How Can Laser Spot Move Faster Than Light?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of a laser spot moving faster than the speed of light. The person is curious about how this could be possible, given that the photons from the laser take 1.2 seconds to reach the moon and create a spot. The conversation also touches on the concept of the spot being a construct of the observer and not actually moving at all. However, it is explained that if the position of the spot is constantly changing, it can have an average speed faster than light.
  • #1
I have read this millions of time on internet that laser spot can move faster than light. but i can't understand how.

For example if we point our laser source towards moon then after 1.2 seconds our laser light reaches the surface of moon and creates a spot there, now if i move my laser source in order to move the spot on surface of moon then after moving my laser source the first photons again take 1.2 seconds to reach the moon so the laser spot on moon can only move after 1.2 seconds to the new location. so there will always be a lag between the previous and new position of the spot.
Now can some one explain me how it is possible to move the laser spot faster than light ?

I would be very thankful.
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  • #2

AH_AHSAN said:
I have read this millions of time on internet that laser spot can move faster than light. but i can't understand how.

For example if we point our laser source towards moon then after 1.2 seconds our laser light reaches the surface of moon and creates a spot there, now if i move my laser source in order to move the spot on surface of moon then after moving my laser source the first photons again take 1.2 seconds to reach the moon so the laser spot on moon can only move after 1.2 seconds to the new location. so there will always be a lag between the previous and new position of the spot.
Now can some one explain me how it is possible to move the laser spot faster than light ?

I would be very thankful.
Laser spots do not move at all, two spots are not made of the same light.

If I shoot with a gun and make a hole somewhere and then move the gun slightly to the left and shoot again does the hole move?
  • #3

The photons that are hitting the moon at one moment in time are not the same ones that are hitting a different part of the moon a short time later so nothing is moving faster than light. What if you turned the laser beam off just before you aimed it to a new location and then back on again, would you say the first spot on the moon was the same as the second spot at a different location and that it had traveled faster than light?
  • #4

Passionflower said:
Laser spots do not move at all, two spots are not made of the same light.

If I shoot with a gun and make a hole somewhere and then move the gun slightly to the left and shoot again does the hole move?

Nice analysis.
  • #5

Passionflower said:
Laser spots do not move at all, two spots are not made of the same light.

If I shoot with a gun and make a hole somewhere and then move the gun slightly to the left and shoot again does the hole move?

But it does not matter if they are made of same light or not, because even then it's not possible to move the spot of these new photons on the surface of the moon faster than light.

my question has nothing to do with the information i am just saying that it is absolutely not possible to make the spot of light appear at another location than the previous location faster than the speed of light.
  • #6

If you are talking about how the spot on the moon appears to the person on Earth who is aiming the laser, then you are correct, because he has to wait not only for the laser beam to travel to the moon, but also for the image of the spot to get back to earth, so including this delay the spot will never appear to travel faster than light.
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  • #7

AH_AHSAN said:
But it does not matter if they are made of same light or not, because even then it's not possible to move the spot of these new photons on the surface of the moon faster than light.

my question has nothing to do with the information i am just saying that it is absolutely not possible to make the spot of light appear at another location than the previous location faster than the speed of light.

AH_AHSAN, would you agree that I can have a light bulb on Jupiter switch on then one second later have a light bulb on Mercury switch on? Has the light traveled faster than c?Obviously no. They're two separate lights.

Same with the laser. It shoots out some photons. They hit the Moon's left edge. You swing it around in one zillionth of a second to the right edge and some other photons hit there.

The two spots have nothing to do with each other. Nothing has traveled faster than c. The idea of "a spot of light" is entirely a construct of the person doing the observing, who supposes they are the same spot. They're not.
  • #8

First of all to the title-question:

Velocity is defined as the first time-derivative of position. The position of the laser spot is the point where the laser beam hits a surface. If the absolute value of the velocity of the spot exceeds c than it is faster than light.

AH_AHSAN said:
Now can some one explain me how it is possible to move the laser spot faster than light ?

Imagine your laser hits the outer edge of the moon. Now you point to the laser within 0,0116 seconds to the center of the moon. 1.2 seconds later your laser will hit the edge and the center of the moon at almost the same time because the center of the moon is 0,0116 light seconds closer to your position. In this example the average speed of your laser spot is infinite and this is much faster than c. In this way you can "move" the spot with every speed you want.
  • #9

DrStupid said:
Velocity is defined as the first time-derivative of position. The position of the laser spot is the point where the laser beam hits a surface. If the absolute value of the velocity of the spot

Stop right there.

"The spot" has no velocity. "The spot" is not a discrete thing at all.

"The spot" is a construct of the mind, erroneously linking a bunch of impinging photons here with a bunch of impinging photons there.

The only velocities that exist are:
1] the velocity of the photons traveling from Earth to Moon.
2] the velocity of the laser's rotation.
That's it.
  • #10

Thanks a lot guyz now i understand it.
I must be smoking some thing when i asked this.

the point i was missing is that just moving the laser pointer direction the spot on moon would not disappear simultaneously at that time because photon emitted just before changing the direction of source are still in the space and moving toward the moon and hence spot should be there still after 1.2 seconds of moving my laser pointer.
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  • #11

I have a feeling you all answer not the question that was asked, but the question you know answer to.

AH_AHSAN said:
For example if we point our laser source towards moon then after 1.2 seconds our laser light reaches the surface of moon and creates a spot there, now if i move my laser source in order to move the spot on surface of moon then after moving my laser source the first photons again take 1.2 seconds to reach the moon so the laser spot on moon can only move after 1.2 seconds to the new location. so there will always be a lag between the previous and new position of the spot.

Laser sends photons continuously. When you are changing its direction it sends photons in every direction between the initial and final one. Yes, they will hit the Moon surface in 1.2 sec, but as they were sent all the time you will see all intermediate spots. Perhaps the image below will help you see what is happening.

Edit: I see you got it in the meantime, I spent way too much time preparing the image


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  • #12

AH_AHSAN said:
Thanks a lot guyz now i understand it.
I must be smoking some thing when i asked this.

the point i was missing is that just moving the laser pointer direction the spot on moon would not disappear simultaneously at that time because photon emitted just before changing the direction of source are still in the space and moving toward the moon and hence spot should be there still after 1.2 seconds of moving my laser pointer.


(However, that doesn't change the fact that, the psot on the right side of the Moon could still appear instantaneously (faster than light) after the spot on the left side of the Moon winked out.)
  • #13

Borek said:
I have a feeling you all answer not the question that was asked, but the question you know answer to.

Laser sends photons continuously. When you are changing its direction it sends photons in every direction between the initial and final one. Yes, they will hit the Moon surface in 1.2 sec, but as they were sent all the time you will see all intermediate spots. Perhaps the image below will help you see what is happening.

Edit: I see you got it in the meantime, I spent way too much time preparing the image

thanks a lot buddy for your effort.
  • #14

DaveC426913 said:

(However, that doesn't change the fact that, the psot on the right side of the Moon could still appear instantaneously (faster than light) after the spot on the left side of the Moon winked out.)

yes this is totally understandable to me now. thanks.

FAQ: How Can Laser Spot Move Faster Than Light?

1. How is it possible for a laser spot to move faster than light?

According to the theory of relativity, no object can travel faster than the speed of light. However, when talking about the speed of light, we are referring to the speed of light in a vacuum. In a medium, such as air or glass, the speed of light is slower. Therefore, a laser spot can appear to move faster than light in certain mediums.

2. Can a laser spot actually move faster than light?

No, a laser spot does not actually move faster than light. As mentioned before, it may appear to move faster in certain mediums, but this is due to the slower speed of light in those mediums. The speed of light in a vacuum remains the fastest speed possible.

3. Why does a laser spot appear to move faster than light in certain mediums?

When a laser is shone through a medium, such as air or glass, the light wave is slowed down and bends in the medium. This causes the laser spot to appear to move faster than the speed of light in that medium.

4. Are there any other factors that can affect the speed of a laser spot?

Yes, the speed of a laser spot can also be affected by the properties of the medium it is passing through, such as density or temperature. Additionally, the angle at which the laser is shone through the medium can also impact its speed.

5. How does this phenomenon impact our understanding of the speed of light?

The fact that a laser spot can appear to move faster than the speed of light in a medium highlights the importance of understanding the properties of different mediums and how they can affect the behavior of light. It does not change our understanding of the speed of light in a vacuum, but it does emphasize the complexities and nuances involved in the study of light and its behavior.

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