How do i tell girl s that i am not interested?

  • Thread starter kant
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In summary: The girl gives Warren the "sideways, eye contact, and smile." - Warren feels "obligated" to talk to her and doesn't want to hurt her feelings. - The girl and her friends are laughing and joking about Warren. - Warren had older women hit on him last year. - Warren doesn't know how to react when girls hit on him.
  • #1
How do i tell girl"s" that i am not interested?

I am very attractive. how do i know? i had people come up to me and ask me if i was a model. The problem with me is that i find myself having to deal with so much unnecessary attentions from girls. That is the cases when i go to bars, or at the university appartments. Girls are always giving me those sideway, eye contacts, and smiles( somethings with a friend). problem 1:The problem with me is that i feel "obligated" to talk to them when they do that. It is perhaps obvious that i don't want to talk to them.Just today, i am walking on the campus, and this blond girl, and her grils was laughing, teasing one another about me! Last year, when i was a waiter at a pizza place, one time, there was a group of 30-40-50 year old women on a table. The discussion turned, and these women are teasing one of the woman, becuase of how she reaction to the young waiter that was serving them(ME!). I had older women hitting on me. I don t even know how i should react.
It is ridiculous how much i have to deal with in a single week. Problem 2: i hate to break these girls hearts.
problem 3:I have guys that hates the fact i can screw a girl evey night. what am i suppose to do? deniel girls from come into my room? problem 4: I can t stay faithful to anyone girl. problem 5: I can t study, and i can t do my homework?
I think my biggest problem is problem 5. It is really hurting my grades. What am i to do? Denial sex? I am a guy.
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  • #2
Gee, your list of problems is indeed unique, except for problem 5. :biggrin:
  • #3
:smile: What another one of these threads?

How about "I am not that kind of guy!". :smile:
  • #4
Talk to arildno.
  • #5
Give me a break, Fabio.

- Warren

FAQ: How do i tell girl s that i am not interested?

What are some ways to let a girl know that I am not interested?

Some ways to let a girl know that you are not interested include being direct and honest with her, politely declining her advances, and avoiding leading her on.

How can I avoid hurting a girl's feelings when telling her I am not interested?

You can avoid hurting a girl's feelings by being respectful and gentle in your approach, avoiding insults or personal attacks, and acknowledging her feelings while still being clear about your own.

Is it better to tell a girl directly that I am not interested or to drop hints?

Telling a girl directly that you are not interested is usually the most respectful and honest approach. Dropping hints can be confusing and may lead to misunderstandings.

What if the girl doesn't take the hint and continues to pursue me?

If the girl doesn't take the hint and continues to pursue you, it's important to be clear and firm in your communication. Reiterate your lack of interest and set boundaries to make it clear that you do not want to be pursued.

How can I maintain a friendship with a girl after letting her know I am not interested in a romantic relationship?

To maintain a friendship with a girl after letting her know you are not interested, it's important to be respectful and understanding of her feelings, give her space if needed, and continue to communicate openly and honestly with her.

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