How Does a Moving-Coil Galvanometer Measure High Voltages and Currents?

In summary, the moving coil gavanometer is a device that can be used to measure potential differences and currents. The resistance of the gavanometer comes from the coil, which is made of copper wire. The coil can be adapted so that it can measure potential differences up to 20 V, currents up to 1 A, and angles up to 60 degrees to the magnetic field.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a moving-coil gavanometer consists of a coil that is free to rotate between the poles of a permanent magnet. the magnetic field strength between the poles is 5 x (10^-2) T. The coil consists of 250 loops of copper wire, diameter 0.5 mm, wound to form a square coil, with an average side length of 2.5 cm. At full-scale deflection, the plane of the coil makes an angle of 60(degrees) to the magnetic field and the torque on the coil is 40 uNm. You can assume that all of the resistance of the gavanometer comes from the coil. Resistivity of copper= 1.7 x (10^-8) Ohms m

i). how can this instrument be adapted so that it can be used to measure potential differences up to 20V?
ii). how can it be modified to measure currents up to 1 A?
iii). What, briefly would be the effect on the sensitivity of the instrument (i.e the current required in the coil to give full-scale deflection) of putting a soft iron core in the centre of the coil? justify your answer
b). what would be the resistance of an ideal voltmeter and an ideal ammeter? briefly explain your answers.

(Ive attached the question paper, named WOE Coursework 2)

Homework Equations

i didn't know where to start, and which equations i was meant to use, as the resistance and current, or voltage isn't given. (attached notes on it, named part 4 and part 5)

The Attempt at a Solution

again didnt know where to start :(... Neeed help with working out so i understand it, thanks a lot. (you can use the attached notes to help you understand better), and its in for tomorrow so would really be appreciated if you gave an answer, working out and explained it.


  • WoE 1 24-10-10_Part4.pdf
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  • WoE 1 Part5.pdf
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  • WoE coursework 2.pdf
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  • #2

(also attached another set of notes which may be of further help)


  • WoE 1 Part3.pdf
    502.1 KB · Views: 449
  • #3
need help bump bump
  • #4
Ive managed to work out part i). and ii). just need help with part iii). and b). and questions 2 and 3 now :)
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first understanding the basic principles of a moving-coil galvanometer and its components. A moving-coil galvanometer works on the principle of the interaction between a magnetic field and an electric current, where the torque on the coil is proportional to the current passing through it. The coil is suspended between the poles of a permanent magnet, and when a current flows through the coil, it experiences a torque that causes it to rotate.

To adapt the instrument to measure potential differences up to 20V, we would need to increase the sensitivity of the galvanometer. This can be achieved by increasing the number of loops in the coil and decreasing the diameter of the wire. This will result in a higher resistance in the coil, making it more sensitive to small changes in current. Additionally, we can add a shunt resistor in parallel with the coil to increase the range of measurements. This will allow us to measure larger potential differences without damaging the instrument.

To modify the instrument to measure currents up to 1A, we would need to increase the strength of the magnetic field between the poles. This can be achieved by using a stronger permanent magnet or by increasing the number of turns in the coil. We would also need to increase the thickness of the wire to handle the higher current.

Adding a soft iron core in the center of the coil would increase the magnetic field strength within the coil and thus increase the sensitivity of the instrument. This is because the soft iron core would concentrate the magnetic field lines, resulting in a stronger interaction with the current-carrying coil.

The resistance of an ideal voltmeter would be infinite, as it would not draw any current from the circuit it is measuring. This ensures that the voltage being measured is not affected by the voltmeter. On the other hand, the resistance of an ideal ammeter would be zero, as it would allow the maximum amount of current to pass through it, ensuring accurate measurement of the current in the circuit.

In summary, to adapt the moving-coil galvanometer to measure larger potential differences and currents, we would need to increase the sensitivity of the instrument by increasing the number of turns in the coil, decreasing the wire diameter, and using a shunt resistor. We can also modify the instrument by increasing the magnetic field strength and wire thickness. Adding a soft iron core would further increase the sensitivity of the instrument. The resistance of an ideal voltmeter would be infinite, and

FAQ: How Does a Moving-Coil Galvanometer Measure High Voltages and Currents?

What is a moving-coil galvanometer?

A moving-coil galvanometer is an instrument used to measure small electric currents. It consists of a coil of wire suspended between the poles of a permanent magnet, which produces a magnetic field. When an electric current flows through the coil, it experiences a torque that causes it to rotate, allowing for the measurement of current.

How does a moving-coil galvanometer work?

The current to be measured is passed through the coil, causing it to experience a torque due to the interaction between the magnetic field and the current. This torque causes the coil to rotate, and the angle of rotation can be measured to determine the magnitude of the current.

What are the advantages of a moving-coil galvanometer?

Moving-coil galvanometers are highly accurate and sensitive, making them ideal for measuring small currents. They also have a linear response, meaning that the angle of rotation is directly proportional to the current being measured. They are also relatively inexpensive and easy to use compared to other types of galvanometers.

What are the limitations of a moving-coil galvanometer?

One limitation of a moving-coil galvanometer is that it can only measure direct currents, as the coil will not rotate if the current is alternating. Additionally, it can only measure currents up to a certain range before the coil becomes saturated and can no longer rotate.

What are some common applications of a moving-coil galvanometer?

Moving-coil galvanometers are commonly used in a variety of scientific and industrial applications, such as measuring small electrical currents in laboratory experiments, monitoring the performance of electronic circuits, and in the construction of sensitive instruments like voltmeters and ammeters.
