How Did Early Black-Hole Dynamics Shape Galaxy Formation?

In summary: Siegel.In summary, the conversation discusses the early universe and the formation of galaxies and spiral arms. The first generation of big stars and supernovae were the result of the higher density of material in the early universe. The trajectory of this material can be affected by momentum and gravity, leading to the formation of spiral arms. The conversation also touches on the formation of primordial black holes and the potential role they played in the early universe. It is also noted that cosmic dust did not exist before the first Population III stars formed. There is still debate on whether galaxies or black holes came first, but current thinking suggests that black holes preceded the formation of proto galaxies.
  • #1
The early universe would appear to be contain more material per unit volume than now.This would then gve rise to a first generation big stars and an early develoment of supernova.
My interest lies in the inevitable momentum that would be transferred by slingshot from pairs or groups of black- holes as they pass thorough a relatively dense environment.The trajectory of such material will be governed by the acquired momentum and the velocity away from the shared gravity well.
The trajectory reminds me of water from a lawn sprinkler and over much time could contribute to the classical "galactic" spiral.
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  • #2
Check out which explains the spiral structure as a result of standing density waves. I think the idea is that as an orbiting star approaches an over dense region, gravitational force will accelerate it towards the dense region. On the way out of the dense region, the star will be pulled back. The result is that the stars clump up in the dense region, causing a visible pattern. The differential rotation of a galaxy (slower orbits further from the center) will generally cause a disturbance like this to shear into a spiral shape on the galactic scale. The cause of an over dense region could be tidal forces from another galaxy, a supernova shockwave, etc.
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  • #3
Big stars are the brightest

Spiral arms are concentrations of star formation... Where big stars form and soon SN

The only stars to live long enough to escape the arms are the smaller redder ones... So forming the disk of the galaxy

Is that not true?
  • #4
I think part of the theory is that a dust cloud would be compressed as it enters a dense region, causing lots of star formation. It seems like those big stars would contribute most of the light for the spiral pattern.
  • #5
zthompson47 said:
I think part of the theory is that a dust cloud would be compressed as it enters a dense region, causing lots of star formation. It seems like those big stars would contribute most of the light for the spiral pattern.
Except that there would not be any dust in the early universe. There would only be hydrogen, with a small amount of helium. How these first Population III stars formed still remains a mystery, but ESA's Planck satellite suggests that they did not form until ~550 million years after the Big Bang.
  • #6
dougfgd said:
My interest lies in the inevitable momentum that would be transferred by slingshot from pairs or groups of black holes ...
I was not aware that there WERE any black holes in the early universe, other than perhaps micro ones. Do you have a citation for that concept?
  • #7
|Glitch| said:
Except that there would not be any dust in the early universe. There would only be hydrogen, with a small amount of helium. How these first Population III stars formed still remains a mystery, but ESA's Planck satellite suggests that they did not form until ~550 million years after the Big Bang.
I thought dust was a broad term that includes molucular clouds of hydrogen that would exist in the early universe. Either way, the result would be star formation.
  • #8
phinds said:
I was not aware that there WERE any black holes in the early universe, other than perhaps micro ones. Do you have a citation for that concept?
Primordial black holes are theoretically possible. They would have had to form within the first second after the Big Bang (before the end of the Hadron Epoch) when pressures and temperatures were still high enough to create black holes. The first stellar black holes obviously could not have formed until after the first Population III stars formed.

Primordial Black Holes: Sirens of the Early Universe
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  • #9
zthompson47 said:
I thought dust was a broad term that includes molucular clouds of hydrogen that would exist in the early universe. Either way, the result would be star formation.
Cosmic dust is anywhere from few molecules to 0.1 µm in size, with each grain having a mass of approximately 10−17 kg. Cosmic dust is produced either by supernovae or asymptotic giant branch stars. Which means that cosmic dust could not have existed before the first Population III stars.
  • #10
|Glitch| said:
Primordial black holes are theoretically possible. They would have had to form within the first second after the Big Bang (before the end of the Hadron Epoch) when pressures and temperatures were still high enough to create black holes. The first stellar black holes obviously could not have formed until after the first Population III stars formed.

Primordial Black Holes: Sirens of the Early Universe
Right, I should have been more clear that I'm aware of the theory of primordial black holes but pretty clearly he was not talking about tiny ones at all.
  • #11
phinds said:
I was not aware that there WERE any black holes in the early universe, other than perhaps micro ones. Do you have a citation for that concept?
Cosmologists have long had a chicken and egg problem: Which came first, galaxies or the black holes at the hearts of galaxies? Thinking has gone back and forth, but the current thoughts appear to be that large (but not yet supermassive) black holes preceded the formation of the first proto galaxies.

I'll try to add some references in the literature later. For now, I'll leave you with this NPR All Things Considered interview with UT-Austin astrophysicist Karl Gebhardt and this blog post on What came first, black holes or galaxies? by Ethan Siegel.
  • #12
D H said:
Cosmologists have long had a chicken and egg problem: Which came first, galaxies or the black holes at the hearts of galaxies? Thinking has gone back and forth, but the current thoughts appear to be that large (but not yet supermassive) black holes preceded the formation of the first proto galaxies.

I'll try to add some references in the literature later. For now, I'll leave you with this NPR All Things Considered interview with UT-Austin astrophysicist Karl Gebhardt and this blog post on What came first, black holes or galaxies? by Ethan Siegel.
  • #13
It is clearly a challenge to explain the supermassive black holes believed to reside in high z quasars without some kind as of yet unknown black hole formation mechanism in the very early universe.
  • #14
Chronos said:
It is clearly a challenge to explain the supermassive black holes believed to reside in high z quasars without some kind as of yet unknown black hole formation mechanism in the very early universe.
Would not the very large Population III stars form black holes in short order (as in within a few million years)? We know that Population I and II stars will form black holes if they have a mass greater than 10 solar masses and less than 130 solar masses, but they would take to long to form black holes before galaxies formed. It has also been theorized that stars with between 130 and 250 solar masses create pair-instability supernovae, which do not leave black holes. It is my understanding, however, that Population III stars were even more massive, ranging from 250 solar masses to well over 1,000 solar masses. I am not sure whether or not they would leave a black hole upon their death, but their life-span would be very short, well under a million years for the more massive Population III stars. As these massive Population III stars die out, assuming they leave black holes in their wake, that could be the mechanism required to start forming galaxies.
  • #15
That is one possibility, but , does not entirely satisfy Jeans mass limits. It is, however, still considered possible ancient black holes may have formed via direct collapse -bypassing the pop III stellar scenario.
  • #16
Apropos the title of this thread, one early galaxy at z=6.34 i.e. 0.868 Gyrs. after BB. (Ned Wright's Calculator) - HFLS3 - a record-breaking galaxy
HFLS3 is the name for a distant galaxy, located at z = 6.34, originating about 880 million years after the Big Bang.[1] Its discovery was announced on 18 April 2013 as an exceptional starburst galaxy producing nearly 3,000 solar masses of stars a year.[1] It was found by using the far infrared capable Herschel Space Telescope.[1] It is 10–30 times the mass of other known galaxies at such an early time in the Universe.
(Emphasis mine)

Going back to the OP questions about BH's; did any form at this time?

Well we would have to look at the high energy (gamma or X ray) end of the spectrum, not optical/IR/sub-millimetre as above.

A most distant GRB is GRB 090423 subsequently identified by its IR afterglow at z=8.2. (618 Myr after BB) Even earlier (further) than the distant galaxy.
A gamma-ray burst is an extremely luminous event flash of gamma rays that occurs as the result of an explosion, and is thought to be associated with the formation of a black hole.

Those Pop III's were very busy - unless as Chronos suggested BH's formed by direct collapse.

A lot happened very quickly!

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  • #17
Garth said:
Apropos the title of this thread, one early galaxy at z=6.34 i.e. 0.868 Gyrs. after BB. (Ned Wright's Calculator) - HFLS3 - a record-breaking galaxy

(Emphasis mine)

Going back to the OP questions about BH's; did any form at this time?

Well we would have to look at the high energy (gamma or X ray) end of the spectrum, not optical/IR/sub-millimetre as above.

A most distant GRB is GRB 090423 subsequently identified by its IR afterglow at z=8.2. (618 Myr after BB) Even earlier (further) than the distant galaxy.Those Pop III's were very busy - unless as Chronos suggested BH's formed by direct collapse.

A lot happened very quickly!

According to ESA's Planck satellite, they have recently placed reionization, or the first formation of stars, at ~550 million years after the Big Bang. Which would only leave ~318 million years to form galaxies (assuming GRB 090423 is one of the oldest). That does not seem like much time, but when you consider that a 250 solar mass star has a lifespan of ~10,000 years, and a 1,000 solar mass star has a lifespan of less than 500 years, that is a lot of supernovas, or direct collapsing, going on in a very short period. In ~318 million years there is not likely to be any Population III stars remaining.
  • #18
|Glitch| said:
According to ESA's Planck satellite, they have recently placed reionization, or the first formation of stars, at ~550 million years after the Big Bang. Which would only leave ~318 million years to form galaxies (assuming GRB 090423 is one of the oldest). That does not seem like much time, but when you consider that a 250 solar mass star has a lifespan of ~10,000 years, and a 1,000 solar mass star has a lifespan of less than 500 years, that is a lot of supernovas, or direct collapsing, going on in a very short period. In ~318 million years there is not likely to be any Population III stars remaining.
Agreed - and we ought to be able to detect those 'hypernovae' any time now...

Even though there was enough time for the Pop III's to evolve the question arises of how did primordial galaxy formation, BH accretion and Pop III formation happen in ~ 300Myrs?

For example, with low or near zero metallicity, Pop III formation would be difficult as the collapsing nebula - Bok globule, would find it difficult to radiate the heat away. Normally dust particles as efficient radiators are important at this stage.

  • #19
A prominent textbook observes that while larger galaxies have central SMBH, their smaller relatives have nuclear star clusters NSC. The NSC seem to obey the same scaling law for mass compared to surrounding galaxy, and there may be some evolutionary connection between them, which I think means NSC might gravitationally settle until the core is so dense with stars that it collapses into a SMBH
  • #20
Garth said:
Agreed - and we ought to be able to detect those 'hypernovae' any time now...

Even though there was enough time for the Pop III's to evolve the question arises of how did primordial galaxy formation, BH accretion and Pop III formation happen in ~ 300Myrs?

For example, with low or near zero metallicity, Pop III formation would be difficult as the collapsing nebula - Bok globule, would find it difficult to radiate the heat away. Normally dust particles as efficient radiators are important at this stage.

I agree, that does pose a problem. Without cosmic dust, you are not going to have Bok globules. There is also the Jeans mass problem. The hydrogen nebula should have collapsed into a star, or directly into a black hole, before reaching 250 solar masses. So how could such super-massive stars exist? With no cosmic dust and super massive stars in the early universe, there must have been some other mechanism involved in their creation.
  • #21
What is the origin of the universal scaling law between the mass of central compact objects and their surrounding stellar halo?

Is the chain of logic something like a universal IMF generating a universal ratio of massive stars which sink to the centers of GCs until they merge into IMBHs, which themselves merge during bottom up hierarchical structure formation of GCs into galaxies??
  • #22
dougfgd said:
The early universe would appear to be contain more material per unit volume than now.
Matter and Anti-matter annihilated leaving behind one billionth of the matter created at the Big Bang, so all the matter now is one billionth of the matter created at the Big Bang.
  • #23
This ratio is basically derived from the observed photon to mass ratio.

FAQ: How Did Early Black-Hole Dynamics Shape Galaxy Formation?

1. How do we know about the formation of early galaxies?

Scientists have studied the properties of light from distant galaxies using telescopes and other instruments. By analyzing the light, they can determine the age of the galaxy and its composition, providing insights into the formation process.

2. What is the current scientific understanding of how early galaxies were formed?

The most widely accepted theory is the hierarchical model, which suggests that galaxies formed through the gradual merging of smaller structures. This process, known as hierarchical merging, allows galaxies to grow in size over time.

3. How long did it take for the first galaxies to form after the Big Bang?

The first galaxies are believed to have formed around 400 million years after the Big Bang. This may seem like a long time, but in the context of the universe, it is relatively short.

4. What role did dark matter play in the formation of early galaxies?

Dark matter is believed to have played a crucial role in the formation of early galaxies. Its gravitational pull helped to bring together gas and dust, allowing them to form stars and eventually galaxies.

5. Are there any ongoing studies or experiments focused on understanding the formation of early galaxies?

Yes, there are many ongoing studies and experiments focused on this topic. Scientists are using advanced telescopes and simulations to better understand the formation process and the role of various factors such as dark matter and gas dynamics.

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