How do I find the acceleration in Newton's 3 Laws Problem?

In summary, the 20.0 kg box is being pushed with a 45.0N force at an angle of 25.0* from the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction on this surface is 0.150. The box has an acceleration of 0.568 m/s^2 in the x direction, calculated using the equations F=ma and Fy=0. The sum of forces on the y-axis is 0, with Fn=(20.0kgx9.81m/s^2)-45.0Nsin335* and the friction force is |Fat| = [mg-F*sin(25)] * μ. The acceleration was found to be (Fcos(25)-([mg
  • #1

Homework Statement

The 20.0 kg box is being pushed with a 45.0N Force acting at an angle of 25.0*. The coefficient of kinetic friction on this surface is 0.150. Find the acceleration

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So I attempted this so far


I tried to go and do sum of all the forces on the x-axis but there's no point because we already have Ffk and Px... So now do I go ahead and put all of the forces in for Sum of F in
(sum)F=ma and solve for a?
as in would I do
Physics news on
  • #2
Well, actually, as my physics professor always says, do not put in the numbers, if not when you've arrived to the last formula.

So...The box is moving on the x axis, so we know that the sum of forces on the y-axis is 0.

We have |Fp| = |N| +|Fy| With fp being the force exerted by gravity on the box, N the reaction that the table/ground is exerting on the box and Fy the y component of F.

We get that N = |Fp|-|Fy|

By definition we know that the friction force, let's call it Fat, is N*μ

|Fat| = [mg-F*sin(25)] * μ

In this case, checking the forces acting on y, is just needed to get the friction force right.

The block is moving on the x axis, so it has forces acting on it, and an acceleration in that case, the forces acting are Fx (x component of F), and the force of friction.

Fcos(25)-([mg-F*sin(25)]μ) = m*a

The acceleration a is equal to (Fcos(25)-([mg-Fsin(25)]μ))/ (m) [m/s^2]

At this point plug in all the numbers on the calculator and you get what you're searching for, with an human precision.
  • #3
Bedeirnur said:
Well, actually, as my physics professor always says, do not put in the numbers, if not when you've arrived to the last formula.

So...The box is moving on the x axis, so we know that the sum of forces on the y-axis is 0.

We have |Fp| = |N| +|Fy| With fp being the force exerted by gravity on the box, N the reaction that the table/ground is exerting on the box and Fy the y component of F.

We get that N = |Fp|-|Fy|

By definition we know that the friction force, let's call it Fat, is N*μ

|Fat| = [mg-F*sin(25)] * μ

In this case, checking the forces acting on y, is just needed to get the friction force right.

The block is moving on the x axis, so it has forces acting on it, and an acceleration in that case, the forces acting are Fx (x component of F), and the force of friction.

Fcos(25)-([mg-F*sin(25)]μ) = m*a

The acceleration a is equal to (Fcos(25)-([mg-Fsin(25)]μ))/ (m) [m/s^2]

At this point plug in all the numbers on the calculator and you get what you're searching for, with an human precision.
Wouldn't the angle being used be -25* rather than positive??
  • #4
Why should it be -25?

Isn't it like this
  • #5
Using your formula I got .568 m/s^2...
Does that sound right?
  • #6
Well if you've got the solution for that we would know :p

Well, it can be anything, we don't know prior...We just know it isn't negative, as the friction force can block it, not drag it.
  • #7
@Bedeirmuir: You must not give (almost) full solution.
Bedeirnur said:
Why should it be -25?

Isn't it like this
In the problem text, the box is pushed at the angle of 25°. So it is like in the following picture.

  • #8
paytona said:

Homework Statement

The 20.0 kg box is being pushed with a 45.0N Force acting at an angle of 25.0*. The coefficient of kinetic friction on this surface is 0.150. Find the acceleration

Is that angle enclosed with the horizontal or with the vertical?
paytona said:

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So I attempted this so far


I see, that 25°was counted from the horizontal. You got Fn rigth.

paytona said:
I tried to go and do sum of all the forces on the x-axis but there's no point because we already have Ffk and Px... So now do I go ahead and put all of the forces in for Sum of F in
(sum)F=ma and solve for a?
The acceleration is a vector and its x component satisfies the equation ##ma_x=\sum{Fi_x}## So you need Px and Ffk. No sense to add x components with y components.


FAQ: How do I find the acceleration in Newton's 3 Laws Problem?

What are Newton's 3 Laws of Motion?

Newton's 3 Laws of Motion are a set of principles that explain the behavior of objects in motion. They were first published by Sir Isaac Newton in his work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687.

What is the first law of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion?

The first law, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

What is the second law of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion?

The second law, also known as the Law of Acceleration, states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass.

What is the third law of Newton's 3 Laws of Motion?

The third law, also known as the Law of Action and Reaction, states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal force in the opposite direction.

How are Newton's 3 Laws of Motion applied in real life?

Newton's 3 Laws of Motion are used in various fields, such as engineering, physics, and even sports. Some examples include the design of vehicles, understanding the motion of planets, and the movement of athletes in sports like diving and gymnastics.
