I have a really bad girl problem. me.

  • Thread starter Gothic_Freddy
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In summary, the speaker is a high school student who has developed a crush on a goth/punk girl named Haley. They have started to hang out and talk more, and the speaker decides to ask her out. However, they get nervous and accidentally ask her out on behalf of their friend, Zayne. The speaker is now seeking advice on what to do, and others are suggesting ways to make Zayne look like a loser in order to improve the speaker's chances. Some also suggest seeking fashion advice from others. The speaker is also criticized for seeking girl advice on a physics forum.
  • #71
Does anyone here just have great times in relationships without getting too emotional?

I have the feeling very few people can manage their moods and emotions. It's fine as a teenager to let them run wild, but as you mature and get older, you SHOULD learn to manage them.
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  • #72
OP: No you don't your girl problem is tiny. I just lost (as in she hates me now) the girl that I really love, true I'm 16, but its true nonetheless
  • #73
binzing said:
OP: No you don't your girl problem is tiny. I just lost (as in she hates me now) the girl that I really love, true I'm 16, but its true nonetheless

Oh I'm so sorry binzing...the first one really stings...sorry!

And yes, you can have true love at 16, no doubt about it.
  • #74
Thank you lisab, its hard. Prolly would have ended worse if we'd actually ended up being together, but either way, over about 8 months I'd fallen very hard for her, and to her I'd become one of her best friends. Anyways...
  • #75
moe darklight said:
Please I need some advice too. I just don't know where else to turn... please help, and don't make stupid jokes please because this is serious

Ok, so I know this girl, she has a bright green mohawk that goes halfway up her pate, then her head is shaved from that point on to show off the tattoo of the chinese character for "life" she had done on her cranium just above her forehead; she has four eyelid-piercings, and dresses in golden leather parachute pants and poodle-skin tanktops... I totally got the hots for her.

anyway, I finally got the nerve to ask her out the other day when I came back from the D&D convention with my mom to change my shirt because I got a nosebleed and totally messed up my "Han Shot First" T-Shirt ... her dorm is on the other side of this park in front of my place. The park is 8KM across, and her dorm is 10KM down the road on the other side of the park. There is a "no biking" rule at this park, so I can't just ride my bike across. I can either walk with my bike all the way across and then ride my bike down the road, or just walk straight through the park to her dorm, or I could walk some distance across the park and then ride my bike.

Considering I have a date with her right now and am already late, and that my walking speed is 6KM/h, while I ride my bike at 10KM/h... what is the quickest way for me to get there?

Plz help!

Sorry, but you have to show your work in order to get help on this forum. Also, next time please use the homework template...

On a side note:

I really don't get why people come here for girl advice! Not only is it a physics forum but every single person who asks for girl advice is berated by Cyrus and made fun of for 3 to 4 pages of posts before the thread is eventually locked? Doesn't anyone do a search of the forum for similar posts anymore?!
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  • #76
G01 said:
Sorry, but you have to show your work in order to get help on this forum. Also, next time please use the homework template...

On a side note:

I really don't get why people come here for girl advice! Not only is it a physics forum but every single person who asks for girl advice is berated by Cyrus and made fun of for 3 to 4 pages of posts before the thread is eventually locked? Doesn't anyone do a search of the forum for similar posts anymore?!

:rolleyes: it's a troll. are youse guise new to internets? waaaayy back in USEnet days we even had standards and practices for this type of thing. the best troll of all is when one makes a single post and doesn't have to keep feeding the thread to keep it alive. by that standard, this troll is a win. not that it's saying much, since posting about girls here is pretty much the equivalent of injecting a small mistake about plot into a trekkie group.
  • #77
G01 said:
Sorry, but you have to show your work in order to get help on this forum. Also, next time please use the homework template...

On a side note:

I really don't get why people come here for girl advice! Not only is it a physics forum but every single person who asks for girl advice is berated by Cyrus and made fun of for 3 to 4 pages of posts before the thread is eventually locked? Doesn't anyone do a search of the forum for similar posts anymore?!

You have no idea how badly I want this, and all girl advice threads locked. I'm so sick and tired of them and people totally clueless on life.

Their frequency is too high, and this isn't the place for girl advice. Go find a dating forum.
  • #78
You said it best Cy! Now, tell us when this will go into effect...
  • #79
G01 said:
Sorry, but you have to show your work in order to get help on this forum. Also, next time please use the homework template...

In my eyes, G01 is the recipient of the best reply award. HAHAHAHAH :smile:
  • #80
Cyrus said:
You have no idea how badly I want this, and all girl advice threads locked. I'm so sick and tired of them and people totally clueless on life.

Their frequency is too high, and this isn't the place for girl advice. Go find a dating forum.

Freedom of discussion in the General Discussion forum...yeah... but suit yourself I suppose.

The frequency is too high with a lot of things.. like the posts by people that don't seem to care about this. If you don't care, why post?

That's a rhetorical question, if you answer it, you are feeding the fact that much more. Stand down.

mcknia07 said:
You said it best Cy! Now, tell us when this will go into effect...

You heard the lady. Obviously this type of thread goes nucking futs after a certain point.

Lock it.
  • #81
mikeknick04 said:
If you don't care, why post?

I think this falls under pet peeve category for many people here. If it were a member who's having personal trouble or something and wants advice, and if it happened once in a while, I wouldn't have a problem with it personally. But when so many people sign up seemingly just to ask this sort of question, it gets annoying.

Especially when they start their post with stereotypical statements like "I'm probably asking the wrong crowd *wink wink* *nudge nudge*"

well, gee... if you think we are all a bunch of socially inadequate mouth-breathers, why even ask?

I wouldn't go on a bodybuilding community forum and start a thread with "hey, can anyone help me derive this function? ... not that you'd be any help, seeing as you guys are all jocks like me and know nothin about dat fancy book-learnin', tee-hee-hee"
  • #82
mikeknick04 said:
Freedom of discussion in the General Discussion forum...yeah... but suit yourself I suppose.

The frequency is too high with a lot of things.. like the posts by people that don't seem to care about this. If you don't care, why post?

That's a rhetorical question, if you answer it, you are feeding the fact that much more. Stand down.

You heard the lady. Obviously this type of thread goes nucking futs after a certain point.

Lock it.

I would also ban you with your zero post count. This is a physics forum. You're not here for physics. Get lost.

You clearly have no intention of posting anything related to physics in the main forums. Why are you here?

I know I am charming, but sheesh.
  • #83
Note: the author was extremely bored at the exact moment he posted this.. please take with a few moles of NaCl.

moe darklight: I agree with the majority of your post but the sharp jab as follows:

moe darklight said:
well, gee... if you think we are all a bunch of socially inadequate mouth-breathers, why even ask?

First off, the threads are started to fray together.. see the word play back there? ohh that confidence... haha, yet another thread blended into this sweet mix.. This guy didn't call anyone anything when he initially posted but I will serenely retort that statement.

With Gothic_Fredrick, he obviously hit the panic button and posted, and the vultures that circle this desert swooped into scavenge the carcass of a post. It was funny and light-hearted with all the harsh anonymity that comes with asking for advice over the internet from friendly sources. So it goes...

With regards to the thread that I believe you are replying to..
Ever considered the fact that he might be a... let's see what was sweet wording you used.. socially inadequate mouth-breather... and he was just curious as to how social interactions commenced during and after the university life? I figured he posted because he thought maybe he'd gain some insight from people similar to him, you know... 'NERDS!' Instead he was mocked in the same general way as Fred here.

I'm not saying that's a bad thing either. I think it's ****ing hilarious..sometimes. But I'm going to say this again...

mikeknick04 said:
Obviously this type of thread goes nucking futs after a certain point.

Lock it.

And to finish this bitchin' post off, a quote from a new friend of mine.

Cyrus said:
I would also ban you with your zero post count. This is a physics forum. You're not here for physics. Get lost.

You clearly have no intention of posting anything related to physics in the main forums. Why are you here?

I love you too.

OH, and last time I checked where I was posting.. it was in 'General Discussion' in the 'PF Lounge'.. Not any of those silly Academia Forums.

I'm here for General Discussion.. in the PF Lounge.. if you must know. Thanx! =)

So, for the integrity of this forum, please lock this thread.

post script: I don't like being called out. I'm just doing my own thing.. I'm not here to start controversy or trepidation, and honestly, the faster this thread is locked, the better of everyone will be.


Arrivederci e buona notte...
  • #84
That's enough. As I've said before, you will not survive long here if you intend to poke fun at the regular members and their "silly Academia Forums." I suggest you stop this now, lest the warnings become formal.

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