How Is Angular Speed Calculated in a Dual Disk System with a Falling Mass?

In summary, the block of mass 4 kg hangs from a rope around two disks with the same mass and different radii. When the block is released from a height of 1.7 m, the system gains an angular velocity of 11.45 rad/s due to the conversion of gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A block of mass m = 4 kg hangs from a rope that is wrapped around a disk of mass m and radius R1 = 27 cm. This disk is glued onto another disk of again the same mass m and radius R2 = 66 cm. The two disks rotate on a fixed axle without friction. If the block is released at a height 1.7 m above the ground, what is the angular speed of the two disk system just before the block hits the ground. Answer in units of rad/s

Homework Equations

Ugrav = mgh

KErot = 1/2 Iω2

Idisk = 1/2mr2

The Attempt at a Solution

Using the work-energy theorem, the work done on the disks by the block is equal to the final kinetic energy of the block, which is equal to the initial gravitational potential energy of the Earth on the block:

ΔKblock = ΔUgrav, block = ΔKrot, disks

Knowing that the final potential energy of the system is approaching zero;

ΔUgrav, block = mgh

So far we have:

mgh = ΔKrot, disks

Knowing also that the initial rotational kinetic energy of the disks is zero, and with equation I provided, we know that

ΔKrot, disks = (1/2)Iω2


I = (1/2)mr12 + (1/2)mr22

The final equation received would be:

mgh = (1/2)((1/2)mr12 + (1/2)mr222

cancelling for m:

gh = (1/2)((1/2)r12 + (1/2)r222

continuing the move terms over to solve for omega:

4gh = (r12 + r222

4 * (9.8) * (1.7) = [(.27)2 + (.66)2] * ω2

Solving for ω:

131.05 = ω^2
ω = 11.45

This is incorrect though :(
Physics news on
  • #2
The block gains some KE as it falls.
  • #3
NascentOxygen said:
The block gains some KE as it falls.

Lamebert said:
Using the work-energy theorem, the work done on the disks by the block is equal to the final kinetic energy of the block, which is equal to the initial gravitational potential energy of the Earth on the block:

ΔKblock = ΔUgrav, block = ΔKrot, disks

  • #4
mgh = ΔKrot, disks

The block loses PE. The disks and the block gain KE.
  • #5

I would first like to commend you on your attempt to solve this problem using the work-energy theorem and the equations for gravitational potential energy and rotational kinetic energy. However, I would like to point out a few errors in your solution.

Firstly, in the equation for rotational kinetic energy, the moment of inertia (I) should be calculated for the entire system, not just for one disk. In this case, the moment of inertia for the two disks can be calculated as:

I = 2 * (1/2)mr^2 = mr^2

Secondly, in the equation for gravitational potential energy, the height (h) should be measured from the center of mass of the block to the ground, not from the top of the block. In this case, the height can be calculated as:

h = (1.7 + R1 + R2) - R2 = 1.7 + R1

Finally, when substituting the values into the equation, make sure to use the correct units. In this case, the units for mass (m) should be in kilograms, and the units for radius (r) should be in meters.

Correcting these errors, the final equation would be:

mgh = (1/2)(mr^2)ω^2

Substituting the values and solving for ω, we get:

ω = √(2gh/r^2) = √[(2 * 9.8 * 1.7)/(0.27^2 + 0.66^2)] = 4.76 rad/s

Therefore, the angular speed of the two disk system just before the block hits the ground is 4.76 rad/s.

FAQ: How Is Angular Speed Calculated in a Dual Disk System with a Falling Mass?

1. What is inertia?

Inertia is a physical property of matter that describes an object's resistance to change in its state of motion. It is often referred to as the tendency of an object to "keep doing what it's doing".

2. How does inertia relate to angular speed?

Inertia plays a role in determining an object's angular speed, as it affects how easily an object can be rotated. Objects with a larger inertia will require more force to achieve the same angular speed as objects with a smaller inertia.

3. What factors affect inertia?

The main factors that affect inertia are an object's mass and shape. Objects with more mass and a larger size have a greater inertia.

4. How is angular speed measured?

Angular speed is typically measured in radians per second (rad/s). It can also be measured in revolutions per minute (RPM) or degrees per second (deg/s).

5. What is the relationship between angular speed and linear speed?

Angular speed and linear speed are related by the radius of the object's rotation. The linear speed of an object is equal to the angular speed multiplied by the radius of rotation. This relationship is described by the equation v = ωr, where v is linear speed, ω is angular speed, and r is the radius of rotation.
