How to model Solar System formation accurately and realistically

In summary, the conversation discussed the creation of a crude N-body simulator to model the formation of the Solar System. The simulator includes N bodies of equal masses interacting gravitationally in 2 dimensions, with each body modeled as a circle with a radius based on its mass. The simulation also allows for collisions between bodies, where they stick together inelastically. The user has initialized the simulation with N=300 particles and is now focusing on the accuracy and realism of the simulation. They have also considered the concept of "gravitational softening" and its potential effects on the simulation. Finally, the user has discussed potential improvements and considerations for their simulation, including the possibility of using existing open-source simulations.
  • #1
Joshua Benabou
I've been working on a crude N-body simulator which allows N bodies of equal masses to interact gravitationally in 2 dimensions. My goal is to model the formation of Solar System.

Each body is modeled as a circle with a radius as a function of its mass, in such a way that all bodies have the same density.

When two bodies collide, i.e their radii overlap, they stick together inelastically (but momentum is conserved).

I have initialized the simulation with N=300 particles, and initial positions and velocties randomized (all positions bounded to a certain rectangular window, all velocties of the same modulus).

As the simulation progresses, particles move about, collide and form larger particles, and after some time the system appears to reach a stable state in which the number of particles is very few, usually between 2-5 (the most common case is a planet-sun system)

I've taken care of the efficiency of the code (by implementing Barnes-Hut). However I am now concerning myself with the accuracy/realism, especially with respect to two issues:

I have read online about collisional and collisionless systems. Apparently a small globular star cluster is collisional, but the stars in a galaxy or dark matter particles in a galazy are collisionless. Apparently whether the system is collisional or not is related to the "two-body relaxation time", which I don't understand either.

- **Is the formation of a Solar System a collisional problem? Is the relaxation time relevant for my simulation? How would this change if I wanted to model the evolution of a galaxy?**

I've read online about "gravitational softening" whereby Newton's law $F=\frac{Gm_1m_2}{r^2}$ is replaced by $F=\frac{Gm_1m_2}{r^2+\epsilon^2}$ for some constant $\epsilon$ which is small compared to the distances involved in the simulation.

As I understand it, the purpose is to bound errors in the simulation due to close encounters between bodies: if $r$ is small, the accelerations are large, but since the time resolution is finite, the error grows.

I've tested the effect of softening for $N=3$ particles intialized at the vertices of an equilateral triangle with equal speeds (Lagrange's peridic solution to the N-body problem). The configuration is supposed to be symmetric, with the particles moving on ellipses which form $120$ degree angles with each other and share a common focus. But since all three particles come very close together at their perigees, errors grow and eventually the symmetry collapses and the planets go haywire.

Introducing softening didn't seem to make much of a difference. It seems to prevent large-angle scattering, but it leads to errors which grow overtime and destroy the symmetry of the Lagrange configuration anyways.

Now I'm not sure relevant this test is for my solar system sim because it is almost impossible to have close encounter of three particles simultaneously.

My question is thus:

-**What is the advantage of gravitational softening? Doesn't it create errors which grow overtime? Should I be using it in my simulation?**

-**Finally, any other things I should be considering in my simulation/ general suggestions?**
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  • #2
I would search for already existing open-source simulations. If they exist, why reinvent the wheel when you can take existing, imperfect one and help improve it?
  • #3
nikkkom said:
I would search for already existing open-source simulations. If they exist, why reinvent the wheel when you can take existing, imperfect one and help improve it?

No. I'm not going to read through other people's code. Second, this is my project - to make the simulation myself and see how far I can get.
  • #4
But the solar system did not begin with N bodies. It started as a cloud of gas and dust.

I'm sure you know that, so I'm puzzled about your goals with an N body simulation.
  • #5
anorlunda said:
But the solar system did not begin with N bodies. It started as a cloud of gas and dust.

I'm sure you know that, so I'm puzzled about your goals with an N body simulation.

Well a cloud of gas and dust is a system of N bodies for N very very large. Since the computer can't deal with that many particles, what I'm simulating (if N is on the order of 10,000 say) is more the formation of a Solar System starting from planetisemals.

And indeed, even though the assumptions of the model I'm using in my code are super simplistic, I already got a Solar System with a sun and 3 orbiting planets moving in apparently stable elliptical orbits, with one of these planets having a moon!

Modeling solar system formation is one of the main uses of N body simulations, is it not? See for example the Nice model.
  • #6
But a key to gravitational collapse is the ability to radiate away energy. If you model only the gravity of N rigid bodies, energy will be conserved and collapse shouldn't happen. Right?
  • #7
anorlunda said:
But a key to gravitational collapse is the ability to radiate away energy. If you model only the gravity of N rigid bodies, energy will be conserved and collapse shouldn't happen. Right?

Indeed, but as I said, my code allows the particles to collide inelastically, so this is where the energy is lost...

Related to How to model Solar System formation accurately and realistically

1. How did the Solar System form in the first place?

The Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a giant cloud of gas and dust called a solar nebula. As the cloud collapsed due to gravity, it started to spin and flatten into a disk shape. The dense center of the disk eventually became the Sun, and the remaining material in the disk clumped together to form planets, moons, and other objects.

2. What factors influence the accuracy of a model for Solar System formation?

The accuracy of a model for Solar System formation is influenced by several factors such as the initial conditions of the solar nebula, the physical processes involved in planet formation, and the interactions between different objects in the early Solar System. Other factors include the composition and density of the materials in the solar nebula, as well as external forces such as collisions with other objects and gravitational influences from nearby stars.

3. How do scientists determine the accuracy of a model for Solar System formation?

Scientists use a combination of observations, computer simulations, and mathematical models to test and refine their understanding of how the Solar System formed. They compare the predictions of their models with real-world observations of the planets, their orbits, and other objects in the Solar System. If the model can accurately reproduce these observations, it is considered to be a more accurate representation of the actual formation of the Solar System.

4. What are some challenges in accurately modeling Solar System formation?

One of the main challenges in accurately modeling Solar System formation is the limited amount of data available from the early stages of the Solar System's history. This makes it difficult to determine the exact conditions and processes that led to the formation of the planets. Additionally, the interactions between different objects in the Solar System can be complex and difficult to simulate accurately.

5. How have models for Solar System formation evolved over time?

Models for Solar System formation have evolved significantly over time as our understanding of the early Solar System has improved. Early models were based on basic principles of gravity and conservation of energy, but as more data and observations became available, more complex and detailed models were developed. With the advancement of technology and computational power, scientists are now able to create more sophisticated and realistic models that can better explain the formation of the Solar System.

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