How Tall and Heavy Are PF Members?

In summary, Daniel is around 5'2" and 115 lbs. Lily is around 5'10" and 165 lbs. Fibs is 5'10" and 165 lbs. All three are size-challenged.
  • #71
i'm 5'3 on a good day... and so not touching the weight thing...
Physics news on
  • #72
Gale17 said:
i'm 5'3 on a good day... and so not touching the weight thing...
I've studied your photos extensively :-p (all for the sake of gaining insight into the nature of my threadmates, of course :wink: ). I don't think you have much to worry about.
  • #73
Before winter quarter: 5'4" 129 lbs.
After winter quarter: 5'4" 135 lbs.

Musta been all those rainy days. Got back on the treadmill today!
  • #74
Math Is Hard said:
Got back on the treadmill today!
Just cut your hair, woman. You'll be down to 120. :wink:
  • #75
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  • #76
Those government BMI stats are very skewed.
  • #77
Gale17 said:
i'm 5'3 on a good day... and so not touching the weight thing...
Me neither :-p

and I'm 7" above sealevel :biggrin:
  • #78
178cm and 82kg.
I'm a tad overweight, but that will be corrected in the near future as I finally convinced my parental unit to pay for a gym (huzzah!)
  • #79
The_Professional said:
Those government BMI stats are very skewed.

They don't take into account body composition. Anyone who has built up a decent amount of muscle will have a higher BMI, even if they have only a healthy amount of fat. Nonetheless, even with a very slender frame, someone who is only 100 lbs and 5'5" probably does need to gain a bit of weight. But don't eat more junk food, increase the amount of healthy food, and do some strength training exercises to build up muscle rather than just put on fat.
  • #80
I'm 6'2", and between 150 and 160, depending what I've eaten in the past few weeks.
  • #81
Andre said:
That would put your at 16,4. You should weight at least 113 lbs for a "healthy" minimum BMI of 18.5.
Cool link! It says my weight is normal for my height. I just wish you had a calculator that could convert it all to muscle.
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  • #82
2CentsWorth said:
It says my weight is normal for my height.
Me too! 19.5 Old age and beer to the rescue again! If I hadn't shrunk an inch and drank so much, I would have been under 18. :biggrin:
  • #83
220 lbs...

Wow, I feel so big on this forum :)
  • #84
TensorKhan said:
Wow, I feel so big on this forum :)
We're overjoyed to make you feel special. :rolleyes:
  • #85
I don't think I've ever been 113 in my entire life so don't know if that's going to happen anytime soon. In all honesty I'm just never that hungry is what it comes down to and what I do eat is healthy (and bike a lot each day) so I'm not going to worry excessively over it.
Though my friends are known to gain parental airs while in the dining hall and trying to get me to eat. ("I don't care if the server gave you two thirds of a plate of mashed potatoes, you're eating them all!")
  • #86
Andromeda321 said:
two thirds of a plate of mashed potatoes
That would be my dream dessert, as long as there's gravy or butter. :-p
  • #87
My dessert is more along the lines of chocolate pie, and I know how to make a good one that is remarkably low in calories too. Its more like a mousse than anything else. It also only takes 15 minutes to make (and several hours to cool).
  • #88
5' 8" , 131 lbs ..

man it's so hard for a normal Indian male to go above six feet, my ultimate height goal is around 6' 2", just recently I got a copy of a more than a thousand years old book on yoga by the ancient scholar Patanjali, it's amazing, yoga has particular asanas for everything, so i have started the ones that help higher growth..
  • #89
motai said:
My dessert is more along the lines of chocolate pie, and I know how to make a good one that is remarkably low in calories too. Its more like a mousse than anything else. It also only takes 15 minutes to make (and several hours to cool).
Recipe, please. Maybe I can pay Moonbear to make me one. I don't cook anything that doesn't involve a can opener or a microwave.
  • #90
I'd like someone to do the following:

Find out the weight of the last ten members to have posted in each forum here. Add them together, and tell us whether engineers are fatter than biologists...

Danger, at your earliest convenience...
  • #91
brewnog said:
Danger, at your earliest convenience...
I did mention my grade 9 math level, didn't I?
  • #92
brewnog said:
Find out the weight of the last ten members to have posted in each forum here. Add them together, and tell us whether engineers are fatter than biologists...

I think I'll raise the average for the biology. I am 5'8" and 180 lbs. BMI tells me I am overweight. As moonbear, the index do not take into account my muscle mass and physiology. I am a tank. :biggrin:
  • #93
Andromeda321 said:
I don't think I've ever been 113 in my entire life so don't know if that's going to happen anytime soon. In all honesty I'm just never that hungry is what it comes down to and what I do eat is healthy (and bike a lot each day) so I'm not going to worry excessively over it.
Though my friends are known to gain parental airs while in the dining hall and trying to get me to eat. ("I don't care if the server gave you two thirds of a plate of mashed potatoes, you're eating them all!")

just wait till you turn thirty
  • #94
iansmith said:
I am a tank. :biggrin:
Note to Yanks: That has a different meaning up here, but there's usually another word preceding it. :biggrin:
  • #95
Danger said:
Note to Yanks: That has a different meaning up here, but there's usually another word preceding it. :biggrin:
I don't get it. :confused:
  • #96
hypnagogue said:
Fan of one of the California teams, I assume? Most of them are lottery fodder this season, so it'd make sense. I'm hoping for my Knicks to tab Gerald Green or Chris Taft.

Lakers fan since I was born at the beginning of the showtime era just outside of LA. I'm praying for Raymond Felton myself, but Jarrett Jack would be a great consolation prize. This is the first year in a long time I've even cared about the draft.
  • #97
Danger said:
Note to Yanks: That has a different meaning up here, but there's usually another word preceding it. :biggrin:

But iansmith isn't a Yank. :confused:

So, iansmith is a muscle-bound biologist...why have I not seen a photo in the member photo thread yet? :biggrin:
  • #98
mattmns said:
I don't get it
Moonbear said:
But iansmith isn't a Yank. :confused:
I know he's a Bluenoser; that's why I wasn't sure if he was bragging or confessing. 'Tank' is short for 'piss-tank', meaning an alcoholic. :biggrin:
The 'note to Yanks' thing was just to let you know that there was a joke to be had.
  • #99
I'm 170-171cm and 65-70kg.

But there's something I don't get... Most of you use SI units daily and yet you tell your height and weight in feets and punds? Why?! :confused:
  • #100
Joel said:
I'm 170-171cm and 65-70kg.

But there's something I don't get... Most of you use SI units daily and yet you tell your height and weight in feets and punds? Why?! :confused:

Because that's what the rest of the country uses, so no point doing the conversion. Usually the only time I need to tell anyone my height and weight, it's to go on my drivers' license or at the doctor's office.
  • #101
Joel said:
Most of you use SI units daily and yet you tell your height and weight in feets and punds? Why?! :confused:
I can't speak for the Yanks, but it's just a fact of life in Canada. We're officially metric, and use that system for everything except height and weight relating to people. (The government uses metric for that too; 95% of the generation that was born before metrification doesn't.) I think it might just be that it's something personal, our own statistics that are part of our identity, and we don't want to change it.
  • #102
Joel said:
I'm 170-171cm and 65-70kg.

But there's something I don't get... Most of you use SI units daily and yet you tell your height and weight in feets and punds? Why?! :confused:

I use SI units for physics and anything physics related.

But I'm still more familiar with pounds than kilos, and feet than centimeters. So much easier to say 6' 1" 150 lbs than to say 185 cm and 68 kg. Well, not really easier to say, but easier to visualize. Come on i been using em since i was yeigh high, I've only been using SI for a few years, it takes a while to get used to thinking in those terms.

I still have no bloody idea how far a kilometer is. I mean sure, 1000 m, 3,280 ft, roughly 0.6 mi, but back home all the major streets were spaced exactly a mile apart(Ave. A to Ave B was 1 mile, 10th st to 20th st was 1 mile), so I'm damn used to thinking in miles, especially when walking.
  • #103
franznietzsche said:
So much easier to say 6' 1" 150 lbs than to say 185 cm and 68 kg.
On the other hand, 11.5cm sounds a lot better than...
  • #104
Yes, I've understood it is commonly used, but it surprised me how hard it sticks. I have a hard time coming up with a similar example here from Finland, most think of prizes in Euros (except those thinking in beer bottles), not in Marks (our money before euros, aha!). So, when did the metrification happen in Canada?

Ps. Do you use punds and miles in elementary school or do you have metrics?
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  • #105
Danger said:
On the other hand, 11.5cm sounds a lot better than...

Sure you got that conversion right...? :biggrin: :rolleyes: I'll get my coat...

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