How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?

In summary, there are a total of 14 forum members it takes to change a light bulb. Seven of these members are needed to post about the experience of changing a light bulb, while five of these members are needed to flame any posts that may contain incorrect information about changing light bulbs. Finally, three industry professionals inform the group that the proper term for a light bulb is "lamp." Fifteen members post about their knowledge of light bulbs, with thirteen of these posts being quoted in their entirety. Finally, one forum lurker responds to the original post 6 months from now and starts the whole process over again.
  • #71
Can we add:

* 2 (Dave and Leroy) to argue with each other over semantics for 3 pages, eventually going back and forth about things which have nothing to do with light bulbs or their installation.
Physics news on
  • #72
Dembadon said:
Can we add:

* 2 (Dave and Leroy) to argue with each other over semantics for 3 pages, eventually going back and forth about things which have nothing to do with light bulbs or their installation.
  • #73
Is this thread still valid?

I don't even use incandescent bulbs anymore. I've slowly switched to the energy saving flourescents. I even had to buy new covers for some of the ceiling fixtures to account for the difference in size.

I don't think I've actually had to change one of these new bulbs, yet. Do you still use the same procedures?

When they fall on the floor and break, can you still pick up the smaller pieces by licking your finger and pressing it to the tiny glass fragment?

Has anybody seen a cartoon flourescent spiral bulb above someone's head to signify an idea, yet?
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  • #74
How do you switch without changing?
  • #75
I sincerely hope everyone here is following fire code or I will have to report you to Fire Marshall Bill.

  • #76
Gale said:
hey, i just changed a lightbulb... man it was so awesome. i like, turned it, and it came out... i burned my fingers at first though, cause it was still hot from being turned on. Also, it was very hard, because once the light was out, i couldn't see any more because it was dark. i also dropped the dead light bulb and broke it on the floor, but i didn't really worry, since i couldn't see where the glass shards were anyway. then i forgot to turn off the switch, so when the bulb was screwed in a little, it nearly blinded me. But, the bulb was changed! woooot

I think you're lying! Either you changed a perfectly healthy light bulb, which was idiotic, or you didn't burn your fingers! You can't have it both ways.

I'll take your failure to respond as confirmation that I'm right!
  • #77
It takes zero members to change a lightbulb. Random quantum fluctuations will deal with it eventually.
  • #78
twisting_edge said:
That was my answer:

None: Both CRTs and flatscreens are self-illuminating.

(I'm one of the "me too"s.)

Me three. :biggrin: :-p

But obviously, the correct term here is "bright thingy". All of you who say "light bulb" are wrong.
  • #79
In the beginning Greg created PF and the lounge.
And the lounge was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of Greg moved upon the face of the waters.
And Greg screwed in a lightbulb and there was light.
  • #80
Jimmy Snyder said:
In the beginning Greg created PF and the lounge.
And the lounge was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of Greg moved upon the face of the waters.
And Greg screwed in a lightbulb and there was light.

Hence, any attempt to change a light bulb will be against the will of Greg. Changing light bulb comes under religious activity, which is against the PF rules and not allowed.

And if you try to change a light bulb, Greg will send you to a special place outside PF, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But Greg loves you.
  • #81
Jimmy Snyder said:
In the beginning Greg created PF and the lounge.
And the lounge was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of Greg moved upon the face of the waters.
And Greg screwed in a lightbulb and there was light.

jobyts said:
Hence, any attempt to change a light bulb will be against the will of Greg. Changing light bulb comes under religious activity, which is against the PF rules and not allowed.

And if you try to change a light bulb, Greg will send you to a special place outside PF, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But Greg loves you.
<wipes monitor> Buwahahaha
  • #82
Evo said:
<wipes monitor> Buwahahaha

That "Buwahahaha" requires some explanation.

Greg might seem as if he's leading some cult, what with this Sisterhood and such, but the truth is a little scarier, as is revealed by this dialogue from the Member Photo Thread:

BoulderHead said:
Hello Greg, I'm wondering who must look at your attachments above then make a call on whether or not they should be allowed for general viewing?

Greg Bernhardt said:
I don't understand :confused:

BoulderHead said:
Sorry about the confusion but I noticed initially the images you attached were pending approval. I thought Evo alone may have had the power to approve, which caused me to snicker considering your position.

Greg Bernhardt said:
The truth has been let out. Yes, evo has a special leash around me! :-p
  • #83
jobyts said:
And if you try to change a light bulb, Greg will send you to a special place outside PF, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time.
  • #84
jobyts said:
Hence, any attempt to change a light bulb will be against the will of Greg. Changing light bulb comes under religious activity, which is against the PF rules and not allowed.

And if you try to change a light bulb, Greg will send you to a special place outside PF, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But Greg loves you.

You forgot to remind people to donate to the church of
  • #85
BobG said:
I think you're lying! Either you changed a perfectly healthy light bulb, which was idiotic, or you didn't burn your fingers! You can't have it both ways.

That's not true. If you were using the light when it burned out and you changed it right away with a light bulb from the closet where you keep new light bulbs, it could still be hot.
Not every one procrastinates :-p

jobyts said:
And if you try to change a light bulb, Greg will send you to a special place outside PF, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But Greg loves you.

He'll send you to Sunday chat?
  • #86
Greatest. Necropost. Ever.

Why isn't this thread stickied?
  • #87
Pengwuino said:
Greatest. Necropost. Ever.

Why isn't this thread stickied?
Peng is right, this was posted: May14-04, 01:57 AM I am surprised it still is around because some of the members who posted have long since vanished.

  • #88
rhody said:
... some of the members who posted have long since vanished.

They didn't just vanish. Greg sent them to a special place outside PF.
  • #89
Aren't they in a constant state of change?

Bulbs that is.
  • #90
skywise said:
* 1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again.

This is incorrect. It's happened several times since 2004.
  • #92
  • #93
Artman said:
Aren't they in a constant state of change?

Bulbs that is.

The dimmest bulbs never seem to change.
  • #95
I vote we use OmCheeto's light bulb has has in his Avatar's mouth, that is being creative now, isn't it OM ? hehe...

Rhody...:devil: :biggrin:
  • #96
I *LOVE* this thread.
  • #97
What's a "light bulb?"
  • #98
And one more who decides to post a random lightbulb meme.
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  • #99
Time to bump.
  • #100
I think that everyone should use green lighting technology.
