.$$
Substitute $v$ from $\boxed1$ into $\boxed2$ will give you a quadratic equation in $u$, which you can easily solve (knowing that $u=6$ is one solution).

FAQ: How Can I Find the Equation of the Dotted Tangent Line of a Circle?

What is a tangent line of a circle?

A tangent line of a circle is a line that touches the circle at exactly one point, also known as the point of tangency. It is perpendicular to the radius of the circle at that point.

How is the tangent line of a circle calculated?

The tangent line of a circle can be calculated using the slope-intercept form of a line, which is y = mx + b. The slope (m) can be found by taking the negative reciprocal of the slope of the radius at the point of tangency. The y-intercept (b) can be found by substituting the coordinates of the point of tangency into the equation.

What is the relationship between the tangent line and the radius of a circle?

The tangent line and the radius of a circle are always perpendicular to each other at the point of tangency. This means that the tangent line forms a 90-degree angle with the radius at that point.

Can a circle have more than one tangent line?

Yes, a circle can have an infinite number of tangent lines. This is because any line that touches the circle at exactly one point is considered a tangent line.

How is the tangent line of a circle used in real-world applications?

The tangent line of a circle is used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and surveying. It is used to determine the direction of motion of an object moving along a circular path, to calculate the angle of incidence in optics, and to find the slope of a curved surface in surveying.

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