How fast is a character that can move at the Speed of Thought?

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In summary, the discussion was about the speed of thought and how it relates to a character's movement speed. It was mentioned that a simple thought can be processed in 300-700 milliseconds and that Athena descending Mount Olympos in half a second would equate to a speed of about 6 km/s or mach 20. However, it was also noted that the speed of thought is dependent on the organism and nerve type. Ultimately, it was concluded that the concept of speed of thought is not as straightforward as distance over time, as it is an emergent property of traveling impulses in the brain.
  • #1
I know this may sound unquantifiable,but how fast would a character be if they could move at the speed of thought?

From my research a simple thought can be processed as low as 300-to 700 milliseconds.

How many machs would such a character be if they could move within this time concerning the situation below?Would they reach any at all?Where I got the thought from.


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  • #2
Well, that is not a speed - it is a time.

Taken literally, Athena would descend Mount Olympos in about half a second.
Since mount Olympos is 3 km high, that would make about 6 km/s, which is about mach 20, which would leave quite a shock wave.

An alternative interpretation (more like drab reality), is that Athena only "started" to descend mount Olympos in the time it took her to think of it.
No second thoughts - just immediate action.
For the story line there would be no difference at all. :wink:
  • #3
I like Serena said:
Well, that is not a speed - it is a time.

Taken literally, Athena would descend Mount Olympos in about half a second.
Since mount Olympos is 3 km high, that would make about 6 km/s, which is about mach 20, which would leave quite a shock wave.

An alternative interpretation (more like drab reality), is that Athena only "started" to descend mount Olympos in the time it took her to think of it.
No second thoughts - just immediate action.
For the story line there would be no difference at all. :wink:

Oh thanks for the conclusion,and correcting my unit error. Mount Olympus in the series I was talking about actually has a higher elevation compared to its realistic counterpart.When the Titans were climbing it,they were rather dwarfed when compared,and these beings are generally taller than the empire state building (1250ft).I'll get more pictures and a calculation to further elaborate soon.
  • #5
I'd agree with khashishi, i imagine that it would be as fast as the electrical nerve pulses can move inside the brain. But a thought isn't neccasarly all made in the same time. One thought could be a pulse activating a part of a brain which in turn sends a signal acrosse the brain to access a memory. On the other end a thought could be a complex repetition of electrical pulses that speed acrosse the brain many times in order to conjur the thought
  • #6
Speed is distance over time. It is meaningless to discuss speed of thought as it is not something traveling anywhere but an emergent property of traveling impulses.

FAQ: How fast is a character that can move at the Speed of Thought?

How is the "speed of thought" measured?

The speed of thought is not a physical measurement that can be quantified in units such as miles per hour. It is a concept that refers to the speed at which a person can process and react to information in their mind.

Is it possible for a character to move at the speed of thought?

In terms of physical movement, it is not possible for a character to move at the speed of thought. However, some fictional characters or superheroes may be portrayed with the ability to move at superhuman speeds that can be described as the speed of thought.

How does the speed of thought compare to other forms of movement?

The speed of thought is generally considered to be faster than physical movement, as it is limited by the body's capabilities. However, it may not be as fast as other forms of movement such as the speed of light or the speed of sound.

Can the speed of thought be improved or increased?

Yes, the speed of thought can be improved through techniques such as mental training, mindfulness, and cognitive exercises. These practices can help individuals process and respond to information more quickly, improving their overall speed of thought.

Are there any real-life examples of individuals moving at the speed of thought?

No, there are no known real-life examples of individuals being able to physically move at the speed of thought. However, there are many examples of individuals who have demonstrated exceptional quick thinking and decision making abilities, which can be considered a form of the speed of thought.
