How Does Increasing Friction Affect the Movement of a Box on an Inclined Plane?

In summary, the worker loses kinetic energy as it slides down the inclined plank, and also loses kinetic and static friction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

On a winter’s day in Maine, a warehouse worker is shoving boxes up a rough plank inclined
at an angle α above the horizontal. The plank is partially covered with ice, with more ice
near the bottom of the plank than near the top, so that the coefficient of friction increases
with the distance x along the plank: [itex]µ = Ax[/itex], where [itex]A[/itex] is a positive constant and the
bottom of the plank is at [itex]x = 0 m[/itex]. (For this plank the coefficients of kinetic and static
friction are equal: [itex]µ_{k} = µ_{s} = µ.[/itex]) The worker shoves a box up the plank so that it leaves
the bottom of the plank moving at speed [itex]v_{0}[/itex].
Show that when the box first comes to rest, it will remain at rest if [itex]v_{0}^{2} \geq \frac{3g \sin^{2} (\alpha)}{A \cos (\alpha)}[/itex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Essentially, unless the box has large enough initial velocity, it will not reach far enough up the plank so that the static friction prevents it from sliding back down. It is therefore necessary for [itex]f_{s} \geq mg \sin (\alpha)[/itex], the component of the box's weight down the slope.

[itex]f_{s} \geq \mu_{s} N \geq xAN[/itex]

[itex]x \geq \frac{mg \sin (\alpha)}{AN}[/itex]

[itex]x \geq \frac{mg \sin (\alpha)}{Amg \cos (\alpha)}[/itex]

It feels like this is a relevant step, but I'm struggling to see where to go from here.

I don't know how to relate this to initial velocity...

Thanks for any help you can give.
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  • #2
Try conservation of energy. Equate the kinetic energy lost to gravity and kinetic friction to the starting kinetic energy.
  • #3
Pretty hard to see how energy can be conserved in a system with friction.

jbriggs444, did you perhaps mean to suggest work and energy?
  • #4
I'm confused by the distinction you are making...

Can I not solve this problem by saying KE = GPE + Wfriction?

I have managed to reach an equation that resembles what I'm trying to show, but I can't get rid of the Δh term from GPE, which is making me thing that this is the wrong approach.

I have reached [itex]v^{2} \geq 2g \Delta h + \frac{2g \sin^2 (\alpha)}{A \cos (\alpha)}[/itex]
  • #5
For energy to be conserved, there must be no energy lost (this is what conserved means). The equation written by the OP looks like a statement of work and energy, where the work against friction is included.
  • #6
OldEngr63 said:
Pretty hard to see how energy can be conserved in a system with friction.
jbriggs444 is right. Energy is always conserved in a closed system, but some work can be lost as heat energy.
  • #7
BOAS said:
I have managed to reach an equation that resembles what I'm trying to show, but I can't get rid of the Δh term from GPE, which is making me thing that this is the wrong approach.

I have reached [itex]v^{2} \geq 2g \Delta h + \frac{2g \sin^2 (\alpha)}{A \cos (\alpha)}[/itex]
Please post your working to that point.
  • #8

What is there to indicate that this is a closed system? Friction work is energy lost to this mechanical system, so by definition, energy is not conserved.
  • #9
Dr.D said:

What is there to indicate that this is a closed system?
You can always make a system closed by including enough. In this case, the box, the plank and the Earth as a mass should do it.
Dr.D said:
Friction work is energy lost to this mechanical system, so by definition, energy is not conserved.
No, work done against friction is work lost to this mechanical system, so work is not conserved. Energy includes e.g. heat energy and is always conserved in a closed system.
  • #10
@ haruspex:

What an absurd, unuseful answer! No wonder you are a Science Advisor. You will never help the OP understand the difference between conservative and nonconservative systems.
  • #11
@ haruspex:

From the viewpoint that you espouse, all systems become conservative and thus the term "conservative" becomes meaningless since nothing is excluded.

Actually, the "closed system" that you propose is not conservative. Some tiny amount of heat will be radiated away into interstellar space and is thus lost from your "closed system." There is no way to make such a closed system that will be conservative without including the entire cosmos. Otherwise, some amount of heat will always escape the system by radiation.

There was nothing in the original problem statement to suggest that the entire Earth should be included in the system boundary. For a system comprised of the plank and the box, heat energy does escape the system and is thus lost. No larger system definition is meaningful in this problem. How can you not see that?
  • #12
We should shelve the argument and work on the problem at hand. There is an energy budget and we can write an equation for it. "Conservation of Energy" may not be the best epithet to describe the source of that equation, but the equation is what matters.

I've worked through the problem based on that approach and it appears to lead directly to the intended solution.

The equation that I derive based on the energy budget

[itex]\frac{mv^2}{2} = KE = mgsin(\alpha)x + \frac{mgAcos(\alpha)x^2}{2}[/itex]

Where x is "how far will the object get if launched at a particular velocity"
  • #13
That looks about right.
  • #14
OldEngr63 said:
@ haruspex:

What an absurd, unuseful answer! No wonder you are a Science Advisor. You will never help the OP understand the difference between conservative and nonconservative systems.
I'm sorry you find it unhelpful. I am at pains here to ensure the OP is not misled about the distinction between work and energy.
The standard distinction as I understand it (in physics) is that there are various forms of energy, but heat energy is a bit special (though arguably sound energy should be included there) in that there are constraints on how much can be converted to other forms. The more useful forms are collectively known as work energy, and may be further discriminated as mechanical work, etc.
Conservation of energy is a physical law (modified a bit by GR, I believe). The total energy in a closed system does not change. In the present case, we can reasonably ignore any heat lost from the plank and box system to the wider universe, and I only included the Earth as a gravitational mass because it is required for the consideration of the potential energy (but we can finesse that by treating it as a field of irrelevant origin).
Non-conservation arises where we choose to neglect some forms of energy, or movement of energy outside the system. In the present context, work is not conserved because we do not count heat as work.
Can you agree with the bulk of the above? If not, let's take this offline, and perhaps involve some experts, and not risk confusing BOAS any further.

Related to How Does Increasing Friction Affect the Movement of a Box on an Inclined Plane?

1. What is slope with varying friction?

Slope with varying friction refers to the measurement of how steep a surface is and how much resistance or friction it has. It takes into account the different levels of friction on a surface, which affects the movement and speed of objects sliding down it.

2. How is slope with varying friction calculated?

Slope with varying friction is calculated by dividing the change in height (rise) by the change in distance (run) of a surface. This is known as the slope ratio, which can be expressed as a percentage, decimal, or fraction.

3. What factors affect the slope with varying friction?

The factors that affect slope with varying friction include the type of surface, the texture of the surface, the weight and shape of the object sliding down, and the force of gravity. These factors determine the level of friction and how it affects the speed and movement of objects.

4. Why is slope with varying friction important?

Slope with varying friction is important because it helps us understand the behavior of objects on different surfaces. It is also crucial in engineering and construction, as it allows us to determine the appropriate slope for roads, highways, and other structures to ensure safe and efficient movement.

5. How can slope with varying friction be reduced?

Slope with varying friction can be reduced by using materials with lower friction, such as smooth surfaces, or by decreasing the angle of the slope. Other methods include adding lubricants or using specialized equipment, such as ski wax, to reduce friction and improve the movement of objects on a surface.

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