How do hydraulic launch systems achieve such high speeds on roller coasters?

In summary, a young student engineer is curious about the hydraulic launch systems used in roller coasters and wonders if anyone can provide technical calculations to show how they achieve such high speeds. They also question the possibility of using theoretical rail gun concepts to propel a coaster.
  • #1

I am a young 19 old student engineer soon to begin university after a summer break. As I have a love for thrill and engineering advancements I would very appreciative if you can help me with my request.

Basically, having followed the progression of the rollar coater launch systems over the past few year, I have always wondered how the hydraulic launch system (combined with nitrogen) actually achieves such great speeds in just a few seconds. I have tried to use calculations but I cannot prove it, therefore is it possible that anyone may know the calculations and demonstrate to me that the figures are possible using a hydraulic system-the more technical the calcualtions the better i.e. size of pistons, volume of nitrogen etc.

Many thanks


Jag man

I hope you can help, many thanks
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  • #2
I'm not sure about those type of launch systems, but I happen to live near Cedar Point, and I do know that some of the quick launch coasters there use magnets and stuff like that. Similar to Mag-Lev trains if I recall correctly.

Also, would it be possible to use theoretical rail gun concepts to propel a coaster? Your projectile would simply be the car (or a piece of metal under it), and you would have two "rails" on either side of it. Not sure if maybe it would be dangerous with the high Voltages though...
  • #3
for taking the time to read my email and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi Jag man,

That's a great question! Hydraulic launch systems use a combination of pressurized hydraulic fluid and compressed gas (usually nitrogen) to propel roller coasters at high speeds. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

1. First, the roller coaster train is loaded onto a launch track, which is typically a long, straight section of track with a series of powerful linear induction motors (LIMs) or linear synchronous motors (LSMs) embedded in the track.

2. The LIMs or LSMs are powered by electrical energy, which creates a magnetic field that interacts with metal fins on the bottom of the roller coaster train. This pushes the train forward, accelerating it to a certain speed.

3. However, this initial speed is not enough to achieve the high speeds that roller coasters are known for. This is where the hydraulic launch system comes in. It works in conjunction with the LIMs or LSMs to give the train an extra boost of speed.

4. The hydraulic launch system consists of a large, pressurized tank of hydraulic fluid and a smaller tank of compressed gas (usually nitrogen). When the roller coaster train is in position, a valve opens, allowing the hydraulic fluid to flow into a series of pistons.

5. The pistons are connected to the launch track and are designed to move very quickly and with great force. When the hydraulic fluid is released, it pushes the pistons forward, which in turn pushes the launch track and the roller coaster train forward.

6. The compressed gas in the smaller tank is also released at the same time. This gas expands rapidly, creating a burst of energy that helps to propel the train even faster.

7. The combination of the hydraulic fluid and compressed gas working together creates a powerful force that accelerates the roller coaster train to extremely high speeds in just a few seconds. The size of the pistons and the volume of compressed gas can vary depending on the design and size of the roller coaster, but the key is to have enough force to achieve the desired speed.

I hope this helps to answer your question and give you a better understanding of how hydraulic launch systems work. It's truly a fascinating combination of engineering and physics. Best of luck with your studies in engineering and your love for thrill rides!


Related to How do hydraulic launch systems achieve such high speeds on roller coasters?

1. What is a hydraulic launch system?

A hydraulic launch system is a method of propelling an object using pressurized fluid, typically water or oil, to generate a powerful force. This force is used to launch the object at high speeds, making it useful in a variety of applications such as amusement park rides and military equipment.

2. How does a hydraulic launch system work?

A hydraulic launch system works by using a pump to pressurize a fluid, which is then stored in a high-pressure reservoir. When the launch is initiated, the fluid is released through a narrow opening, creating a powerful jet that propels the object forward. The pressure and volume of the fluid determine the force and speed of the launch.

3. What are the benefits of using a hydraulic launch system?

One of the main benefits of using a hydraulic launch system is the ability to achieve high speeds and powerful launches with relatively simple and compact equipment. It also allows for precise control and adjustability of the launch force, making it suitable for a range of applications.

4. Are there any disadvantages to using a hydraulic launch system?

One potential disadvantage of a hydraulic launch system is the potential for leaks or malfunctions in the system, which could result in loss of pressure and reduced launch force. Additionally, the high-pressure fluid used in these systems can be hazardous and requires careful handling and maintenance.

5. How is a hydraulic launch system different from other launch methods?

A hydraulic launch system differs from other launch methods, such as using a spring or compressed air, in that it utilizes the force of a pressurized fluid to propel the object. This allows for a more controlled and powerful launch, but also requires more complex equipment and infrastructure.

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