How important are looks when choosing a bf/gf

  • Thread starter noblegas
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In summary: I don't think that is the same as being beautiful. Physical attractiveness is important for a working relationship, but what that attraction is really based on is dependent on the person (not all attractive people are classical beauties). I never implied a direct correlation between looks and lower intelligence. I just get tired of beautiful people being put up on a pedestal for simply being beauty. You see, models don't have to develop any skill other than posing for their job, yet people will have them endorse certain products and they will be on the cover of a magazine. Study after study shows that society treats beautiful people better than average looking people. Bet you won't find that many
  • #1
Overall, society in general seems to values looks over any other aspect about a person when selecting that person for a mate. Do you think looks are a little less important in the "intelligensia" community. I feel like I am the only person that seems to disregard looks when assessing other qualities about a person, like if their personality matches with my personality and there are some personality traits that I like about the person that are not necessarily characteristic of my personality. A lot of people say that looks are not as important as any other trait, but won't really mean it, for highly attractive people are put up on a pedestal. Even in certain job interviews, the most attractive person is likely to get the job. I weigh in looks, but for me their not as important as other qualities of a person that will remain permanent throughout their life,and will less likely wither away over time as opposed to a persons looks. For me , looks our 10 percent important , and personality is 90 percent important. What about the rest of you? Is beauty as equally important as other characteristics about a person, or do you place stronger emphasis on beauty or personality when selecting a mate?
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  • #2
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Physical attraction is important for a working relationship, but what that attraction is really based on is dependent on the person (not all attractive people are classical beauties).
  • #3
There's a lot of evolution that plays into what humans see as attractive. Isn't it just possible that attractive people are more likely to have above average intelligence? That attractive people might have better personalities? That they might be more honest and loving?

I kind of get tired of people putting down attractive people; making jokes that a hot blonde must be stupid.

Where's the evidence that us beautiful people are any less intelligent than you ugly people?!
  • #4
BobG said:
I kind of get tired of people putting down attractive people
Did someone do that? Brad Pitt is said to have the most perfect face, if you plug him into a (scientifically developed) mathematical program he fits all the "beauty characteristics" most perfectly. I can't say that I find him even the least bit attractive though :confused:
  • #5
BobG said:
Where's the evidence that us beautiful people are any less intelligent than you ugly people?!

We beautiful people. :devil:
  • #6
BobG said:
There's a lot of evolution that plays into what humans see as attractive. Isn't it just possible that attractive people are more likely to have above average intelligence? That attractive people might have better personalities? That they might be more honest and loving?

I kind of get tired of people putting down attractive people; making jokes that a hot blonde must be stupid.

Where's the evidence that us beautiful people are any less intelligent than you ugly people?!

I never implied a direct correlation between looks and lower intelligence. I just get tired of beautiful people being put up on a pedestal for simply being beauty. You see, models don't have to develop any skill other than posing for their job, yet people will have them endorse certain products and they will be on the cover of a magazine. Study after study shows that society treats beautiful people better than average looking people. Bet you won't find that many study where people from mensa are treated better than people with "normal" intelligence. I know looks are probably admire, because that is the first trait we see about a person we can judge a person on before knowing anything else about them .But I think people should get beyond this habit and should not be so shallow;

BobG said:
There's a lot of evolution that plays into what humans see as attractive. Isn't it just possible that attractive people are more likely to have above average intelligence? That attractive people might have better personalities? That they might be more honest and loving?

Not always. From what I hear, Noami campbell certainly is not;
  • #7
Attractive does not equal beautiful (as in "look like a model"). I think most men (even those that ogle real "lookers") would find an average-looking woman attractive if she is pleasant, thoughtful, and actually interested in him as a person. Those are attributes that can last a lifetime, while physical beauty certainly won't.
  • #8
Monique said:
Did someone do that? Brad Pitt is said to have the most perfect face, if you plug him into a (scientifically developed) mathematical program he fits all the "beauty characteristics" most perfectly. I can't say that I find him even the least bit attractive though :confused:

"Look like a model", "look like an actor" has some problems anyway. Those people are selected because they look good in a 2-dimensional world. At least in a movie, a person sees the actor displayed from several angles and can determine the actor's attractiveness/beauty better than they can from a picture. Neither assessment of attractiveness will be as good as with a 3-dimensional person.

In any event, what makes a person attractive is a generalization. It's statistically true as an average, but with many exceptions. In fact, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is just another way of saying that there are exceptions to every empirical generalization.

Of course, I'm positive you already realized that, because you have the most gorgeous eye I've ever seen :!). You're obviously a person of higher than average intelligence.

Edit: Hmm, I wonder about this guy's research a little, but here's his study anyway (it supports what I said, which is the important thing, right?)

Beautiful people are more intelligent
  • #9
If I don't find her cute, she doesn't stand much of a chance at all.

Of course, my definition of cute changes as I age and obviously I try to consider someone who isn't high maintenance. Like, turbo-1 implied... beauty only last for a finite amount of time.

The girl I'm seeing is cute in general. No make up needed!
  • #10
JasonRox said:
If I don't find her cute, she doesn't stand much of a chance at all.

Of course, my definition of cute changes as I age and obviously I try to consider someone who isn't high maintenance. Like, turbo-1 implied... beauty only last for a finite amount of time.

That seems to be the gist of it. It does play some role, but usually only if someone tips into the unattractive side of the equation rather than if they fit anywhere within the continuum of what someone might consider attractive. It doesn't matter how smart and witty a guy is if he looks like he might spend a substantial amount of his time living under a bridge and eating billy goats, I'm not going to be attracted enough to want to date him, even though I may find him to be a perfectly delightful friend. But, if he's anything from average to drop-dead handsome, then that's sufficient in the attractiveness department, and the rest depends on his personality.
  • #11
BobG said:
...making jokes that a hot blonde must be stupid.

99% of them are, sorry to tell you.

If you got the remaining 1%, count yourself lucky!
  • #12
JasonRox said:
The girl I'm seeing is cute in general. No make up needed!

"Cute" does not last very long...
  • #13
BobG said:
Edit: Hmm, I wonder about this guy's research a little, but here's his study anyway (it supports what I said, which is the important thing, right?)

Beautiful people are more intelligent

So IQ scores are supposed to have an average of 100 right? Why, when looking at the table that indicates the IQ score of people of differing attractiveness, does that imply that more people are above average than below average? I would have thought attractiveness was a bell curveEDIT: To clarify my statement, people who are very attractive or attractive have an IQ score of just over 100, but people who are unattractive are several points below 100, so for those two to balance there must be many more people who qualify as attractive
  • #14
Equate said:
99% of them are, sorry to tell you.

If you got the remaining 1%, count yourself lucky!

Where do you get your stats? Some of the most intelligent women I know are attractive blonds.
  • #15
A girl can look beautiful, but if she has a crummy attitude, I won't be attracted to her at all.

And girls who are nice and have a good attitude, that makes them more attractive, even if they're not necessarily beautiful. Unless they're fat.
  • #16
leroyjenkens said:
Unless they're fat.

Well put. :smile:
  • #17
Equate said:
99% of them are, sorry to tell you.

If you got the remaining 1%, count yourself lucky!

That's because us smart, hot blondes avoid guys with those sorts of attitudes like the plague, which means your sample set is biased.
  • #18
I think looks matter a lot when it comes to choosing a gf... If I saw a girl who I had a great personality enjoyed doing the same things I liked etc. and seemed like the perfect match for me but she wasn't decent looking then NEXXXXT. There are plenty of fish in the sea... so why not wait until one that looks 'edible' comes along? ;) if you get my drift. lol
  • #19
Moonbear said:
That's because us smart, hot blondes avoid guys with those sorts of attitudes like the plague, which means your sample set is biased.

Moonbear you're a smart hot blonde? Never would have guessed... If you ever come by Toronto... just send me a PM... HAHAHAHA :P <3
  • #20
Moonbear said:
That's because us smart, hot blondes

We smart, hot blondes. <sigh>
  • #21
Vanadium 50 said:
We smart, hot blondes. <sigh>

Well, that counts me out.
  • #22
Evo said:

Well, that counts me out.
I'm pretty sure that MIH is in the club!
  • #23
When I hear "blondes", I automatically think of women. Why is that? Men have blonde hair too.
  • #24
leroyjenkens said:
When I hear "blondes", I automatically think of women. Why is that? Men have blonde hair too.
But they don't comprise the Swedish Bikini Test.
  • #25
turbo-1 said:
I'm pretty sure that MIH is in the club!
Oh, MIH is definitely a hot, smart blonde! So is Monique.
  • #26
Very important. I always try to look my best when choosing a bf/gf. Even so, my wife must have married me for my money, I'm not as handsome as I look.
  • #27
jimmysnyder said:
Very important. I always try to look my best when choosing a bf/gf. Even so, my wife must have married me for my money, I'm not as handsome as I look.
I am every bit as handsome as I look, which isn't much. Luckily, women find me handy.
More duct tape!
  • #28
Vanadium 50 said:
We smart, hot blondes. <sigh>

So you're a smart, hot blonde, too?

  • #29
Evo said:
Oh, MIH is definitely a hot, smart blonde! So is Monique.

I used to be a luscious blonde...

now I'm just a blondish lush.
  • #30
Vanadium 50 said:
We smart, hot blondes. <sigh>

...and the little piggy cried "we we we we" all the way home. :biggrin: :-p Where's that thread with all the whining about grammar? :wink:

Math Is Hard said:
So you're a smart, hot blonde, too?


Math Is Hard said:
I used to be a luscious blonde...

now I'm just a blondish lush.
Ba dum bum <cymbal>. And she has a great sense of humor too! :biggrin:

We should count up the blondes at PF. And if anyone challenges the position that we're all HOT, we're going to rev up the supersonic RV and load up the ammo. :biggrin: :devil:

Edit: If you need verification that I'm a "hot" blonde, you can ask my boyfriend. :biggrin:
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  • #31
I have found that people most often (<--- that means not always by the by) determine their standard of physical attractiveness for their partner based on their sense of their own attractiveness. Though it seems that most people eventually make decisions about long term relationships based on personality over looks. Its hard to have a fulfilling relationship with someone whom you have difficulty being emotionally intimate with no matter how good they might look naked.
Intelligence, as far as I can tell, has little to do with it. I have met plenty of intelligent people who were shallow and arrogant and plenty of nonintellectuals who were very caring and nice (including "beautiful" airheads).
One of my first threads here was actually discussing the idea that attraction based on intelligence can be just as shallow as attraction based on physical looks. I would place 'personality' as a factor separate from 'intelligence'.

noblegas said:
I just get tired of beautiful people being put up on a pedestal for simply being beauty. You see, models don't have to develop any skill other than posing for their job, yet people will have them endorse certain products and they will be on the cover of a magazine.
Most models do in fact need to cultivate other skills since their looks are transitory. Most models are in college and working towards a degree in something, though it may not be molecular biology or quantum physics.
Many "beautiful" people also hate to be valued for their looks. Most of the attractive females I have known have been incredibly averse to the idea of modeling. They simply hate the idea of being treated as though their looks are their most valuable asset.

Noblegas said:
Study after study shows that society treats beautiful people better than average looking people. Bet you won't find that many study where people from mensa are treated better than people with "normal" intelligence.
In my experience people treat you better when you are more intelligent. In my high school my best friend and I were treated quite well by the jocks. Mostly because we were nice and we were misfits. The intelligent people that they treated poorly were the ones with a superior attitude, the ones that felt they were above talking to jocks.
In dating I think people may be more likely to steer clear of people who are more intelligent because they find it daunting. If you 'catch' yourself a person more attractive than you then people are likely to think more highly of you. If you 'catch' a person much more intelligent than you people are more likely to wonder what he/she sees in you.
It easier to rationalize to yourself that a more attractive person may find things about you that they value than a more intelligent person would be able to find such attributes. A sort of ditzy but very attractive ex coworker of mine had a crush on my brainiac friend but was absolutely terrified of trying to hit on him because she was afraid he would think she was just a ditzy blonde.

Noblegas said:
I know looks are probably admire, because that is the first trait we see about a person we can judge a person on before knowing anything else about them .But I think people should get beyond this habit and should not be so shallow;
I think most people are less shallow then that. You just can't expect other people to value the same sorts of traits other than beauty that you do (ie, intelligence[<--assuming]).
  • #32
Re: How important are looks when choosing a bf/gf

I don't know about bf/bg, but df/db must be an irrational prime.
  • #33
I work out a lot. I run every day. I watch what I eat (most of the time). I take the time to look at what I'm wearing in the morning, I brush my teeth to keep them clean, and I style my hair such that it complements the rest of my body. These are all basic things everyone can do (Okay, maybe not so much the running thing, but I think a good percentage of people can work out in some regard) to increase their level of perceived attractiveness. It boosts YOUR self esteem (who doesn't like to look good?) and it's also a common courtesy to those around you (ever see an obese person in spandex?).

So yeah, looks are important to me in so much that it shows me what kind of person you are. If you're overweight and without some sort of medical problem then it shows me that you don't care enough about yourself to even do the basic act of going for a walk in the morning (or some other time). And, frankly, why should I care about you if you don't even care about yourself? I mean, I'm a sucker for the damsel in distress but if you don't even care enough to brush your hair in the morning...well...that's just sad.

EDIT: For what it's worth, what most people seem to consider hot I consider "meh". Cute goes a lot further with me.
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  • #34
Vista has good looks.. but really, how successful it went? I considered Windows 7 but I am too worried that it might also be all about the looks. Apple has sexy looks but is bit expensive and I am not used to its UI.
  • #35
I agree with SticksandStones. I have been running for the last 10 years, 6 of them semi-competitively.

It isn't hard to work out a little bit here and there and watch what you eat. I'm sick of over-weight people complaining about it. If someone doesn't care about what they are putting into their body, or sitting around all day, then I would have a huge problem with that.

People say they 'don't have enough time', but that is pure BS.

Our bodies were not built to sit around all day. When I go running I like to pretend I'm in a more primal era, running to catch the days food, etc.

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