How Do You Write a PDE in Terms of x and y?

In summary, the conversation is about understanding a set of coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) written in general form. The equations involve the variables $n$, $f$, and $c$, and the goal is to rewrite them in terms of the x and y directions. The first term on the right-hand side of the equation for $n$ is confusing, as the nabla operator is used, which typically returns a vector of length 2. The second term expands to a derivative of a product of functions. There is also some discussion about the proper notation for the first term, with the suggestion that it should be written as $\nabla^2 n$ instead of $\nabla n$. Ultimately, it is agreed
  • #1
Hi all,

I am hoping someone can help me understand a PDE. I am reading a paper and am trying to follow the math. My experience with PDEs is limited though and I am not sure I am understanding it all correctly. I have 3 coupled PDEs, for $n$, $f$ and $c$, that are written in general form, and I would like to write them in 2d (in terms of x and y directions). The equations for $f$ and $c$ are fairly straightforward, but I am having some trouble with the one for $n$:

$$\frac{\partial n}{\partial t} = D^2 \nabla n - \nabla \cdot (\chi(c) n \nabla c) - \rho \nabla \cdot (n \nabla c) $$

$D$, and $\rho$ are constants. The first term on the RHS confuses me most as I thought $\nabla$ means gradient, so would return a vector of length 2? The second term I think expands to

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\chi(c) n \frac{\partial c}{\partial x}\right) + \frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\chi(c) n \frac{\partial c}{\partial y}\right)$$

is this correct? Thank you very much for your help, Carla.
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  • #2
Hi Carla,

What you write is correct.
The nabla operator applied to a scalar function of (x,y) returns indeed a vector of length 2.
And the dot product of the nabla operator is indeed what you wrote.
  • #3
I would double-check the equation for \(\displaystyle \partial n / \partial t\). My guess is that the first term should be \(\displaystyle \nabla ^2 n\).

  • #4
topsquark said:
I would double-check the equation for \(\displaystyle \partial n / \partial t\). My guess is that the first term should be \(\displaystyle \nabla ^2 n\).
Indeed. It could also have been written as $\Delta n$ with the Laplace operator, which is the same as $\nabla^2 n$.

Related to How Do You Write a PDE in Terms of x and y?

1. What is a PDE?

A PDE, or partial differential equation, is a mathematical equation that involves multiple variables and their partial derivatives. It is used to describe physical phenomena in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

2. How do you write a PDE in terms of x and y?

To write a PDE in terms of x and y, you need to identify the dependent variable (usually denoted by u) and its partial derivatives with respect to x and y. The equation will then have the form: F(x, y, u, ux, uy, uxx, uyy, ...) = 0, where F is a function of the given variables.

3. What is the significance of writing a PDE in terms of x and y?

Writing a PDE in terms of x and y allows us to analyze the equation and find solutions by using methods such as separation of variables or the method of characteristics. It also helps in understanding the behavior of the dependent variable with respect to the independent variables.

4. Can a PDE be solved analytically?

Not all PDEs can be solved analytically. In fact, most PDEs do not have closed-form solutions and require numerical methods for solution. However, some special types of PDEs, such as linear and separable PDEs, can be solved analytically.

5. What are some applications of PDEs in real-life problems?

PDEs have a wide range of applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, finance, and biology. They are used to model phenomena like heat transfer, fluid dynamics, electromagnetic fields, and population dynamics. PDEs are also essential in the development of mathematical models for predicting and analyzing real-life problems.
