How many subsets of set A satisfy given conditions?

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  • Thread starter Evgeny.Makarov
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    Finite Sets
In summary, the cardinality of a finite set is the number of elements or objects in the set, denoted by |A|. To find the cardinality, count the number of elements or use mathematical techniques such as Venn diagrams. The cardinality of a finite set cannot be negative, but it is possible for an infinite set. The cardinality of a subset is always less than or equal to the original set. There are rules and formulas for calculating the cardinality of finite sets, including the Addition and Multiplication Principles, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, and Binomial Coefficient formula.
  • #1
Gold Member
Consider a set $A$ and its subsets $B$ and $C$. It is known that $|A-(B\cap C)|=8$, $|B|=5$, $|C-B|=1$ and $|B\cap C|=3$ (here $-$ denotes set difference). How many subsets $X\subseteq A$ are there if $X\cap B\cap C\ne\emptyset$, $|X-(B\cup C)|\ge3$ and $|X\cap (B-C)|=2$?
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  • #2
Since nobody gave an answer, I am posting a solution.

I will omit $\cap$ and write intersection as multiplication. I will also write $\sqcup$ for disjoint union.

In this problem $A$ is the universal set, and each element of $A$ belongs to exactly one of four classes: it can fall in or outside $B$ and $C$. Since $A-BC=\overline{BC}=\overline{B}\cup\overline{C}=\overline{B}C\sqcup B\overline{C}\sqcup\overline{B}\overline{C}$, $B=BC\sqcup B\overline{C}$ and $C-B=\overline{B}C$, we have the following system of equations.
Solving this system, we can fill the following table form of the Venn diagram.
\draw[step=1cm] (-.3,-.3) grid (2,2);
\node[above] at (.5,0) {$B$};
\node[above] at (1.5,0) {$\overline{B}$};
at (0,.5) {$C$};
at (0,1.5) {$\overline{C}$};
\path[shift={(.5,.5)}] (0,0) node {3} (1,0) node {1} (0,1) node {2} (1,1) node {5};

Set \(X\) is also split into four disjoint classes. The condition $XBC\ne\emptyset$ gives us $2^3-1=7$ variants for $XBC$. The condition $|X-(B\cup C)|\ge3$ means that $X\overline{B}\overline{C}$ can be chosen in $\binom{5}{3}+\binom{5}{4}+\binom{5}{5}=16$ ways. The condition $|X(B-C)|=|XB\overline{C}|=2$ requires that both elements of $B\overline{C}$ are included in $X$. Finally, the problem does not say anything about $X\overline{B}C$, which gives us two variants: the only element of $\overline{B}C$ may or may not be in $X$. Altogether, there are $7\cdot16\cdot2=224$ variants for $X$.​

I would appreciate your opinion on the difficulty level of this problem. Which year in the university is it appropriate for?​
  • #3
That looks like a fairly standard algebra or pre-calculus problem. I wouldn't be surprised to see it in a college freshman or even secondary school class.

FAQ: How many subsets of set A satisfy given conditions?

1. What is a cardinality of a finite set?

The cardinality of a finite set is the number of elements or objects in the set. It is also known as the size or the order of the set.

2. How is the cardinality of a finite set determined?

The cardinality of a finite set can be determined by counting the number of distinct elements in the set. For example, if a set has 5 elements, its cardinality is 5.

3. Can the cardinality of a finite set be negative or zero?

No, the cardinality of a finite set cannot be negative or zero. It must be a positive integer as it represents the number of elements in the set.

4. How does the cardinality of a finite set affect its subsets?

The cardinality of a finite set determines the number of subsets that can be formed from the set. For example, a set with a cardinality of 4 can have 16 (2^4) subsets.

5. Can two finite sets have the same cardinality?

Yes, two finite sets can have the same cardinality if they have the same number of elements. For example, a set with elements {1,2,3} and a set with elements {a,b,c} both have a cardinality of 3.

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