How did you come up with your username?

  • Thread starter ~christina~
  • Start date
In summary, the user's username is their real name with a number added to it to make it unique. They chose it because it was cool and humorous, and it works well for all internet forums.
  • #1
Gold Member
I saw this way back in the back of the general forum but wasn't sure if anyone brought this up again. did you choose your username and why did you choose it. Mine is my name and I liked the look of swirlies on the side so :wink:

Physics news on
  • #2
ro - first part of my name
co - last name

math = math <3
  • #3
Not so crazy about physics anymore, eh?
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  • #4
I'm uncreative, so I just looked at my mail and typed in the first thing I saw.
  • #5
I'm your dad on a pogo stick.
  • #6
Justifiably, I might mind your snooping nature, yet don't ever retaliate.
  • #7
I'm known as Danny Danger (or, more recently, Dangerous Dan) in my town, and Danger is the name that I use on pinball machines.
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  • #8
I've been using this name since I was 14. I'm now 21. I use it on my school and work email address. It's part of me.

Anyway, I was 14 and my friend and I were trying to come up with a cool name for me for Counter-Strike (online shooter game). His was Death_Angle (Typo at first, but it stuck with him), so I needed something equally cool. One of us said S*** Flakes, and the other almost immediately responded with Poop Loops. I forgot who said what when, but that's how it happened.

And now you know the rest of the story.
  • #9
...I just like my reasons
  • #10
Mine is something to do with my name :P I'm not very creative.
  • #11
tgt just sounds good, no?
  • #13
The Schrödinger's cat (thought experiment) suggests to me that Schrödinger was a dog lover rather than a cat lover, since except in some notable cases (ie me) you can't be both. The fact that this later proved to be unfounded is beside the point, I found it amusing. :smile: Unfortunately the only other person to get the joke was a colleague at work who thought it was hilarious. English humour eh. :biggrin:

And also as we know:

[itex]A_d\neq\heartsuit A_c\:,\;\;\; &\; (A_k/A_{d2} > A_{d1} > A_c > A_m)[/itex]

Is of course the fundamental rule of cartoonology.
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  • #15
Chatroomstud was already taken.
  • #16
I tried to register with my real name but somebody had already taken it.:mad: I don't like adding numbers after my name. Google Spider is one of the usernames which no body has ever used on any internet forum. That's why I have started using this as my "internet name".

Some people have done an unsuccessful attempt to block me with robot.txt files. :biggrin:
  • #17
Mine is my real name.
  • #18
My regular internet username used to be solemn00090 or solemn0090 (no idea).

When I registered for (cribbage purposes), both of those names were taken (no idea), and one of the suggested names was "Correct Jeans". I somewhat liked that name, so my regular internet alias becamse Correct Jeans.

After a while, the name stopped being Correct Jeans after online people started calling me just "Jeans". Now almost all of my internet names (If they are not Correct Jeans), are usually just a related name followed by "Jeans".

Essentially, my internet name is "Jeans".
  • #19
I tried several user-names, including my ferret's name, and they were all taken, so I added "-1" to his name.
  • #20
I tried to come up with something quickly, so I looked at the wall in my classroom and I saw a chart of the fundamental particles. I didn't want to appear so bold as to be the "proton" or the "electron" so I picked a meson. I went with the "chi" since it is the first 3 letters of my real name (which has been mentioned in one post...who can find it?)
  • #21
wolram said:
Mine is my real name.
In a peculiar order.
  • #22
g33k = geek, because I've worked in IT for 10 yrs.. and well, I'm a geek..
ski11z = skills .. because I have "g33k" skills... get it..

.. I've used this for a long time. It's my preferred online name.
  • #23
the_thinker cause I would like people to believe that I actually do think, even though its a rare occasion, it happens sometimes... :-p
  • #24
i saw this same name on another forum, thought the name was hilarious, so i copied it :biggrin:
  • #25
I have been using mine for many years now; I tend to use it for all internet forums
It was my username on the UNIX-system and first part of my e-mail system when I was an undergraduate.
to-first part of my first name
li-first part of my last name
F for physics (swedish spelling) and 95 for 1995.
  • #26
first name, and first letter of my last name.
  • #27
I'm lazy and have no imagination and I like K's.
  • #28
Chi Meson said:
I tried to come up with something quickly, so I looked at the wall in my classroom and I saw a chart of the fundamental particles. I didn't want to appear so bold as to be the "proton" or the "electron" so I picked a meson. I went with the "chi" since it is the first 3 letters of my real name (which has been mentioned in one post...who can find it?)
Chicago has been mentioned more than once. :biggrin:
  • #29
And all this time, I though he was named after Chichi Rodriquez...:smile:
  • #30
My name comes from the title of the book "rocket boys" which I thought was an excellent read. That, and I was really interested in rocketry/space/flight when I was in high school and wanted to be an astronaut... still do somewhat.
  • #31
I went through a brief phase where I thought I wanted a trials bike, I had a Scorpa brochure next to me and seeing as I am so uncreative when it comes to usernames I stole my name from the brochure.
  • #32
First name.

Would have been proper to complete the entire last name but got lazy. And since I want to be "cool" on the internet, I decided to just put the first letter.
  • #33
My User name was based on a concept of Someone and No one.(Perception)
it best showed my point of view of how my view and perception of the world around me is not that of someone's but that of noOne's, but the noOne is someone, and that someone would be me, No one.

A philosophy concept of word's and point's of view of perception...
(No, one person know's)
(the preceving of perception)
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  • #34
I was helping this one kid in my Algebra II class and then a girl asked him a question and he was like "Come on now. It's not freaking rocket surgery".
  • #35
It is just my name - the only thing I can type without erororors

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