How Do You Calculate Rotations and Translations in Geometry?

In summary, a group of American physicists are working on a project involving planar lines in the form X=t⋅P+s⋅Q, where P and Q are fixed points and s and t are varying reals satisfying s+t=1. They need to determine formulae for the images of these lines under translation, rotation by 180 degrees, and rotation by 90 degrees. The solution involves solving for y, determining the point of intersection with the y-axis, and then adding the translation vector to get the new coordinates. The final equations involve the variables a, b, c, and y, but it is unclear how these relate to the original variables P, Q, s, and t.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. A group of American physicists works on a project where planar lines are in the form
where P , Q are two fixed different points and s,t are varying reals satisfying s+t=1 . They need to know formulae for the images of the line X=t⋅P+s⋅Q in the following cases:
1. Under the translation by a vector B ,
2. Under rotation about a point C by 180 degrees,
3. Under rotation about a point C by 90 degrees.

Homework Equations

I know for number 1, you basically just add the vector B.
for 2 and 3 I do not know whether to use point slope form and just change the slope or if I need to change the coordinates to (-y,x) for 90 degree rotation and (-x,-y) for 180 degree rotation but those are for rotation about the origin and my problem does not state that. Does the slope for a 180 degree rotation go back to the same slope? I am really confused on which direction to take.

The Attempt at a Solution

attempt at part 1:

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Let a$, $b$, and $c$ be fixed reals satisfying $a^2+b^2\ne 0$.
They need to know formulae for the images of the line $$a\cdot x+b\cdot y+c=0$$\\
1. Under the translation by a vector $$B=[u,v]$$,\\
First, solve for $y$ $\to$ $$y=\frac{-a}{b}\cdotx -\frac{c}{b}$$.\\
So, we know that the line crosses the y-axis at $$-\frac{c}{b}$$ $\to$ $$(0, -\frac{c}{b}$$.\\
The translation by a vector means that we add $B=[u,v]$,to yield\\
$$(0, -\frac{c}{b}) + (u,v)=(u,v-\frac{c}{b})$$ $\to$ $$(u,\frac{bv-c}{b})$$\\
Now we let $x_0=u, y_0=(\frac{bv-c}{b})$\\
$$y-y_0=m(x-x_0) \to y-(\frac{bv-c}{b})=mx – mu$$\\
$$-m\cotx + y = \frac{bv-c}{b}) –mu \to -m\cotx + y - \frac{bv-c}{b})+mu=0$$\\
Physics news on
  • #2
X=tP+sQ is actually a plane, hence the restriction that t+s=1 ... so you can rewrite:

X=tP+(1-t)Q = Q+(P-Q)t ... which is a more familiar form of the line.

Basically P and Q are both on the line, and P-Q is a vector pointing along the line.
You know how to rotate a vector?

I'd be thinking in terms of the vector Q-C ... may help to draw a sketch.
  • #3
You should use the preview feature to see what your post will look like before you submit it. You need to use ## instead of $. Using \\ to get a new line only works in certain environments, e.g. the align environment. It's \cdot x and \cot x, not \cdotx and \cotx.

See the FAQ post on LaTeX for more information.
  • #4
Yeah - that would be:


Let ##a##, ##b##, and ##c## be fixed reals satisfying ##a^2+b^2\neq 0##.
They need to know formulae for the images of the line $$a\cdot x+b\cdot y+c=0$$
1. Under the translation by a vector ##B=[u,v]##,
First, solve for $$y \to y=\frac{-a}{b}\cdot x -\frac{c}{b}$$
So, we know that the line crosses the y-axis at $$-\frac{c}{b} \to (0, -\frac{c}{b}$$.
The translation by a vector means that we add ##B=[u,v]##, to yield
$$(0, -\frac{c}{b}) + (u,v)=(u,v-\frac{c}{b})\to (u,\frac{bv-c}{b})$$
Now we let ##x_0=u, y_0=(\frac{bv-c}{b})##
$$y-y_0=m(x-x_0) \to y-(\frac{bv-c}{b})=mx – mu$$
$$-m\cot x + y = \frac{bv-c}{b}) –mu \to -m\cot x + y - \frac{bv-c}{b})+mu=0$$
  • #5
I answered something similar you posted on the pre-calculus homework board.

I'm confused by what you have posted here because it looks similar. The problem statement uses different variables. Yet your solution uses the variables from the other problem. I don't understand why you moved from the variables P, Q, s, and t to a, b, c, and y. Also, why has the condition changed from s + t = 1 to ##a^2 + b^2 \neq 0##

Related to How Do You Calculate Rotations and Translations in Geometry?

1. What are rotations in geometry?

Rotations in geometry refer to the transformation of a figure around a fixed point called the center of rotation. This movement results in the figure turning around the point by a certain angle.

2. How do I perform a rotation in geometry?

To perform a rotation in geometry, you need to know the point of rotation and the angle of rotation. Then, you can use the following steps:
1. Draw the figure and the point of rotation
2. Measure the angle of rotation
3. Rotate the figure around the center point by the measured angle
4. Draw the new figure after rotation.

3. What is the difference between clockwise and counterclockwise rotation?

In geometry, clockwise rotation refers to the movement of a figure in a clockwise direction, which means the figure turns to the right. On the other hand, counterclockwise rotation refers to the movement of a figure in a counterclockwise direction, which means the figure turns to the left.

4. What are the properties of rotations in geometry?

The properties of rotations in geometry include:
1. The center of rotation remains fixed
2. The distance between every point on the pre-image and its image remains the same
3. The orientation of the figure remains the same
4. The angles between intersecting lines remain the same.

5. How can rotations be used in real-life applications?

Rotations have various real-life applications, such as:
1. In engineering and architecture, rotations are used to rotate objects to different angles for better visualization
2. In robotics, rotations are used to control the movement of robotic arms and joints
3. In navigation and mapping, rotations are used to determine the direction and orientation of objects
4. In animation and game development, rotations are used to create realistic movements and effects.

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