How to find neutron capture and fission cross section

In summary, the data in the table gives values for sigma(c) that are different from the values in the plot on the NNDC website. This discrepancy may be due to errors in the table or in the data itself.
  • #1
I'm writing a paper on Thorium utilization in nuclear reactors.
In this connection I'm looking for figures which describe the neutron capture and neutron fission cross sections over a wide energy range (not only thermal). There are probably some online resources unbeknown to me, any hints?
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  • #2
I think ENDF VII came out recently, you can check that.

I looked up Th-232 quickly, and I found a small part that gave cross sections for 1 eV to 4 keV range. I couldn't find info on higher energies than that in th file though.
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  • #3
Click on the sigma retrival in canydmans link or go straight here

there you can find plots of capture and fission cross section and many other cross sections.
  • #4
Superb! This was really helpful!

Thanks a lot people! :D
  • #5
Difficutulties in interpreting data

I'm having some difficulties in interpreting the data on NNDC database. I'm trying to figure out how to use the database.
Ive got a table from IAEA's tecdoc 1450 attached to this message.

Specifically: Table gives data for 233U at 0.05eV:

Straight forward calculation gives sigma(c)=32, which quite elegantly corresponds to the Sigma Plot of sigma(n,gamma) on NNDC.

But this is not the case in the table, which gives the sigma(c)=54

The second anomaly occurs for when I look at the data for sigma(n, total fission) at NNDC's site, which gives the value 377. In the table this value is 332 as earlier described.

Anyone got a hunch what errors I may be making?


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  • #6
henxan said:
I'm having some difficulties in interpreting the data on NNDC database. I'm trying to figure out how to use the database.
Ive got a table from IAEA's tecdoc 1450 attached to this message.

Specifically: Table gives data for 233U at 0.05eV:

Straight forward calculation gives sigma(c)=32, which quite elegantly corresponds to the Sigma Plot of sigma(n,gamma) on NNDC.

I don't see your problem: the absorption is 364, of which there is 332 fission, so there is 32 capture in the table, no ?

Also, these values are INTEGRATED values over a thermal SPECTRUM at 300 degrees (corresponding to about 0.05 eV average), but 32 is actually pretty close to the cross section in the table at 0.05 eV if you check, while 54 is the value at one single energy (0.0253 eV).
2200 m/s corresponds to 0.0253 eV.

But this is not the case in the table, which gives the sigma(c)=54
The second anomaly occurs for when I look at the data for sigma(n, total fission) at NNDC's site, which gives the value 377. In the table this value is 332 as earlier described.

Anyone got a hunch what errors I may be making?

I've checked this, and I don't know either why this is so. Maybe the cross section is not strictly 1/nu and the maxwell integral doesn't give the same as the value at the average energy...
  • #7
i like to solve more problem in chapter 5(lamarsh),please tell me how find new problem?

FAQ: How to find neutron capture and fission cross section

1. What is a neutron capture cross section?

A neutron capture cross section is a measure of the probability that a neutron will be captured by a nucleus when it comes into contact with it. It is an important factor in understanding the behavior of neutrons in nuclear reactions.

2. How is neutron capture cross section measured?

Neutron capture cross section is typically measured using a neutron source and a sample containing the nucleus of interest. The number of neutrons captured by the sample is compared to the number of neutrons emitted by the source to determine the cross section.

3. What is a fission cross section?

A fission cross section is a measure of the probability that a nucleus will undergo fission when struck by a neutron. It is an important factor in understanding the likelihood of a nuclear reaction occurring.

4. How is fission cross section calculated?

Fission cross section is typically calculated using theoretical models that take into account the properties of the nucleus and the energy of the incoming neutron. Experimental data is also used to refine these calculations and validate the results.

5. How are neutron capture and fission cross sections related?

Neutron capture and fission cross sections are related in that they both involve the interaction of neutrons with nuclei. However, they are fundamentally different processes and have different effects on the behavior of neutrons in nuclear reactions.

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