How Can We Interact with Dark Matter for Sci-Fi Novel?

In summary: All i know is that one their is that they are something sort of WIMP( weakly interacting massive Particle). So getting it to interacting is pretty difficult. I'd hazard a guess that it is unknown.Hi newjersey:I think that the technical word you use in the above quote is misspelled. Did you mean "metamerically": In a metameric manner"metameric": exhibiting structural isomerismAt this point I have to make a guess that you are using the term "metamerically" metaphorically because the only definitions for "structural isomerism" seem to be related to chemistry."structural isomer
  • #36
Got it.. Sorry
Space news on
  • #37
nikkkom said:
I struggle to find a plausible scenario for dark matter use in a sci-fi.

Hi Nikkkom,

I appreciate the worry, but it's mostly a way to power some fictional tech that I want to work into the book. Using another example in Scifi - the "Element Zero" from Mass Effect that allowed the creation and manipulation of mass effect fields. Obviously I'm not stealing that idea, but it's a close example that a not known substance that leads to the tech used in that fictional universe.

I don't want to go into too many specifics because I'm still not sure to what degree I'm going to try to publish. Right now this is just a fun side hobby for my own enjoyment.
  • #38
Anon5000 said:
Not to be too brutal, BUT - JUST to make sure you know, nobody reads novels anymore.

Hi Anon5000,

I appreciate the worry. At this stage, I'm not even sure if I'll try and publish my idea. I just want to write it for my own fun. That said, there's a lot of scenes in my head that play out much like a movie. So, maybe I'll end up writing a screenplay as well, or a pitch for a TV show. It's not too likely, but hey it could happen!
  • #39
If you want to use somethng exotic as a power source how about using "Zero Point Energy" instead? At least that is better understood so you could form a story around it, even if some theories allow it and other do not.

There are just too many unknowns about Dark Matter's true nature to try and use it as a power source in a Sci-Fi story with our current level of understanding.