- #36
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The notion of "reality" is loaden with so much confusion by philosophers that it's pracatically useless to be discussed within the natural sciences. For a natural scientist reality is what can be objectively observed.
Why there should be a problem with the empirical fact that I find my bathroom in more or less the same state in the morning as I left it in the evening is not a problem of QT, but it is the only consistent description of this observed stability of matter, given the empirical fact that matter around us consists of atomic nuclei and electrons, bound to atoms, molecules and condensed-matter many-body state.
Further concerning the collapse: As I said, you cannot say, in which state the measured system is after the measurement without giving a sufficiently precise description of the measurement apparatus.
The Stern-Gerlach experiment is the paradigmatic example of a very good approximation for a von Neumann filter measurement, which is rather a preparation process than a measurement. You let a beam of uncharged particles (orginally silver atoms, nowadays with much more precision e.g., realized with neutrons) with magnetic moment run through an appropriately taylored inhomogeneous magnetic field (with a strong homogeneous component in a given direction, say the ##z## direction). As can be pretty easily shown by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, the beam splits (for spin 1/2 particles) into two partial beams, where one beam consists to practically 100% of particles prepared in the spin-up state ##|+1/2 \rangle## and the other in the spin-down state ##|-1/2 \rangle##, i.e., position and spin-##z## component are (almost) perfectly entangled, and thus by blocking one beam (then the particles are absorbed in the material of the blocker and for sure not adequately described as a certain eigenstates of ##\sigma_z##), you have left a beam of particles with (almost exactly) determined spin-##z## component. In QT there's nothing needed to explain this preparation of ##\sigma_z## eigenstates than quantum-theoretical dynamics. There's no need for some mysterious "collapse" dynamics outside of QT, let alone the assumption of an instantaneous action in the entire space (which is, of course, a problem within relativistic physics and thus should not be used to base QT on).
Why there should be a problem with the empirical fact that I find my bathroom in more or less the same state in the morning as I left it in the evening is not a problem of QT, but it is the only consistent description of this observed stability of matter, given the empirical fact that matter around us consists of atomic nuclei and electrons, bound to atoms, molecules and condensed-matter many-body state.
Further concerning the collapse: As I said, you cannot say, in which state the measured system is after the measurement without giving a sufficiently precise description of the measurement apparatus.
The Stern-Gerlach experiment is the paradigmatic example of a very good approximation for a von Neumann filter measurement, which is rather a preparation process than a measurement. You let a beam of uncharged particles (orginally silver atoms, nowadays with much more precision e.g., realized with neutrons) with magnetic moment run through an appropriately taylored inhomogeneous magnetic field (with a strong homogeneous component in a given direction, say the ##z## direction). As can be pretty easily shown by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, the beam splits (for spin 1/2 particles) into two partial beams, where one beam consists to practically 100% of particles prepared in the spin-up state ##|+1/2 \rangle## and the other in the spin-down state ##|-1/2 \rangle##, i.e., position and spin-##z## component are (almost) perfectly entangled, and thus by blocking one beam (then the particles are absorbed in the material of the blocker and for sure not adequately described as a certain eigenstates of ##\sigma_z##), you have left a beam of particles with (almost exactly) determined spin-##z## component. In QT there's nothing needed to explain this preparation of ##\sigma_z## eigenstates than quantum-theoretical dynamics. There's no need for some mysterious "collapse" dynamics outside of QT, let alone the assumption of an instantaneous action in the entire space (which is, of course, a problem within relativistic physics and thus should not be used to base QT on).