How Is the Scattered Photon's Energy Calculated in the Inverse Compton Effect?

In summary: In that case, the scattered photon would be at right angles with respect to the original photon.In summary, the book's approach for calculating the energy of a scattered photon is to first consider the energy of the original photon and then to add the energy of the scattered photon. However, the approach is different from the one given in the problem statement.
  • #1
Gold Member
Problem statement
A photon of energy E0 head on with a free electron of rest mass m0 and speed v.
the photon is scattered at at 90 degrees.
find the energy E of the scattered photon.

attemtp at solution
the answer in the book is [tex] E=\frac{E_0(1+
where [tex] E_i=\gamma*m_0c^2[/tex]
now to answer this i move to an inertial frame of the electron prior the collision.
which means the photon's energy in this system is [tex] E'_{ph}=\gamma*E_0(1+\frac{v}{c})[/tex]
now from conservation of energy and momentum and from the angle of 90 degrees between the electron and the photon after the collision, we get:
and we can eliminate the energy of the electron after the collision, by writing
and then entering it the second equation:
from here after some algebraic manipulations, i get a quadratic equation for [tex]E_{ph,after}[/tex]
and solve for it, by taking the positive value of the two roots.

i just want to see if i got this correct, haven't tried to solve the equation yet, seems a bit long, i just want to see if i got the physics correct?

thanks in advance.
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  • #2
  • #3
I think the approach is correct, but I haven't done such a problem in a such a long time, I'd have to think about it.

The electron is heading toward the photon with a speed v, so in the electrons rest frame, it would see a slightly higher frequency photon by virtue of the Doppler effect.

Are you sure about the 90° angle between electron and photon? The problem statement indicates that the scattered photon is scattered 90° from the original photon if I'm reading it correctly, so does this translate to 90° angle between electron and photon.

Have you worked it out yet?

Another approach would be to look at px and py before and after, since the resulting photon travels at 90° (y direction) with respect to the original direction (x direction), so the py of the photon must be equal in magnitude to the py of the electron.

This might be of interest -
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  • #4
yes you are ofcourse correct it should be 90 degrees between the direction of the initial photon.

anyway here's what i got:
equations of energy and momentum:
E_gamma-energy of the initial photon in the rest frame of the initial electron
E-the energy of the photon after the collision.
P-the momentum of the photon after the collision.
P_e-the momentum of the electron after the collision.
E_e-the energy of the electron after the collision.
after rearranging i get:
which is different from the book, this i have a mistake somewhere in reasoning?

thanks in advance.
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  • #5
Just a thought. In the rest frame of the electron, the problem is simply one of Compton scattering, and so the results of that should be consistent. Then one has to transform that result back to the initial reference frame.
  • #6
well, even this doesn't seem to work.
cause presumably we should get:
after rearranging i still don't get the answer in the book, i.e i get something like this
[tex]E'=\frac{E_0(1+\frac{v}{c})}{1-\frac{v}{c}+\frac{E_0}{\gamma m_0c^2}}[/tex]
  • #7
eventually i solved it by doing all the calculations in the lab system, quite straightforward.

  • #8
That's the way to go I think.

Thinking about it, if the photons are at right angles in the lab frame, I don't think they are at right angles in the rest frame of the electron, simply due to the momentum.

It would be interesting to see if one can transform the problem into the electron's rest frame.

Related to How Is the Scattered Photon's Energy Calculated in the Inverse Compton Effect?

What is the inverse compton effect?

The inverse compton effect is a physical phenomenon where a high-energy photon collides with a low-energy electron, resulting in the transfer of energy from the electron to the photon. This increases the energy and frequency of the photon, making it more energetic and shorter in wavelength.

What causes the inverse compton effect?

The inverse compton effect is caused by the interaction between a photon and an electron. When the photon comes into close proximity with the electron, they can exchange energy through a process called scattering, resulting in the increase in energy of the photon.

What are some real-world applications of the inverse compton effect?

The inverse compton effect has many important applications in astrophysics and particle physics. It is used to explain the high-energy emission from astrophysical sources such as active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts. In particle accelerators, the inverse compton effect is utilized to produce high-energy photons for research and medical purposes.

How does the inverse compton effect differ from the compton effect?

The compton effect and the inverse compton effect are essentially the same process, but in reverse. In the compton effect, a high-energy photon collides with a low-energy electron and loses energy, resulting in a longer wavelength and lower energy photon. In the inverse compton effect, the opposite happens, with the photon gaining energy and becoming more energetic.

What role does the inverse compton effect play in understanding the universe?

The inverse compton effect plays a crucial role in understanding the high-energy processes and phenomena that occur in the universe. It helps us to explain the emission of high-energy photons from cosmic sources and provides insights into the behavior of particles and radiation in extreme environments, such as around black holes and in the early universe.

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