How to Plot Current vs. Time for a 2.2 kΩ Precharge Resistor?

In summary: How much capacitance you want in the precharge circuit.In summary, the precharge circuit has a time constant of 2.97 seconds.
  • #1
please help me with plotting of graph between "current versus time" for precharge resistor- 2.2 kΩ 20W.
this is placed across a contactor,which is linked to a motor controller with capacitors of value:6768μF.
closing time of resistor is calculated as 2.97 sec!
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  • #2
hi nikita! welcome to pf! :wink:

show us how far you've got, and then we'll know how to help! :smile:
  • #3
i have calculated time constant using formula 5T=R*C, and it is coming 2.97 sec! but when i am plotting the graph of voltage versus time using formula v= 1-e^(-t/rc) graph is coming linear instead of exponential. where m i going wrong?
i have also used the formula v=e0(1-e^(-t/rc)), from this graph is coming exponential but time constant is coming very large. around 150 it is showing steady state!
battery voltage is i.e e0 =148v
r=2200 ohm,c=6768μF

i m really confused.what to do?
i have attached the graph which i have got.


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  • #4
T = RC == 14.88. 5 time constants represents settling time, which gives 74.45 seconds.

Where did you get 5T=R*C
  • #5
meBigGuy said:
T = RC == 14.88. 5 time constants represents settling time, which gives 74.45 seconds.

Where did you get 5T=R*C
5T is the time for current to reduce to a manageable value.
and you are saying correct that it will come 74.45 sec,but since our application is electric vehicle,it is practicaly impossible to wait for that much time before vehicle can, I am apprehensive about it.
  • #6
For the precharge circuit - the number of Time Constants needed is to get to within ??% of the full battery voltage, and then allow the main contactor to close. 3 TC = 95% of the voltage... with 2.2K Resistor ~ 3*TC=45S, double up the resistor ( parallel) ~23 Sec, or 2 TC = 85% of the Full voltage. --
This issue is not to get the current down to a manageable value during precharge, it is how much current in-rush to the capacitors can you accept at the end of the precharge cycle - when the main contactor closes? Look at the contactor specs - it may provide some info on number of operations at Current = I -
The better you can define what you need to do ( with real numbers) the better you can find the best technical solution.
  • #7
How much time do you want to spend to precharge to 5T? If the answer is 3 sec, then tau= 0.6 so R must be 0.6/6768uF = 88 ohms.

You need to decide:
1. How much settling do you need. Perhaps 5T is overkill (as Windadct said)
2. How large a precharge current you want to deal with (not sure what the limitation is here).

FAQ: How to Plot Current vs. Time for a 2.2 kΩ Precharge Resistor?

1. What is a precharge resistor circuit?

A precharge resistor circuit is an electronic circuit used to slowly charge the capacitors in a circuit in order to prevent damage from sudden high currents. It is commonly used in power supply circuits to avoid power surges and in circuits with large capacitors.

2. How does a precharge resistor circuit work?

The precharge resistor allows a small amount of current to flow into the capacitors, gradually charging them to their full voltage. This prevents the capacitors from being overloaded with a sudden surge of current, which could cause damage to the circuit.

3. Why is a precharge resistor circuit necessary?

A precharge resistor circuit is necessary to prevent damage to the circuit and its components. Without this circuit, sudden high currents could cause the capacitors to fail or other components to be damaged, leading to malfunction or failure of the entire circuit.

4. What are the components of a precharge resistor circuit?

A precharge resistor circuit typically consists of a resistor and a capacitor. The resistor is connected in series with the capacitor and is used to limit the flow of current. The capacitor is used to store the charge and gradually release it to the circuit.

5. How do you calculate the value of a precharge resistor?

The value of the precharge resistor is determined by the capacitance of the capacitors in the circuit and the desired charging time. It is calculated using the formula R = t/C, where R is the resistance in ohms, t is the desired charging time in seconds, and C is the capacitance in farads.
