How to calculate phase difference for spherical waves?

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate phase difference for spherical waves and how to determine if they are in phase or out of phase. It is noted that in sinusoidal waves, it is easy to determine the phase difference by looking at them, but in spherical waves this is not as straightforward. The conversation also mentions the use of an image to depict this concept, but it is clarified that the waves in the image are circular rather than spherical. The conversation then delves into the equations and concepts behind finding the phase difference in spherical waves, including the need to specify the position of the sources and observer. It is also noted that unlike in 1D waves, the closed form of the resultant disturbance for spherical waves is impossible to find.
  • #1
how to calculate phase difference for spherical waves?how to say whether they are in phase or out of phase?
in sinusoidal we can easily say whether they are in phase or out of phase just by looking at it,but how to do the same for spherical waves?
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  • #2
Just assume that they are sinusoidal spherical waves.
  • #3
nasu said:
Just assume that they are sinusoidal spherical waves.
would be gratified if you could give an image which depicts that.
  • #5
nasu said:
How about this one? These are circular rather than spherical. The waves in the water you mentioned are not actually "spherical" anyway.
thank you very much for providing that image,sir,yes ripples are circular,not spherical.sorry for that.but can you please tell me what do those waves represent?(means what is y-axis and x axis)
  • #6
When you have two spherical waves and want to find the phase difference between the waves observed at some point, you have to specify the position of both sources and the position of observer. Suppose there two point sources in 3D Cartesian coordinate at ##\mathbf{r}_1## and ##\mathbf{r}_2##, and the observer stands in the point ##\mathbf{r}_o##. The total disturbance at the observer will be
U(\mathbf{r}_o) = A_1\frac{e^{ik|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|}}{|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|} + A_2\frac{e^{ik|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|}}{|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|}
with ##A_1## and ##A_2## the amplitude of the sources and ##k=2\pi/\lambda## the wavenumber. The phase difference felt by the observer will then be
\Delta \Phi (\mathbf{r}_o) = k\left( |\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o| - |\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o| \right).
  • #7
blue_leaf77 said:
When you have two spherical waves and want to find the phase difference between the waves observed at some point, you have to specify the position of both sources and the position of observer. Suppose there two point sources in 3D Cartesian coordinate at ##\mathbf{r}_1## and ##\mathbf{r}_2##, and the observer stands in the point ##\mathbf{r}_o##. The total disturbance at the observer will be
U(\mathbf{r}_o) = A_1\frac{e^{ik|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|}}{|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|} + A_2\frac{e^{ik|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|}}{|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|}
with ##A_1## and ##A_2## the amplitude of the sources and ##k=2\pi/\lambda## the wavenumber. The phase difference felt by the observer will then be
\Delta \Phi (\mathbf{r}_o) = k\left( |\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o| - |\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o| \right).
sir,this equation is much beyond my portion,basically i did not wish to find the numerical value.what i wanted to know is,when we take two sinusoidal waves and just by looking at it we can say whether they are in phase or out of phase,(by superimosing one on another),how to do the same for spherical waves since there is no crest or trough,how can we superimpose?
  • #8
Let me rewrite the total disturbance in terms of sine functions
U(\mathbf{r}_o) = A_1\frac{\sin(k|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|)}{|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|} + A_2\frac{\sin(k|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|)}{|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|}
vijayramakrishnan said:
when we take two sinusoidal waves and just by looking at it we can say whether they are in phase or out of phase,(by superimosing one on another),how to do the same for spherical waves since there is no crest or trough,how can we superimpose?
Spherical or circular waves are a bit different from purely sinusoidal waves. When you said sinusoidal I imagine what you are picturing in your mind is a sinusoidal disturbance in two dimensions. Taking an example of string vibration, you only need two dimension, x and y, to draw it. A different method of drawing is to be expected when, instead, you want to draw circular wave, like ripple on a water surface. You need three dimensions to visualize such disturbance because the wave spreads in a plane (make it the xy plane), and the disturbance occurs in a direction perpendicular to the water surface (make it the z direction). One more dimension will be needed to draw spherical wave in space.

Furthermore, you cannot apply a direct analogy in 1D sinusoidal wave into spherical/circular wave, because 1D wave assumes that the wave disturbance is homogenous everywhere and thus you don't need to specify the position of the source. For circular/spherical waves, the fact that the wave spread radially means that the relative position of the source and observer matters.

vijayramakrishnan said:
how to do the same for spherical waves since there is no crest or trough,how can we superimpose?
By definition, waves are periodic disturbances. Therefore one can always identify the crest and through, see the equation above, there are sine terms which obviously have crests and throughs. The way to superimpose them is by calculating that equation above. Unlike 1D waves, it's indeed impossible to find the closed form of the resultant disturbance for circular/spherical waves.
  • #9
blue_leaf77 said:
Let me rewrite the total disturbance in terms of sine functions
U(\mathbf{r}_o) = A_1\frac{\sin(k|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|)}{|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o|} + A_2\frac{\sin(k|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|)}{|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o|}

Spherical or circular waves are a bit different from purely sinusoidal waves. When you said sinusoidal I imagine what you are picturing in your mind is a sinusoidal disturbance in two dimensions. Taking an example of string vibration, you only need two dimension, x and y, to draw it. A different method of drawing is to be expected when, instead, you want to draw circular wave, like ripple on a water surface. You need three dimensions to visualize such disturbance because the wave spreads in a plane (make it the xy plane), and the disturbance occurs in a direction perpendicular to the water surface (make it the z direction). One more dimension will be needed to draw spherical wave in space.

Furthermore, you cannot apply a direct analogy in 1D sinusoidal wave into spherical/circular wave, because 1D wave assumes that the wave disturbance is homogenous everywhere and thus you don't need to specify the position of the source. For circular/spherical waves, the fact that the wave spread radially means that the relative position of the source and observer matters.By definition, waves are periodic disturbances. Therefore one can always identify the crest and through, see the equation above, there are sine terms which obviously have crests and throughs. The way to superimpose them is by calculating that equation above. Unlike 1D waves, it's indeed impossible to find the closed form of the resultant disturbance for circular/spherical waves.
sir, your explanations are very advanced,iam still in high school.please provide an explanation which is easy to understand.
  • #10
vijayramakrishnan said:
thank you very much for providing that image,sir,yes ripples are circular,not spherical.sorry for that.but can you please tell me what do those waves represent?(means what is y-axis and x axis)
The picture shows the maxima and minima of the waves as different shades of grey.
The graph bellow shows something like a cross section of the wave at a given time. The horizontal axis represent distance along one radius (starting from the centere of the circle. The vertical axis is the displacement at at each point along that radius, at a given time.

You should realize that the "sinusoidal" character of a wave is independent of the shape of the wave-fronts or of the polarization (longitudinal or transverse).
A wave is sinusoidal if the equation describing the wave can be written in terms of sines (and cosines). Even if the wave is not a pure sine waves, it can be written as a sum of sine waves.
For example, a sine wave can be
y=A sin(wt - kx)
Where A is the amplitude, w is the frequency and k is the wave-number.
y could be the vertical displacement for a transverse wave on a string but it can also be the longitudinal displacement for a longitudinal waves on a slinky. Or it can be pressure for a sound wave in air (also longitudinal).
For a plane wave A (which also can be displacement in various directions or pressure or electric field) is constant, same value at any point.
For circular or spherical waves A is a function of position. But the "sin" is still there.
Sure, waves can be more complicated than just a pure sine wave but this has nothing to do with them being circular rather than plane waves.
  • #11
vijayramakrishnan said:
please provide an explanation which is easy to understand.
Perhaps an example will make it slightly clearer.
Suppose there are two point sources at ##x=5## and at ##x=-5##. This means ##\mathbf{r}_1 = 5\mathbf{i}## and ##\mathbf{r}_2 = -5\mathbf{i}##. Someone stands in the ##xy## plane at a point ##(x_o,y_o)## to measure the wave disturbance at his position, thus ##\mathbf{r}_o = x_o\mathbf{i}+y_o\mathbf{j}##. Using these information about the positions of the sources and observer, one can then write
|\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_o| &= \sqrt{(x_o-5)^2+y_o^2} \\
|\mathbf{r}_2-\mathbf{r}_o| &= \sqrt{(x_o+5)^2+y_o^2} \\
These equations are then to be substituted into the equation in post #8.

Related to How to calculate phase difference for spherical waves?

What is the formula for calculating phase difference for spherical waves?

The formula for calculating phase difference for spherical waves is given by Φ = (2π/λ) * (d1 – d2), where Φ is the phase difference, λ is the wavelength, and d1 and d2 are the distances from the source to the points of observation.

How do I determine the wavelength for calculating phase difference?

The wavelength can be determined by dividing the speed of the wave by its frequency. For example, if the speed of the wave is 340 m/s and its frequency is 50 Hz, then the wavelength will be 6.8 m.

Can phase difference be negative?

Yes, phase difference can be negative. It indicates that the two waves are out of phase and are moving in opposite directions. This can happen when the distance between the two points of observation is greater than half of the wavelength.

What is the significance of calculating phase difference for spherical waves?

Calculating phase difference for spherical waves helps in understanding the interference patterns and behaviors of waves. It is also useful in applications such as sound engineering, telecommunications, and radar systems.

Are there any limitations to calculating phase difference for spherical waves?

Yes, there are limitations to calculating phase difference for spherical waves. It assumes that the waves are spherical and that the points of observation are at the same distance from the source. In reality, waves can be affected by factors such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction, which can alter their spherical nature and introduce errors in the calculation.

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