How Long Before the Apple Core Hits the Ground?

In summary, a child sitting in a tree throws an apple core with a velocity of 5 m/s at an angle of 35 degrees above the horizontal from a height of 4 m. The question is how long it takes for the core to hit the ground. To solve this, the correct equation is dy = vy(initial)t + 1/2at, where the initial velocity components must be calculated and plugged in. A previous attempt at solving the problem did not take the angle into account and used the incorrect equation, leading to an incorrect answer.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A child sitting in a tree throws an apple core from where he is perched (4 m high) with a velocity of 5 m/s [35 degrees above horizontal] and it hits the ground next to his friend.
How long before the core hits the ground?

Homework Equations

dy = vy(initial)t + 1/2at
quadratic eqn.

The Attempt at a Solution

Would I calculate the x-y components of the initial velocity then plug in the initial y velocity to the first aforementioned eqn then solve for t using the latter eqn?
Physics news on
  • #2
Don't mind that comment! read it too fast, I did not take angle into account, I thought he was throwing it straight down. Whoops! that's embarrassing, back to high school physics for me
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  • #3
Your first equation is wrong. You're forgetting the dy(initial) term.
Other than that, you're right.
  • #4
Do not do what FaynmanIsCool wrote. The final velocity is not 0, he didn't account for the launch angle, and he has the wrong sign for a.

FAQ: How Long Before the Apple Core Hits the Ground?

1. What is projectile motion?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object through the air under the influence of gravity. It is a type of motion that is described by both horizontal and vertical components.

2. How does an apple thrown into the air experience projectile motion?

When an apple is thrown into the air, it experiences a combination of horizontal and vertical motion. The initial force of the throw gives the apple a horizontal velocity, while gravity pulls it downward, causing it to accelerate vertically.

3. What factors affect the trajectory of an apple thrown into the air?

The trajectory of an apple thrown into the air is affected by the initial velocity, angle of release, and air resistance. The greater the initial velocity and the smaller the angle of release, the farther the apple will travel. Air resistance can also affect the trajectory by slowing down the apple's horizontal and vertical velocity.

4. How does the height of the throw affect the projectile motion of an apple?

The height of the throw does not affect the horizontal component of the apple's motion, but it does affect the vertical component. The higher the apple is thrown, the longer it will stay in the air before reaching the ground.

5. Can an apple thrown into the air achieve a perfect parabolic trajectory?

In theory, an apple thrown into the air can achieve a perfect parabolic trajectory if there is no air resistance and the apple is thrown with a precise initial velocity and angle. However, in real life, factors like air resistance and imperfections in the throw will cause the trajectory to deviate slightly from a perfect parabola.
